Hey everyone. Boy has it been a while. First off I'd like to apologize for my absence, second for just how utterly bad this story is, haha. I started writing this fic when I was about 13-14, so my grammar was absolutely horrific. Honestly, it still is, which is sad since I've been taking AP English courses. The US school system is easy to play, my friends! It's sad, but it's the truth. Anybody can get straight A's.

I've got a few things to address when it comes to this fic as well. I made quite a lot of mistakes over my time writing this story. Originally, Miku was not supposed to come back until the epilogue, but since it's been so long since Miku (as well as everyone else and their mother)received Appends that I just don't feel it matters anymore. I think what happened is that I started writing a paragraph that I didn't like, and then forgot to change "a whole year" to "two years" when referring to the time skip. To put it shortly, I am extremely scatter brained, both then and now.

Secondly, this story is going on almost four years of age. Honestly I had dropped it all together long ago, but it was the kind words and encouraging reviews that kept me wanting to finish the story some day. School gets busier and busier, and the fandom has also grown harsher. At times the old fans were not enough to encourage me to finish, and yet...

And yet this story is still getting followers. It's still added to story alerts and many add it to their favorites.

Honestly, I'm awestruck. I'm so happy to see people who love this fandom so much. I had begun to lose faith in it after running into the large, not-so-friendly portion of the fandom. It's music, and we all just need to relax and listen. It's also a love for the characters that, even without personalities, can touch our hearts in a way no human can. A lot of people forget this, and I did too.

So enough of this sappy bull crap, I've got a story to finish.

I admit, it's not the best, nor was it ever, but thank you guys for sticking around. I'm only finishing it for you.

I'll put everything I've got into this one last chapter, so enjoy!

You, Whom I've Always Loved

There was a foggy emptiness in his mind, a shuddering light clawing through the darkness to make sense of it all as his heart beat rapidly.

The stage was set, he was posed, and all was dark.

And she was next to him, breathing his air.

Beneath his feet, the cold surface of the stage reflected the silhouettes of the light above him. Through his terror, he could remember their pattern. Yellow, yellow, white, yellow, white. A delicate pattern he'd spent months planning and synthesizing effects with. Each was set to perfectly illuminate the two of them and compliment their every twist and turn.

The stage's black curtains dangled before him, gentle shuffles of fabric blowing in the faint breeze of the now living fog machine. You've got this, they whispered, It will be perfect.

That's right, he thought, everything within this hall is set and ready. Everything is prepared for perfection.

And yet he was not prepared at all.

Ragged breaths escaped his mouth as his anxiety rose. She turned to him then, concerned, and he quickly clamped his mouth shut to muffle the noise through his nose.

He could feel his hands sweating, legs shaking, heart pounding within his chest as his blue eyes darted around the darkness in one last attempt to seek escape.

It's not too late! he thought quickly. He bit his lip. Maybe I can just get them to stop this before they lift the curtains!

He contemplated the idea, but stopped short, realizing his own cowardice.

No. He thought. Images played in his mind. Every time they'd been so close to eachother. The image of Rin's pretty blue eyes flashed behind his eyes.

No. He wouldn't give up. The longing he had to hold her hand, the many times he'd regretted missing a hug, all the times - if he had just leaned a little farther in - their lips could have met...

He couldn't chicken out. What happened to manning up to the situation? What about all the times her innocent smiles had sent his heart soaring? He wanted more of that. He wanted more of that intimate closeness he couldn't achieve as 'just a friend'. This situation now was torturing, but watching her be like that with someone else was plain unimaginable. He swallowed hard, clenching his hands.

The curtain rose.

The lights flickered on.

And then, he stepped forward.

The music played.

The first song played, a simple song about friendship and childish antics. A song that, to him, celebrated their first year together as friends. It was pure nostalgia, reminding him of so many things he thought he'd forgotten. He remembered the shy Rin that he'd met, the one he had brought out of her shell. Memories of the countless ways they'd pulled pranks on a young , ice-cream loving idiot drifted through his thoughts. His head spun with the visuals, the countless memories floating back to him now as me moved in time with the melody. Luka joining their not-so-tiny family, Gakupo's never ending obsession with his eggplant garden in the back yard, how Miku fried leeks in her scrambled eggs and was always cheerily let them have a bite. He remembered the days when he and Rin had shoved each other around like siblings, pulling each other's hair and punching each other in the shoulders. He remembered it all. The first year, to him, was incredibly silly, but incredibly fun.

