Hello everyone!

I read this book, and I just couldn't resist!

Please read and review!

I'll love you eternally! Well, I do anyway, because you must be awesome to have read all of the Twilight saga!

This story is written in honour of RandomJibberish. Read her shiz, you will thank me!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, Stephenie Meyer still claims she wrote them. Silly her.



Diego ran. It was what he was best at. Riley knew vampires could survive during the day. Of course he knew, he's not an idiot. He was supposed to go to her house. How could he? He didn't trust her, he didn't even know her NAME for gods sake.

He left a message for Riley to pass onto Bree. He told Riley that the message was a "ninja thing", which he hoped Bree would understand that he had ran, and that Riley didn't know. He also said "I've got a handshake figured out. I'll show her in four days, when we meet up." He knew that Riley would believe that this meant that they would meet up in battle, and hoped beyond hope that Bree would guess to go to their cave, instead of going to the battlefield.

After Riley had given him directions to her house, he set off in that general direction. But instead of ending up in her house, he went to the sea. He swam until he found a scuba diver. He fed off of him, then tangled the swimmers breathing apparatus in sea weed so that it would look like he drowned, then got bitten by a fish or something. It took the edge off the thirst. He wondered were the vampires being fed, or trained. He tried to imagine Bree doing training exercises, but he just couldn't imagine it. He could only imagine her sitting at the sidelines, reading, hiding behind Freaky Fred.

He thought back over his conversation with Riley. Riley had told him about the battle with these yellow eyed vampires, that he expected Diego to fight in. He told Riley about this "being safe in the sun four days a year" lie. It worried him that Riley had such control over the vampires, that he could possibly convince them that this was anyway true. It was stupid. Why would the battle be on this day? That was just too big a coincidence. But then again, thinking was not encouraged by Riley.

Diego wished that Bree was with him. Diego always wished that Bree was with him. He wasn't sure if leaving her alone to fight in this battle was the best idea. He hoped she could decipher the message. If she went into the battle, she could be killed. That would torture him. He barely knew her, yet he felt like he'd known her all his life.

He thought back to the two kisses they had shared. On both of these occasions he felt like he was going to burst with happiness. He was so happy the first time when she didn't just push him away. He knew she hadn't been expecting it, but he also knew how happy she had been when he kissed her, even if he only had the nerve to kiss her for a mere second or two, and that being just a peck. He imagined spending eternity with her. He would kiss her every chance he got, not letting her out of his sight for any length of time. I'm not clingy at all!

He loved being around her. She was just so cool. If he had joked about them being BFFs or being ninja's with any of the other vampires, they would have probably tore off one or more of his limbs. He remembered when he left the pure dreg for her. The way her eyes never left his, as though she had expected him to take the body away from her. He was glad he had done it, even if he was still hungry afterwards. That was the beginning of everything, and he was glad he had her.

"We would certainly be prepared to take responsility for Bree" Carlisle said.

Bree looked from the Volturi to the yellow eyed vampires, and the delicious smelling Bella, then back to the Volturi, to Jane.

Jane looked thoughtful in her eyes, but her mouth was still slightly smiling, but not causing her pain. That child was terrifying.

"We don't make exceptions." Jane said, amused.

"I know you don't, but, if we trained her. She wouldn't be Bree. She would live like this, like us. We would turn her into a Cullen. She didn't get a choice into her life, and I'm sure if you asked her, she'd be more than willing to change." Carlisle pleaded on her behalf.

Bree was amazed. These vampires that didn't know her, that the vampires she believed were her enemies, were pleading for her life. Was it to spite the Volturi, or did they actually believe that her life, or second life, was worth preserving?

The four Volturi looked at each other for a long minute. Bree held her breath, so to speak, this not being that difficult because it was not like she needed to breathe anyway.

Eventually, Jane said "We will give you a month. If Bree is still like she is now, we will destroy her."

I was shocked. I had myself written off as dead, so did everyone else. A few more words were exchanged, but I didn't care what was said afterwards. I got to live! The only other thing that I picked up on in the conversation was "Caius will be so interested to hear that you're still human, Bella."

