This fic is inspired by a drawing by evil~monkey~chu on deviantArt.

I own nothing! All properities belong to Squeenix.

Roxas took off his cloak and put it in his closet. He made sure that his clothes looked "normal". He had on a pair of jeans, a black and white checkered vest over a red t-shirt. He nervously fumbled with the closet door, trying to pull it shut.

He didn't know what he was doing, or why he was doing it. He only knew that he couldn't wait to be out of the castle. He feared being caught, but that added to the excitement of what was going to take place.

He had received a note early in the morning with a few simple words. "Meet me in the Borough this afternoon at sunset." Nothing else. No name was needed. Roxas knew exactly who had sent him this message, and had made sure to destroy the note as soon as he read it. Too much was at stake if he did not.

He took a deep breath and flicked his wrist to open a dark portal. He stepped through the portal and found himself in the town section of Radiant Garden. He found himself hopping on nervous energy, not quite certain what to expect.

He raced through the town district and hurried to the ruins of the castle, also known as the Borough. He slowed down when he saw the person who had sent him the note standing against the wall. He was wearing his standard issued black pants, but was wearing a two-toned green jersey shirt.

"I'm so glad you came. " The person said as Roxas made his way over to him.

Roxas smiled. "When you sent me that note, did you not expect me to show up? How could I not?" He leaned closer to the man who had summoned him.

Zexion let out a shaky sigh. "I didn't know if you had received it or not. I was called out on a mission before I could confirm you had seen it." He took a deep breath and pulled Roxas closer to him. "You don't know how happy I am that you're here with me now." He hugged Roxas close to his body.

Both were in plain clothes. They had decided that once they began this, that they did not want the Organization, or any of its members, to find out about the two of them. They both knew the risks they took by taking off the protective gear, but neither cared.

Roxas leaned into Zexion. "Are you glad to see me?" He whispered huskily into the slate-haired man's ear. He placed a kiss under his ear on this right shoulder.

Zexion's breath left his body as he grasped Roxas and pulled him closer. "More than you can imagine. All I've done today is think about what was going to happen when you showed up." He brought Roxas' hips closer to his body and rubbed their pelvis' together.

Roxas groaned into his ear. "I wish I knew what we were doing..."

Zexion silenced him with a chaste kiss on the lips. "Don't think, Roxas. Just feel. " He pulled the blonde closer to his body and proceeded to give him a deep kiss.

The two of them really didn't understand what was going on between the two of them. They both had their significant others - Zexion with Demyx, and Roxas with Axel. However, one day while they were both on a mission together - they could not deny the powerful sexual attraction they had to one another. Even though both were happy with their lovers, they felt it was necessary to give in to what their bodies were demanding from each other.

Roxas pressed Zexion against the wall and felt him shudder. There was nowhere for Zexion to escape to. "Tell me, Zex - what do you desire most right now?" Roxas whispered into Zexion's ear, while kissing his neck - making sure to not leave any marks to raise suspicions between their other lovers.

Zexion's eyes widen as he felt Roxas press into him. "The question isn't what do I want." Zexion grabbed Roxas' lips and bit down playfully on his bottom lip. "The real question is, what do you desire?" Zexion took his hand and placed it on Roxas' rock hard erection. He felt Roxas buck beneath him.

Instead of answering with words, Roxas proceeded to press Zexion against the wall and looked around to make sure no one was in the immediate vicinity. Once he saw that no one else was around, he took his hands and began to remove Zexions' pants. Before he even let a sigh escape from his lips, Roxas turned Zexion around and made it so he was facing the wall.

Roxas then placed his hand on Zexion's mouth and said in a throaty whisper "Lick it." Zexion did not even hesitate, he began to give Roxas' hand a tongue bath, all the while keeping his body pressed against the wall.

When Roxas felt it was lathered enough, he took his hand and placed it on Zexion's entrance, to make sure that he was ready enough. Sliding two fingers in, he felt Zexion tighten around his fingers, and felt - more so than heard - Zexion moan in pleasure at the feeling.

"Roxas...Roxas, I want you inside of me. No one feels the way you do when you're inside of me." Zexion whimpered as he felt Roxas take his hands away from inside of him.