The second song was a bit quicker paced, but it blended effortlessly with the first. Len, who knew every twist and turn, seamlessly dissolved into the next set off moves. The music playfully fluttered in his ears, a happy toon that told of the closest of friends. Yes, this was their time spent together, their familiarity with one another and the close proximities they could share in comfort. There were no awkward glances, no flustered physical contact, only laughter and a deep bond shared between them. That was the second year.

They were always together. That's what the third song sang. A little world of their own had been born and shaped from then on, their bonds becoming stronger and stronger as time passed. The memories of paparazzi flooding them and obsessing over their relationship status pulled itself to the front of his thoughts, and he cringed slightly as the thought threw him a bit off balance, causing him to twist his ankle. A few audible gasps were heard from those sitting in the front row, but nothing significant. Len brushed it off as he gracefully turned his body. He shook his head and relieved his mind of the darker days, focusing on the sweeter memories. He remembered a specific night Rin had snuck into his room as he slept. He had awoken the next morning to find her sleeping innocently next to him, on top of his blankets. When he had asked her why she was there, she had explained to him her newly formed panic disorder attacked her every night before she could fall asleep. Prying revealed that him she felt safer with him. After that, the whole family had helped move her room next to his. She hadn't had a single panic attack since.

The fourth song began to play, and he noticed Rin's eyes widen. She was beginning to catch on. A sudden, panicked flutter erupted in his chest as she whipped her head toward him, a shocked expression on her face. Before she could make eye contact, Len turned his face away, concentrating on the crowd. A sinking feeling grew in his chest. Crap... Crap crap crap crap crap.

The look shown on her face was terrifying to him, and the realization dawning on the crowd was frightening as well. He watched thousands of faces light up, slowly, one by one.

He felt like he was going to choke on his own tongue.

The pace picked up and he moved his body in time, Rin doing the same. She was attempting to get closer to him, he could see, and he skirted around her.

Stop it! he shouted in his mind. Stop getting closer! I have to get to that spot before the song ends!

He glanced to his right as his body moved to the particular spot he needed. He felt his limbs finally begin to tire as the lights began to ebb back into darkness. He turned back toward the blonde girl he felt oh so strongly for, silently beckoning her to follow. Just before the lights went out completely, she ceased dancing and ran towards him. She reached him just as the lights went out.

They gasped and panted, ragged breaths audible to one another as the crowd began confused cheers, but ceased when more lights began to flicker along the stage floor.

"Len..." Rin spoke between gasps. "Len... What are you-?"

He finally met her eyes, twin flames of blue that were asking so many questions. He gulped, face flaming red from nervousness and the effort of the long dance. He inhaled deeply, desperately trying to catch his breath before his solo began. This was it.

"Rin." his microphone was off. "There's something I've wanted to tell you for ages..."

Her eyes grew wider.

"Please... Please don't freak out.' he whispered. "Even if you..." he gulped. "Even if you don't feel the same."


A blast of music sounded before she could say more, and a single white spotlight shone down on the two of them.

He hated making this so dramatic. He wanted this to be private, but as a performer he understood the appeal of such a scene. Yet that wasn't what he intended. Right here, right now, they were enveloped in a white light that shrouded the crowd in darkness. They could see no one else but each other, but the crow could see them perfectly. Even if he was rejected, he wanted the world to know what was about to happen. Even if she didn't feel the same, all would know that Len Kagamine loved Rin, and no matter who they were, no one else was having her. At least, they wouldn't while he was around.

The introductory part of the song began to ebb into a softer piano, the notes of the melody lightly drifting through the concert hall.

It was original. It was written by himself. It was heartfelt.

He looked her straight in the eye, and he sang.

It was a song full of admiration, full of feelings he'd never expressed for anyone else. The lines were beautifully crafted, comparable to the beauty of freshly bloomed spring flowers. It was a song of long, the desire to feel her hand in his own, how he wanted to hold her when she was sad and play their favorite video games until the sun started to rise. His song pulled at her heart and played at the feelings she shared. Not once did she tear away her eyes from his own.

