This chapter is for EternallySky.

She leant her head on his chest, breathing lightly. She suddenly became conscious of the rain falling on her and Roxas. They had only been outside for five minutes and they were already drenched.

She quickly wrapped her hand around his, forcing their fingers to intertwine and pulling him inside. She walked into the hall, watched as Roxas pushed the door shut behind him and turned to face her.

"You can't stay in those clothes, you only just got rid of your cold" she tugged at the bottom of his t-shirt.

He leant forward and kissed her on the forehead. She felt her face go red as she heard Roxas' footsteps echo in the silent hall as he climbed upstairs.

'GAH!' she thought as thoughts raced through her mind and her heart beat increased. She could hear the floor boards from upstairs creak occasionally as he moved through the halls to her room. She banged her head against the wall next to her twice in a desperate hope for some clarity in this situation.

"Your clothes are wet too"

Her blonde hair stuck to her face as she turned to see Roxas stood at the top of the stairs looking down at her.

"Hey" Roxas spoke. The unusual glint in Naminé's eye gave her up instantly. "Nam, what's up?"

She didn't even realise he had walked down the stairs and was now standing in front of her. She didn't bother lifting her head.

"What happens now?" she felt her eyes sting. "You know I love you, I'm your best friend. I've know you since I can remember but, what happens if it doesn't work or if we end up hating each other or-"

Roxas cut her sentence short, putting his hand under her chin to make her face him.

"Naminé" he had her full attention. "I could never hate you and you know that."

She smiled.

"You always make me feel better"

"Come on, you need to get out of those clothes" he slipped his hand discreetly into hers and led her upstairs to her room. Roxas dropped her hand and turned away to get a shirt, stopping when he felt Naminé's hand refusing to let go of his. He turned to face her, watching as she stepped forward and ran a hand up his shoulder to his neck, leaving it there as she kissed him again, more passionately this time. His arms drifted down to her waist, settling nicely in the curve of her hips. He felt her smile under his lips, making him smile too.

"I missed you"

"Hmm…" Kairi's quickly sat up from her lying down position where she had been sleeping.

"What is it?" Sora sat up as her rubbed his eyes, looking around for the red head in the darkness of his room.

He saw her outline leaning forward. She then grabbed a discarded top from Sora's floor and slipped it over her head as she stood up and walked towards the door.

"Kairi, what are you going?" he said, still not fully awake.

"I need to check something" she rested her hand on the door handle.

She heard Sora yawn and stand up. "What is it?"

"I just got this crazy feeling, and I think Naminé and Roxas made out" she tapped her chin with her index finger.

"…that's kinda creepy" was his response as he stood next to her. "So what do you need to check?"

"I want to see if I was right" she turned the handle and crept down the hall with Sora behind her until they came to Roxas' room. She stopped abruptly and turned to face Sora. "If I am right, then Roxas and Naminé had a fight earlier, then they both left each other alone for about 4 hours, then gave up and both apologized to each other, that's when they started making out. And, my prediction for tomorrow is that Roxas and Naminé will come here before school because Roxas' school bag is in the bottom of his closet, and when they do they won't say anything, but they will be all smiley and not as sarcastic."

"How the hell would you know all that!"

"Well…" she started, "Roxas was here earlier, which means Naminé and him had a fight otherwise he would be at hers or she would have been here. They have never been apart for more than 4 hours since they were 10. They can't be apart from each other, therefore at that point they would miss each other so much they would apologize even if they didn't do anything wrong. And they should make-out, they belong together!" she flailed her arms in a fan girl fashion on the last part.

"Ok…" Sora said slowly, taking in everything his girlfriend just said. "So then, if you are right Roxas won't be in his room because he will be…well, I don't really want to think about it…"

"Exactly! She said, turning the door knob and slowly opening the door.

They both crept in, looking around for a sign of life but to no avail.

"Well" Kairi flicked the light switch. "I hate to brag but I am truly awesome" she smirked.

Sora laughed lightly, bringing his arms to her and pulling her close to him. She giggled in response, kissing him lightly on the nose. Sora smiled, returning her kiss with a longer, more passionate one.

Naminé awoke the next morning in her bed as usual. She stretched her legs under her covers, feeling the soft white fabric brush again her skin. It was so quite she could hear her every breath.

Wait. Not her breath.

She moved her hand up, brushing it against the familiar surface. Naminé opened her eyes. She sighed when she saw Roxas sleeping peacefully beside her, his eyes closed and his breathing light enough that it tickled her nose slightly when he exhaled. She couldn't help but smile at him. Her best friend…well, maybe not anymore. Where they something more, was this just a one time thing? Naminé exhaled sadly, confused as to what would happen now.

She half climbed, half tumbled out of bed and made her way down to the kitchen, where she put a pot of coffee on and picked up one of her comics from its face down position on the worktop.


She cast her eyes round the magnolia kitchen to Roxas, who was now awake…kinda. He rubbed his eyes with the backs of his hands and yawned cutely.

"Morning" she smiled, creeping up and kissing his lips gently. He kissed her back and laid his head on top of hers while she rested hers on his chest.

"Hey" she could hear him smiling as he spoke, enjoying the motion of his chest rising and falling as he breathed. "What time is it?"

She pushed herself away from him, keeping her hands hooked round the back of his neck and looked towards the microwave.

"9.30am" she said and looked up, her face right in front of Roxas'.

