Neville stood, staring lazily into his surroundings. The sun was a chirpy yellow, and all around him, clouds of pale blue and soft pink puffed noiselessly by. Just as he began to believe he was alone in this floating field of flossy cumulous, a familiar voice called from behind.

"Oy, Nev! Innit great? Dumbledore cancelled class, and transfigured the whole school into cotton candy!" Longbottom turned to see Ron in all of his ginger wonder standing several yards away, wearing a black tights and white, frilly shirt ensemble that would make any romance novel cover artist sick with envy. Nev then looked down at his own wardrobe to find that he wore a deep, crimson cocktail dress with a massive slit up one side, and far too deep a neck to be flattering on anyone, male or female.

"Nev! Come to me, darling!" Ron began running toward Neville, taking far longer than he logically should, and Nev joined in the action. After a full thirty seconds of frolicking toward one another, the pair finally met, and the ginger-haired Adonis that was Ron swept Neville up into a spinning embrace, until they both collapsed into the cotton candy field.

Neville couldn't remember ever being this happy. He hoped this moment in time would never go away, that he could remain in this place with the one he loved forever. He turned to look at the object of his affection, and the other boy's brilliant green eyes stared back.

Green eyes? That's not right, pondered Neville. He looked again, and found a nest of pitch-black hair, and an adorable pair of circular glasses. The boy across from him had fair, freckle-less skin, and… a lightning-shaped scar.

Neville grew more confused by the moment. "Harry?"

"No… It's Ron."

"No, you're Harry."

The other boy sighed. "Oi. Wake up, Nev."

"But I am awake," reasoned Neville.

"No, Nev, you're dreaming."

"No, I-" But before the boy could finish his statement, he was jarred from his dream world by a quick pinch to the side. He searched his surroundings to find he still lay on the massive, overstuffed couch of the Gryffindor commons. Ron was perched on the balls of his feet before him, impatience written across his face.

"See? Told you."

"But I was having such a good dream… 'Til you started turning into Harry, anyway." Neville hoped Ron wouldn't be offended by this turn of events within his dreams. Part of him expected the other boy to stare at him aghast, to shun him for this subconscious betrayal. It was that part of Neville that had caused him so much grief over the past two days, and he was growing ever more sick of it.

To Neville's great ease, Ron simply grinned sympathetically at the admission. "Oi. If we're to try this 'us' thing, we really should do something about our little obsessions with the Green-Eyed Wonder. Anyway, I was trying to wake you up before the others came down. Wouldn't want to get caught cuddling by the whole of Gryffindor, would we?"

"No," replied a still-groggy Nev. "I s'ppose not… But how in Merlin's name did you wake up before me? You sleep like a bear."

Ron looked a little embarrassed, and pointed to the chair off to the side of the fireplace, where a nest-headed young woman sat with a familiar smug expression.

"He had a little help," stated the brunette.

Neville jumped upright, doing whatever he could to fix himself from his post-sleep state. "Hermione! I- uh… Thanks." In the end, Neville was glad she was the one to wake them. She already knew the situation, and it was better than, say, Seamus walking in on the boys cuddling.

Hermione was a good friend.