Ok. This is it. We've come to the end. I hope you've enjoyed this journey as much as I have. I will miss this story but it felt like this was a good way to end things. I hope you'll join me with my new stories I've been working on. Thank you for reading. ^_^

After leaving Zexion in his room, Roxas made his way through the castle to Axel's room. He knew that he had to speak with the redhead. He couldn't avoid him any longer. He approached his door and knocked loudly. It was the middle of the morning, so he shouldn't have been asleep still - unless he was out on a mission. "Come in," he heard him say behind the closed the door. Roxas sighed and pushed the door open.

"Axel." Roxas said as he closed the door. He saw that the redhead was sitting on his bed, looking out the window. He had figured that he would be doing something, but he wasn't quite expecting him to look so sad. "We need to talk."

Not bothering to turn around, Axel nodded his head. "I know," he said quietly.

"What happened between us a couple of days ago was not right." Roxas began, taking a deep breath. "I don't know what was wrong with you, but the way you acted was out of line. You had no right to act that way. And then for you to continue...for you to continue fucking me the way you were is not acceptable either. Why would you do that to me? And why would you act that way when you could clearly see that my friend was distressed?" He stayed by the door. He didn't trust himself to be next to the redhead. A part of his chest hurt, knowing that things were coming to an end between the two of them.

"I have no excuse," Axel sighed. "I don't know why I did what I did. All I know is that I'm sorry. I understand if you no longer want to be with me. I don't want to be with me, so why would anyone else? Things are extremely complicated right now for me. I'm sorry, Rox." Axel turned his head and looked at Roxas. Tears were falling from his eyes. "I don't want you to hate me. I couldn't bear it if you hated me," he sobbed slightly.

Giving up, Roxas walked over to Axel and placed his arms around him. He felt the redhead collapse against his chest as he stood there and held him. "Axel, it's ok. Sometimes things are supposed to happen for a reason. You and I, we had a good run together. But things change. People change. It's ok." He rubbed his back slowly. "But you're right. I don't want to be with you anymore. I would still like to be friends, but that's it. What we had between each other is no longer. I don't know when things changed, but they did." He slowly pulled away from Axel.

"For not having a heart, my chest sure does hurt," Axel muttered.

Roxas walked over to the door. "I guess I'll see you around?"

"Sure, Rox. I'll see you." Axel said as he watched the blonde leave his room. He hadn't been surprised that he finally came to him. He had been delaying this conversation, but knew that it was inevitable. He sighed and opened a portal. Stepping through, he materialized in Saix' room.

"Axel? What's wrong?" Saix asked, when he saw the redhead step into his room.

"Roxas and I are over."

"Oh gosh. Are you ok?" Saix approached his friend and pulled him into a hug.

"Yeah. I knew this day was coming. And honestly, it's better this way. I know that I want to be with you, but this whole thing with Xemnas scares the shit out of me." He began to cry against his friend. "He has to realize that you can't be at his beck and call. I don't like the idea of him touching you in any way, shape or form!" He pressed his lips against the bluenette's, not caring that they were out in the open.

Saix quickly pulled back. He held out his arm and flicked his wrist, opening a portal. "Wait here," the bluenette commanded his friend. All Axel could do was nod. He stepped through the portal and disappeared.


Standing out front of the Superior's door, Saix raised his hand to knock - only to be stopped by a voice. "Come in, Number VII." He sighed and opened the door.

Walking in, he saw that Xemnas was sitting at his desk. "What can I do for you today?"

Not wanting to chicken out, Saix began. "Sir, I must inform you that I do not want to be in a relationship with you. You are my Superior and I would like for you to remain so. I don't care that you find me attractive and that you feel you can't be without me." Xemnas began to interrupt him. "No, sir. Please let me finish.

You say that we are free to do as we please around here. I want to be with Axel. Do you know that the night you raped me, Axel began to rape Roxas? That is how connected the two of us are. He could sense my distress and became the embodiment of what was occurring to me. You can't tell me that that doesn't mean something.

Axel has always meant a lot to me. Even before we became Nobodies. His past and mine are deeply intertwined - as you know from when you inducted us into the Organization. I have always belonged to him, as he has belonged to me, in some way. Please understand that this means nothing against you. You are my Superior and I will obey your orders. However, when it comes to my sexual side, I cannot give that to you. Nor should I have to. If one is not willing, then there should be no reason to pursue it. I hope you understand."

Saix looked up and finally met Xemnas' amber eyes. They both stood there for a few minutes, just looking at one another. "Very well," Xemnas said quietly. "I still expect the two of you to maintain a proper working relationship in front of the other members of our Organization."

Not believing what he was hearing, Saix remained silent. "Number VII, did you not hear what I said?" Xemnas asked.

"I'm sorry, sir. Yes, I understand. We will maintain a cordial relationship in front of everyone." He could not believe that the Superior had so readily agreed to this.

"Don't think that I wouldn't put up a fight for you." Xemnas said, with a bit of resignation. "However, I can clearly see that I am not the one you desire. If I had a heart, this would make me sad. Consider our relationship one of business. Thank you for coming to me and addressing this with me." He looked at Saix. "You may leave now."

Not wanting to stick around, Saix bowed. "Thank you, Superior. I await your notes for mission assignments." He turned to the door and opened it.

