Chapter 6: Animal

TYL!Dinox OC

I have no ownership over Katekyo Hitman Reborn! I own Fiore! I admit this one is longer than the others.

Vongola Mansion

The mansion was filled with chattering young men in suave suits and women in classy attire. Tsuna smiled as he watched the scenery in his home. He spotted his friend Fiore. She was dressed in a strapless black long dress that straddled her curves, wearing a three tiered pearl necklace.

"Wait, don't give her any alcohol!" Tsuna pleaded, but it was too late as Gokudera's sister was bent on causing a scene.

"Nonsense, a woman needs her liquor." Bianchi smiled as she poured a glass of Marsala.

"I-I'm not sure-" Fiore began, but was cut off as Reborn lifted the glass to her lips, making the young assassin take a huge drink of the liquid.

"We have a problem..." Gokudera gulped while Yamamoto laughed nervously. Fiore turned to them, her eyes hazy and her body was coming across a dizzy spell, swaying from side to side in her chair. I AM FEELING GOOD.

"Takeshi, help me up." Fiore commanded, holding back a giggle.

"Are you okay Fiore-san?" Yamamoto came closer to his friend and she draped my arms across his shoulders as he helped her stand. A light blush across his face as Fiore gave him a peck on the cheek as thanks.

Her expression changed as she turned on a heel slowly to spot Dino chatting with one of his old co-workers. "You still love her don't you?!" Fiore blurted. His whole face turned red with embarrassment as he watched his soon-to-be-wife mad with jealousy.

"Someone play some Bloodhound Gang song for these two lovebirds!" Fiore sneered.

" Fiore please don't do this." Dino begged his clearly drunk fiancée.

"Little miss thang is good enough to do the Discovery Channel with you, but I'm not?!"

"Let's just settle this another time honey-" Dino begged.

"You really want to fuck around huh?!" Fiore slammed a fist on the table, not realizing she broke a glass of wine.

"Hiiiiiieeeeeeeeee Fiore you're bleeding!" The Night Guardian paid no attention to her hand bleeding profusely and Dino's 'old flame' scurried off scared out of her wits.

"Fiore..." Dino called as a warning to his immature lover.

"Tell me the truth! You don't find me attractive at all?!" She tore off the strapless dress which revealed my black laced matching lingerie. Fiore noticed from the corner of her eye Squalo bearing an amused face, Bel was whistling at the view, and Xanxus growl. Wait. He just growled.

"Ushishishi! If you're not going to take her, I'm sure boss will!" Bel joked.

"Now that's extreme." Ryohei wooed.

Dino paled as he approached Fiore trying to cover her up with his suit jacket. Fiore turned away from him, not allowing herself near him. "See! You're trying to cover me up!"

For the first time, Fiore watched her fiancé's expression change from his goofy self to a deadly aura as he forcibly covered her with his jacket and hoisted her up the stairs. "Tsuna, I'm taking her to her room."

"O-o-okay." The Vongola boss nodded in nervousness.

"Put me down or I'll scream! You brute! You horse! You animal!" Fiore threatened cursing him under her breath while pounding her fists against his back."You're no horse! Just an ass!"

"You are in no position to give orders." He grimaced while tossing her on the large canopy bed. He made his way angrily to the bathroom .

Fiore quickly got up in a quick second.

Hold that thought. I got up too fast...

"Lay back down." Dino ordered, in his hands was a first aid kit. Before she was able to protest he commanded her again. "Now."

After fighting back her tears from cleaning and bandaging the wound, she remain silent and dizzy as ever. Dino faced the young woman, "Who made you drink tonight?"

"Bianchi poured me a glass and Reborn helped me chug!" She exclaimed proudly.

"You can't handle alcohol." He remarked. Damn that Reborn!

"I can! - Why is it so hot in here?! I don't want this!" She tossed his jacket to the side and slipped off the torn dress in frustration. Dino sighed in irritation and pinned Fiore down, wrists above the head.

"You're cruel! I saw you with her! Monster! Beast!-" She was stopped in her tracks as Dino crashed his lips down to hers.

"I was going to wait until after we get married." He said in between kisses along her collar bone. Fiore twitched underneath him with every contact he made. "B-but you have the hots for that woman-ah!"

Smirking above his flustered bride he continued planting kisses. "Never did. As revenge...tonight, you'll see just how much of an animal I can be."


Wow now that was some steam! Thank you to my viewers, sorry of the long hiatus thing and please leave a review! One review will equal to an update!