The two of them had established in their prior trysts that they would never bring up their lovers by name, but would elude to how neither of them could satisfy the way the two of them could satisfy one another. It heightened the experience between the both of them.

"You want me?" Roxas whispered into Zexion's ear as he caressed the sides of his body. He thrust his manhood inside of Zexion quick. He felt Zexion clench, and then felt him relax as he grew accustomed to Roxas' length inside of him. Roxas kissed the base of Zexion's neck and bit down. "How does it feel?"

Zexion pressed himself close to the wall so he made sure he was able to take Roxas' length inside of him. He felt his erection rub against the brick and didn't mind in the least. "Ahh...Roxas. Yes. That's what I've desired. This is what I've imagined all day long..." He raised his ass to an angle which he knew that Roxas would benefit and enjoy.

Roxas shuddered as he felt Zexion move underneath him. He began to pound harder into the slate-haired man. As he pounded into his tight entrance, he reached in front and grabbed Zexion's length and began to stroke his lenght.

"I want you to come with me Zex," Roxas barely gasped out as he continued his assault on Zexion's backside. He put his hand against Zexion's mouth again. "Lick me again. I want to make you wet." Roxas demanded of his illicit lover.

Zexion became more erect at the command he was given. He took his tongue and bathed Roxas' palm with his own spit. He moaned against Roxas' hand and sighed when he felt Roxas remove his hand and placed it over his length.

"That's it, Zex. That's it right there. You like this? Does Demyx do for you what I do for you?" Roxas bit down on the top of his spinal cord.

It took all of Zexion's control not to come at this statement. "Oh God, Roxas. You do for me what no one else has ever done for me before." Zexion moaned as he felt Roxas pick up the pace. "Tell me," he moaned. "Do I make you feel good in ways that Axel can't?" Zexion pressed himself harder into Roxas' hand, as he continued to stroke him off.

"More than you can ever imagine." Roxas whispered as he felt himself get close. "Zexion, I want you to come with me. Are you close?" Roxas could barely speak in coherent sentences. The pleasure he was feeling was beyond intense.

Roxas pumped his hand harder on Zexion's length and Zexion flattened himself against the wall. He bucked his length into Roxas' hand and felt himself on the edge. "Roxas...I'm about to..." Zexion moaned agaisnt his arm as he surpressed the cries he wanted to let loose.

Roxas angled himself so he would press against Zexion's "spot". When he hit it, he felt Zexion lose control and felt him release against his hand. Roxas continued to stroke hime and whispered into his ear "That's it, Zex. Come for me. Come only for me." He bit down on his neck lightly, and then began to pump faster into Zexion.

"Roxas. Roxas, I want you to come for me. Please come for me." Zexion whimpered as he felt Roxas pound faster and faster into him. "Now, Roxas. Come for me now..." Zexion felt Roxas begin to release inside of him. He smiled against his arm, knowing that he made his lover come harder than he did for anyone else.

Roxas stayed where he was at, as he tried to control his breath. "Fuck, Zex. I don't know how I'm ever suppose to have an orgasm with Axel the way I have them with you." He lightly turned Zexion's head so he could kiss his lips without breaking contact. "You make me feel like a God when you come for me."

Zexion smiled and leaned in for another chaste kiss. "I'm glad I make you happy. To say that you didn't do the same for me would be a lie." He shuddered as he felt Roxas exit his body. He smiled as he felt Roxas pull up his pants for him.

"So," Roxas said after pulling his own jeans back up. "I guess this is goodbye for now?" He kissed Zexion long and deep - battling their tongues for dominance.

Zexion sighed. "Yes. Next time, you decide the place. I chose this time." Zexion began to walk away from the area they had been in. He flicked his hand and opened a dark portal.

"Sounds good to me. And hey, Zex?" Roxas called after him.

"Yeah?" Zexion turned around before stepping into the dark portal.

"Your orgasm was beyond amazing."

Zexion chuckled before stepping into the portal. "You too, Roxy. You too."

Roxas smiled as he watched his lover go back to their castle. His smile stayed on his face as he opened his own dark portal to return to the castle. He didn't know why the two of them were carrying on the way that they were - all he knew is that he felt incredible and was high off of the power Zexion gave to him as they gave each other to themselves.