I know author's notes are frowned upon but I swear this will be short, sort of like the acknowledgements thing at the end of a real book:

I just want to thank you guys so much for sticking with me throughout all of this. I know I can sometimes be maddening when I don't update when I say I will and all that jazz but I appreciate you sticking with this more than you will ever understand. I had such a fantastic time writing this, especially when hearing all of your opinions and your input. I always love constructive criticism and you guys are fantastic with it.

Obviously this is not only the epilogue to A Change of Pace but also a prologue or foreshadowing type thing for the next thing I will be publishing which is First Steps. I hope to see all of your names commenting there and giving me hints as to possible plot holes and whatnot.

Also, shout outs to my mom and dad who supported me by giving me a laptop to type on, my friends for understanding my obsession with TLM, my proofreaders, and especially you guys.

I love you all.