So they planned to change her to a vampire. The date was set even. I envied the vampire who got to change her, got to taste that sweet blood, to savour it. I looked at the red haired vampire who had his arms around her again. Would it be he who changed her? More than likely she decided. She was interested in their relationship. He obviously wished to keep Bella human from the look he shot at Jane when she mentioned the fact that Bella was human. Why would he want that?

She would ask him later.


The thought that there would BE a later was amazing.

She wasn't going to die.

But…Diego… The thought of him made her want to scream. He couldn't be dead. He just couldn't.

She remembered the brief kisses they had shared. "I'll show her in four days…" That was today. Did he really believe he would survive going to her?

Her…Victoria? Now she had a name, instead of their creator, did that even change anything, the Cullens already knew who she was. So would not knowing her name have saved them after all? Did Riley and Victoria really believe that the Cullens would have killed the newborns by association? Or would knowing about Victoria have given the mind reader extra information. She didn't know. She wished that Diego had been there so that they could have worked it out together.

She wondered did Diego ever learn her name? Would they let her go to Fred? She doubted it. They had claimed they would take care of her, and she assumed that meant that they would not let her out of their sight until she was like them. What did being like them even mean? Was there some challenge she had to overcome?

The Volturi were gone. Vampires had a police. How could they reinforce law? What laws were there? Was there a book of vampire laws? A vampire court? The mind reader obviously knew what she was thinking, all the questions that were going through her head. The burning in her throat had returned, and all other thoughts and emotions were forgotten. It was agony. Venom filled her mouth just thinking about Bella's blood. How could they stand it. The breeze kept blowing Bella's scent towards Bree. She tried to turn away, but she couldn't. She was too drawn to the scent.

The mind reader spoke to the short, dark haired female vampire and glanced at Bree a few times. The other vampire glanced at Bree, nodded her head, and her and the human walked away.

The red haired mind reader came over to where Bree was standing.

"First, I am Edward, not the red haired mind reader. The other vampire that Bella left with is called Alice. Second, you will get used to having Bella around. It will be difficult, I know that much. It usually takes vampires hundreds of years to be able to resist the pull of blood. Sometimes I still have the urge to bite her, but I never would. I love her. Thirdly, no, she's not my pet as you were told by Riley. She is the love of my life." he told her. She was glad he was able to read her thoughts so she didn't have to ask all of the questions that bugged her out loud.

"I'm confused. You're supposed to be my enemy, we were supposed to kill you, we lose, but you still fight for my life, when I know I mean nothing to you." Bree said, sounding genuinely confused.

"We do not waste lives." Carlisle said, walking over, obviously having listened into their conversation. "Come on now Bree, time to go home."

Riley Park, Vancouver. There was a bench that people couldn't look at properly that day. When they passed it, they felt nauseous. No one could understand why, but soon forgot about it.

Some people even swear that they heard a voice say "24 hours… Good luck Bree…"

Suddenly, people could see the bench again.

It was a strange day in Riley Park.

Sitting in the cave, Diego waited.

She hadn't came. He was getting really worried. Was she dead? Did she die in the battle?

He reasoned that he would have known if she'd died, he would have had a feeling in his gut or something, but really, deep down he knew that that wasn't true, and just didn't want to think that he hadn't been there to protect her.


He sat in the pillar of light he had created that day with Bree, admiring the sparkle of his skin. It illuminated the cave, casting rainbows on the walls.

He remembered how scared of the sunlight she'd been. It went against everything she'd been taught, everything she'd learned. She had pushed him back so he wouldn't have gotten burned, she would have risked her life for his on the first day they'd met each other. He smiled at that memory.

I love her… He thought about this statement. Did he? Was that feeling love? Could he love her? He didn't know her that well really. But yes. It was love. But was she dead? Could they have won? Riley certainly made it sound like they had a good chance. But Riley was cocky. He knew that well. These questions swam in his mind. He tried to push them back, but he couldn't. He needed to know she was alive and well.


What could he do now? He could go to the battlefield. It was getting dark now anyway. He knew exactly where it was, Riley had told him. Was Riley angry at him for not going to the battle? Did Riley care?

Bree, where are you?

That's that, that's the first chapter! Tell me what you think, won't you, my darling reviewers?

I will reply to every review, because I'm awesome like that!

I hope you like it, please tell me what you think, and if you think I should continue it!