"Take the rest of the day off. You will receive assignments tomorrow. That is all." Xemnas then returned to the work on his desk.

"Acknowledged, Superior." Saix walked out the door, opened a portal and stepped through.


Axel looked up when he saw a portal appear in Saix' room. He looked at his friend with anxious eyes. "Where did you go?"

Saix walked over to where Axel sat on his bed and pushed him down. He straddled his hips and leaned over him. He whispered into his ear, "It is done. I have spoken with Xemnas. He will no longer bother us." He placed a kiss underneath his ear.

"Wait," Axel said as he pulled Saix away from his body. "What are you saying?" Emerald eyes locked with amber ones. "You just went to see him?"

Saix pulled himself back down on top of Axel. "Yes, I just went to see him. I told him that I did not want to be pursued by him anymore. I told him that you and I have been with each other since before we became Nobodies. You've always been mine, Lea." He placed a kiss on his jaw. He smiled as he felt the other man's finally go around him and pull him into a tight hug.

"Wow." He pulled the man up his body and captured his lips in a kiss. He held him close to his body, biting the bluenette's lower lip softly - silently begging to let his tongue touch the other's. He sighed when he felt his mouth open and began to dance for dominance. He grasped the bluenette's shoulders and drank him in. He broke off the kiss to inhale. "Help me take off my clothes," he breathed against the bluenette's neck, placing a gentle kiss on his clavicle.

Not wanting to waste any more time, Saix began to undress Axel. He slowly slid down the zipper of his cloak, revealing his undershirt and black pants. He bent lower as he slowly slid off the man's boots. He threw them to the side and then made his way back up, unzipping his pants. He saw the trail of red on his lower stomach and placed a kiss at the top of his pants. "Mmmm...so beautiful..." He felt the man squirm under him.

"Take them off for me?" Axel pleaded. "I don't know how much longer I can wait. I need to feel you inside of me."

As quickly as Axel had broken off the kiss, Saix quickly rid the redhead of his pants and underwear. He quickly stood up and unzipped his cloak, keeping his eyes locked on Axel's. The redhead stared at him with lust-filled eyes. As he let his cloak drop, he placed his hand at the top of his pants and gently brushed himself. He watched Axel moan as he did this, becoming even more turned on than he already was. He slowly wiggled out of his pants, making sure to touch himself for Axel, no - for Lea. For his body would belong to him as it always had.

Walking back over to the redhead, Axel groaned. "You're killing me, Isa." Saix smiled and slowly took three of his fingers and put them in his mouth. He loved to tease the redhead. "Suck, baby. Does that taste good?" Axel began to purr, encouraging the man to continue sucking his own fingers. Saix nodded and then took his fingers out, only to place them at Axel's entrance. Both continued to watch each other as he inserted his wet fingers inside of him, prepping him. "Oh, yes..." Axel threw his head back, just enjoying the feeling of him being inside of him. He moaned when he felt the fingers withdraw from his body, but then gasped out loud when he felt the bluenette press himself all the way in. He clawed at the blunette's back, urging him in deeper. "Yes!" He cried out, as he felt him begin to slide in and out of him. "Fuck yes, Isa. Please, don't stop!" Axel could not stop babbling. To finally feel complete, with his friend inside of him once again, and this time not having to worry about the Superior finding them in their indiscretion, was a momentous occasion.

Saix began to slide in and out of Axel, creating a rhythm. He watched the redhead's face as he felt the top of his erection brush against his sweet spot, eliciting a moan from him. "Louder, Lea. Be as loud as you want," Saix murmured as he continued his ministrations. He took his right hand and began to stroke Axel's arousal in between their bodies. More moans came from the man. "That's it...more..." Saix begged of his lover. He was getting closer to his release, but he didn't want to go over the edge until he knew that the redhead was close.

"ISA!" Axel screamed loudly as he began to release his orgasm. Saix continued to pump his arousal, as well as coming loudly himself. "LEA"! They both moaned loudly as they finished their orgasms and rode them out together. Soon, they were both breathing heavily while laying there. Saix removed his hand from the redhead's arousal and wiped it on his sheet. He slowly slid out of his friend and went to lay next to him.

"So, I guess this means we don't have to worry about him any longer," Axel whispered, turning to look at his friend.

"That is correct. However, we are to maintain a working relationship in front of the other Organization members." Saix pulled the redhead against his chest and kissed the top of his head. "It's over. No more worrying."

"I'm so glad."

The Next Day


The next morning, Axel went to the Grey Area. He saw Demyx sitting extremely close to Xigbar, as the older man was showing him something in the newspaper he was reading. He nodded at both of them and continued on his way.

He looked to the other side of the room and saw Roxas sitting with Zexion. They both looked like they were deep in conversation. He smiled at them when they noticed him and then he continued on to where Saix was standing, by the window - as always. Roxas looked at Zexion and smiled.

"Do you think he knows?" Roxas asked his lover quietly, as the redhead passed by them.

"If he does, it appears that he doesn't really care." Zexion said, as he reached for the blonde's hand and held it.

"You're all that matters to me," Roxas smiled and just sat there.

Axel approached Saix at the window.

"Good morning, Number VIII."

"Good morning, Number VII. What's on the agenda today?" He looked at his friend and they shared a private smile.

"More heartless."

"Oh goody."

Business went on as usual.