This is tribute paid to Wendy
This is a short one shot of how her sister must feel, chipmunked.
Brittany's point of view
Dear Diary,
Why have you left me?
Where are you going and
why are you leaving me?
I know it's not your fault you can't control it.
You couldn't stop it! I should have been there
for you my dearest sister.
I was the one who failed you it was all my fault,
I wasn't there when you needed me.
I caused you this pain and suffering
If only I would have, could have and should have
done something else
Dear GOD please say my baby sister,
It seems hopeless,
Impossible, forever
And that it will never ever come to pass
But you are the only one who can save her
Dear GOD you have to save her
I cannot go on living my life
Without her, for her life
Was my world and
Without a world there
Can be no life.
So GOD save two lives
Bay saving my sister.
Why did I make her go through this?
What could I have done to prevent this?
If I could I would trade places with
My sister, I would invent a time machine
And go back and stop the events from
Ever occurring but I am helpless and hopeless.
Oh God let Eleanor live!
Wake her out of the coma she is in
I didn't mean to push her down the stairs
I was angry that she was using my
Stuff, I was wrong and I don't
Deserve to be here; I should have
Been the one who took the
Plunge for my stupidity.
What was I thinking?
Why would I ever want to
Bring you harm? Why am I
So selfish?
What is wrong with me?
This is a sad sad sad day, for me the worst sister in the world.
Jeanette's point of view,
Dear Diary,
What makes a person so dear to you?
What drives a person to craziness?
Why is it that we hate our siblings
But when something tragic happens that we
Miss them more than ever before?
What causes us to be so hateful and
Mean that is causes the demise of one your best friends?
Is it human nature? Our violent history?
I hope for our families sake that one persons erratically
And irresponsible actions doesn't cost us to
Lose the one of our best friends, family and
At times enemy and companion.
I would like to take the time
To remember and pay tribute
To all the good times that
We had together, the sad
Times and the bad ones
That helped us grow closer together
Stupid selfishness gets the
Best of us and has claimed
The best of us.
Will I ever get to know
Who you will become
When you grow up?
Will you marry the man
Of your dreams?
Will you have kids?
Oh pity overcomes me
For the one whose conscience
Is burdened for causing the peril
Had has befallen our sister and friend.
Strange, weird and sad day for me.
The events that took place and things that are said are to my limited knowledge not true in anyway shape or form. It is the over guilt and then flashing back that occurs before and future events that may never come to pass.
I know how Wendy's sister Mattie feels right about now, because I have experienced my fair share of tragedy in my life, I lost all my grand mothers and one grand father within a year, 2004-2005. I felt the exact same way, it is impossible to care about yourself when you think that it was all your fault. Stop blaming yourself and begin taking care of you so that when the dark night breaks and the sun comes up you can support your sister. Here's to you Wendy. You are an inspiration to many writers, when you come back I hope you decide to create an account.