He was sweating, his pupils were wide -much like a startled cat-, and his face was beat red. Len looked as though he was about to topple over on his now weak ankle. Rin reached out and gently took his hands, a huge blush creeping up onto her face as his face became an impossible shade of red from the contact at such a nerve-racking moment.

Her eyes became cloudy with tears, and she finally felt a sensation in her heart like butterflies breaking free of a net. She was so happy... So happy...

"To you, whom I have always loved-" He sang.

He felt the same as she did.

"As long as you will return these feelings-"

He always had.

"I will never leave your side."

It was the most beautiful song she'd ever heard.

Four years later

"Are you guys ready!?" Miku shouted, a huge grin upon her face.

The women standing below her cheered, jumping up and down in their teal bridesmaids dresses. Luka, the maid of honor, gave a laugh. "I think they're ready Miku!"

"You sure?" Miku giggled, waving the bouquet playfully in the air.

The girls gave a louder cheer, Mew's "Hurry up!" louder than the rest.

"Alright, here it comes!"

She lightly tossed the bundle of flowers down into the crowd of female Vocaloids, who began to laugh, giggle and shriek in excitement. As it fell farther, the crowd became denser as the moved together, playfully determined the catch the thing. At Luka's wedding, it had been Miki who caught the bouquet, grinning wickedly towards a very red-in-the-face Piko. At Meiko's wedding, it had been sweet Haku who gazed around in a drunken stupor before throwing it back up in the air. It had then landed in the hands of a very confused Yuuma, who had done all he could to both avert his Utau girlfriend's dreamy gaze, and to force the other male Vocaloids to stop teasing him about catching a woman's bouquet.

Now, it was Miku's wedding, and the girls were excited about getting another chance at the sacred item. Just as screams of "I've got it!" and "It's mine!" emerged from several pairs of lips, the crowd realized it was heading for the food table, where a certain blonde Vocaloid was standing.

Miku gasped.

Having 'snuck' away from the crowd, Rin grinned happily as she was about to dig into her fifth slice of cake. Yet her dreams were dashed as the flowers landed heavily on top of the beautiful slice of white spongy deliciousness.

Kersplat! Right on her plate.

The blonde screamed in horror, spinning around angrily. "Alright, which one of... you.."

The crowd grinned at her mischievously, beginning a round of applause. A few whoops and hollers came over from the crowd as the men laughed from the other side of the room, patting Len on the back.

Rin looked down, and her face went beet red as she stared up at Miku, whose beautiful teal eyes danced with laughter and a bubbling happiness. Rin couldn't help but giggle at the sight.

"Bye Miku," Rin sighed, hugging her friend tightly. She would miss the tealette. The mornings would seem so dull now without her melodic voice wafting from the kitchen.

Miku was so happy though, a teary smile playing on her face. Even though the slight run of her mascara from her small crying fit earlier, Miku looked like a beautiful, delicate princess. Her hair was tied back into an elegant bun, lovely strands hanging loosely to accentuate her features. Her bright eyes glittered in the evening sun.

"We'll come to visit, don't worry Rin-rin." She gave Rin a hug, and then released the blonde.

"See ya, Kaito." Len said, wrapping him in a tight 'bro hug' "I'm gonna miss ya, man."

"Stop by any time," Kaito laughed. "We'll need the help."

the two made their way to their limousine, Kaito opening to door for his new wife. Miku carefully picked up the skirts of her large dress, and found a way to shuffle in. Kaito was not far behind her, and soon the two were waving from the windows as they drove off. Rin wiped at her eyes.

"I'm going to miss them," she said, voice cracking a little. "The house will feel so empty now that they're leaving."

Len nodded. Smiling, he grabbed her left hand, which was already adorned with a sparkling engagement ring. "Yeah," he murmured "but you'll always have me."

Rin smiled, and Len smiled back at her as they locked eyes. All of the emotions they shared were displayed in that one look, two pairs of blue orbs glowing happily in the afternoon sunlight.

It were as though she were looking in a mirror, staring back at a subtle reflection.

Well, that's the end of Subtle Reflections, guys! It's been a long time coming, but I can finally say I've finished it! I hope you guys have enjoyed and have been able to keep your sanity when it comes to my awful grammar, haha.

Also - I apologize if anything seems weird or misworded. I don't have a beta reader and I typed this all up in one night.

Thank you all for being such a wonderful audience.