He smiled at her, and she watched as his gazed left her eyes and trickled down her face, stopping at her lips.

She kissed him gently, hesitantly even. He smiled, returning the favour. The kiss gained depth. Naminé felt her back being pushed against the work top, smirking at his actions and brushing a hand through his hair.

"Well well well, what have we here?"

The two quickly pulled away from each other and turned to the doorway where Kairi was leaning against the door frame next to Sora who was stood grinning like a Cheshire cat. Naminé nearly fell over, clearly unhappy with their presense which was shown by the frown accompanied with wild blush.

"Heh heh, Roxas scored" Sora laughed heartily after he winked towards them.

"W-what are you two doing here?" Naminé asked, embarrassed and red faced as she removed her arms slowly from Roxas' neck.

"We just came to check up on you, Kairi got a 'feeling' again" Sora air quoted.

"And was I right? Of course!" She smirked, crossing her arms over her chest. "But that's not the only reason I'm here. Naminé, do you remember what today is?"

"…N-no, I have n-nothing planned for today…" she muttered with her head down as she discreetly moved towards the back door.

"Ooh, so you DO remember! Well, you better get dressed you're appointment is at 11am" Kairi walked towards the panicky blonde, who broke into a sprint, throwing the back door open and running out into the garden.

All three of them ran into the garden, trying to catch Naminé as she ran round dodging everyone expertly.

"You are going to the dentist Namine!" Kairi shouted as she jumped on top of her, pinning her to the floor. The poor girl struggled for dear life but Sora and Roxas were there in a flash to help Kairi pin her down. Quickly Sora lifted her and threw the poor girl over his shoulder, beginning to march back inside the house.

"LET ME DOWN!" She shouted at the top of her voice, banging her clenched firsts against Sora's back, trying to grab anything that would delay them temporarily.

"No Naminé! Now, are you going to dress yourself or are we going to have to do it again?" Kairi stood with her arms folded, behind Sora where she could be seen by the struggling girl.

A sigh escaped her pale, slightly swollen lips as Sora entered her room and put her down. Kairi threw some jeans and a tank top that she found on the floor towards her, and she caught them with sad looking eyes.

"We'll be waiting outside, don't even think about climbing out the window!" Kairi ordered, closing the door behind her.

Small strand of blonde hair fell in front of her face as she leant down, putting the clothes Kairi threw at her on the floor and picking up a dress. She removed her clothes and threw it over her head, pulling it down accordingly before she pulled a pair of gladiator sandals from her closet and putting them on.

"Are you done yet?" Kairi cooed from outside the door.

"Almost" she said bitterly as she brushed her teeth and ran a brush through her hair quickly. She watched as her bedroom door flew open and the demonic red head charged in.

"You!" She pointed accusingly at the blonde. "It's time to go"

"Don't just barge in, I could have been naked or something" she exclaimed.

"But were you?"

"…N-no…but-" she stuttered.

"Then there is no problems, now listen to me. Roxas is going to take you to the dentist, and I don't want any funny business missy!"

"Yes ma'am" she raised a hand and saluted sarcastically before marching past Kairi and down the stairs.

When she landed in the bottom hall she saw Roxas and Sora stood in the doorway talking about something. They both turned at the same time to look at her, Sora showing her a toothy grin while Roxas smiled gently.

"Hey Nam, you ready?" Roxas asked, twirling his car keys around his index finger.

"As ready as I'll ever be" a sigh escaped her pale lips as she spoke.

They climbed into the car, smiling and making small conversation. Then Naminé saw the tall white building in the near distance.

"Roxas I can't do this you know I don't like the dentist in fact scratch that I hate the dentist, hate hate hate it! Can we just turn the car around, please? Pretty please with a cherry on top? I'll love you forever!" she rambled while Roxas chuckled and parked the car.

"Heheh" he chuckled deeply and ruffled her hair with his hand. "You already love me"

He winked sarcastically and got out of the car, ignoring the unhappy look on Naminé's face. He stood and watched as she got out the car by herself, and walked past him, giving him a look of fear as she stopped next to him. Roxas smiled reassuringly, taking her hand and leading her in through the double doors into the over-white halls.

"Was that so bad?" Roxas asked as he sat in the car and put his belt on. From the corner of his eye he caught sight of Naminé, happily eating a sugar free lollipop.

"It was terrible, I almost died in there!" she flailed her arms like a crazy person.

"Only because you tried to run away and almost fell down the stairs!" he turned and smirked at her.

"Details…" she shook her hand dismissively, then smiled. Something changed in her attitude and she leant forward, leaving a passionate peck upon Roxas' lips.

After a moment he finally realised what happened and gathered his words.

"What was that for?" he asked with a curious smirk.

"Just 'cause" she shrugged and put her lollipop back in her mouth.

He smiled as he turned the engine on and started reversing out of the space, thinking to himself.

'I could get used to this.'

Zomg, I felt so awkward writing this chapter! Aw well, it's over and done with and I think it turned out ok? The inspiration for this chapter was Disenchanted by My Chemical Romance. If anyone has tumblr, tell me and I will follow you, I love it! :D sorry about the seriously crappy updating, or lack of. I haven't been very well for a while now but I am back baby ;) so hopefully more updates :D

Reason to review this chapter:

Do you play/practise any sports? I take karate and Tae-kwon-do too! :) Anyone else do those? I like gymnastics too but I can't do that anymore because I messed up my shoulder XD if you don't take any sports, what sports would you like to do?