I'm not sure I'm happy with this to be honest, but I just had to write something about the bow tie in particular. I love that bow tie. It's all from The Doctor's perspective. Enjoy! (Or at least try to...Just keeping the muse alive! And there's so much Doctor Who-ness in me right now...) I don't own Doctor Who. But my God I wished I did.
It was obvious when he saw himself reflected back off Prisoner Zero that he was young...very young. Even younger than that wacky tenth incarnation, or even the fifth, (that was fun,
though he hadn't been blonde since. Good thing too, he was waiting on ginger.) and now here he was, with more of it! More of that hair! It was no wonder he'd thought himself female for one horrifying moment. So long and floppy, constantly getting in the way. Gel couldn't even harbour this wild mess.
But how could the villains of the universe take him seriously with such a face? Of course his name preceded him, it wouldn't matter to them, not at all, but perhaps it would to him?
So now he observes himself in the mirror, having sent the Atraxi packing, having saved earth, for what, the billionth time? He loses count. It's over and done with now, though, and he surveys his new attire with great pleasure. Yes, this sets him off rather.
He twists himself round, rolls his shoulders and lifts his chin. There it is, there's the bowtie. That was definitely a good choice. Much better than a normal boring tie, and so cool! He wonders why he hasn't worn something like this in so long. It looks better on a young body than an old. Amy doesn't like it and he doesn't understand why. It's cool! The way it sits there, doesn't stray, it doesn't flap about everywhere like a tie, like the tenths so often did, and he doesn't trip over it on occasion like the scarf he had during his fourth incarnation. There's something so sophisticated about a bow tie, and he thinks that's why he likes it so much, why it's so cool, because it makes him look older, just that bit closer to his nine hundred odd years, and it stands alert, looking so good on this young body. Yes, bow ties are definitely the way to go, they can do everything any other piece of clothing can't...
But then his eyes glide over the tweed jacket, and while it isn't half as cool as the bow tie, it has a timeless quality, which is always a plus when in relation to the Doctor, as he himself is timeless. He turns this way and that, he stretches his arms out and tugs the sleeves down. Yes he likes this, easier to move in than the suit, comfier, and then it's a classic of course, an earth classic if he recalls, and it reminds him of his first regeneration, when he was so old, when he was properly respected. Ten hadn't been respected...He was a child, he looked like a child. The Doctor understands he is younger now, younger than that, but his full nine hundred years is fully visible in these eyes and visible in these new mannerisms. The stride, the fretting of the hands, the drawl of the deep, very English voice. The tweed jacket compliments these things quite nicely.
The braces and the boots and the rolled up trousers are to make things simple, to properly match his lifestyle, (though he must say he misses the comfy-ness of the Converse). No belts to fuss around with, just braces to pull down, and no long material on the legs to get caught and frayed during all of that running, that awful amount of running. The boots are cool too, he'd liked those when he first saw them. They would be perfect for running, they'd go through space mud like a knife through butter, they wouldn't skid and they wouldn't hassle.
The eleventh Doctor quite likes the way he looks, but he doesn't care what anyone else thinks.
Nobody will get the Doctor down about his bowtie ;) REVIEW? :D