I expected to get this done sooner than I did, but it's done. And to the best of my ability. PLEASE R&R.

Verdona was hovering above the floor of the living room. She was listening to Max's favorite band, Shag Carpeting. Disco lights bathed the room in technicolor. "Shag Carpeting!" she said enthusiastically. "They were Max's favorite. Why do the most backward creatures make the best music?" she pondered out loud.

Lily was becoming more angry by the second, she turned to her husband and whispered quietly. "Don't you ever complain about my aunt Joyce again." she said sternly. She was ready to throw Verdona out the window and never see her again. All the aged Anodyte could do was spin happily to her husband's music. "Cheer up junior. You didn't have the spark, there was nothing I could teach you."

Frank felt like she had done nothing for them, him and Carl. "You taught me a lot mom, you and dad both." Verdona felt as though she wasn't making any sense, "You know what I mean, I even came back when the grand kids were born just in case your baby had the spark. But nothing doing. Carl's boy, same thing." The couple had sad faces at the thought of their reality. "Mom, if you can give Gwen an opportunity we can't, we won't hold her back." Verdona was rocking out and was happier than ever, now Gwen only needed to say yes. Gwen was stepping quickly down the stairs. "Thanks so much for the offer." Verdona snapped off the lights and music, "Well, what's your answer sweetie?"

Gwen heard steps behind her, knowing it was Ben on his way down. "Yes." she said with a straight face. Everybody in the room had a shocked face except for Verdona. Ben was disappointed, believing now that the kiss and him spilling his guts were for nothing. Verdona jumped for joy, and stayed there. "Well then, I think we should start your training immediately."

Gwen pulled her Grandma's hand down, "Wait, you didn't let me finish." Gwen got everybody's undivided attention. "I would say yes, but I'm gonna have to refuse. I'm sorry Grandma."

Ben was even more shocked by the words that came next. He was so surprised after her previous statement, his body dropped him straight to the ground. "Ben!" Gwen cried out. "I'm going to take him to my room to lie down." she said with care.

About an hour later, Ben awoke to a dark room laying on a bed. His head snapped back to what happened He thought his cousin said no to Verdona's offer. "Ugh." he said with pain as he rubbed the back of his head in pain. Falling on your back usually will give you that. "Where am I?" he asked in the darkness of he room. He saw the nightstand with the oh so familiar photographs on them; the one of him and Gwen at 10 years old and another of Gwen and her parents.

Out of the surprise, he jumps off the bed. "I'm in Gwen's room!" he yelped. The darkness was then chased away by the light radiating from the lamp. Ben turned from the view of the window's night sky view to see the figure of his redhead cousin.

Gwen gave him the warmest of smiles. She rushed over to him and threw her arms around him in the tightest of hugs. Ben remained paralyzed in his form, wondering if this was all a dream. She released her constricting grip, since she felt like she was hugging a wall. "Ben are you okay?" she asked. Her twin cousin just couldn't find the words. He, in turn, shook his head from side to side, indicating no. The two of them decided to sit down on Gwen's bed. She noticed Ben staring into space, like waiting for a wake up call. Which is exactly what he was waiting for.

Gwen felt scared, this wasn't the Ben she knew. "Ben, what's wrong?". Ben turned away and replied, "This is a dream. It has to be a dream. You left with Grandma, but I imagined you said no." Gwen could only chuckle at his statement as she placed a hand on his shoulder. "That wasn't a dream Ben, I did say no." He turned and saw the smile his cousin had on, which could only make him smile too.

Verdona flashed in unexpectedly, wishing good times to them. "Well kiddo, it looks like I'm not going to change your mind. So I'm heading home." Gwen stood up, followed by Ben. "I appreciate the offer Grandma." she began in a sweet tone. "But I just have so many things keeping me here. I mean, that's the reason that you went back to Anodyne, isn't it?"

Verdona nodded her head in agreement, "That's true, sweetie. I did miss my home, and I could never ask you to leave yours, especially since you would be missing everybody too much. And vice versa of course." she said with a smile. She turned to Ben. "Ben, you've got your own spark, and one perfectly intertwined into Gwen's. You're all right."

He rose his head with a smile, "You too Grandma, thanks for visiting." With that, Verdona Flashed herself out of the room in the blink of an eye. No one knowing where or when they'd see her again. The cousins turned to meet each other, each smiling warmly. "So, I guess those words did affect your decision? Even though I didn't want them to?" he said in a guilty tone.

She grabbed his hand and placed her head on his shoulder, "They did, a lot." Ben placed his head on top of hers, "I'm glad your staying." he replied. She took her head off from under his, in one swift move kissed him lightly but with passion. "So am I." sje said and leaned to kiss him again. Ben being ready this time, accepted and kissed back. Breaking quickly, an "I love You." escaped each of their mouths at the same time.


Hope people liked it, I tried to spin it a little bit. PLEASE R&R, I really like criticism, no matter what it is about it.