My beautiful readers I'm SO SORRY that this has taken me forever to write! Honestly, I'm so sorry… I just got a PM today reminding me to update this story and I'm sorry, I thought that there weren't many people that were still interested in this story. Thank you for reading up to this point and I hope you enjoy the new chapter!

ALSO, there will not be any surprise pregnancies in this story, Yukina is the kind of sensible student that takes birth control because it comes with certain advantages: like clearing acne and fighting cramps. It happens to come in handy in many ways. I didn't bother to write that into the story cause I figure it would be a bit of a dull scene, her going to the pharmacy with her mom doting on her and saying 'Just in case Yukina! Don't tell your Daddy or he might die!' and all that jazz… SO THAT'S IT. ENJOY MY LOVELIES!

Disclaimer: I don't own Watashi Ni XX Shinasai!

Yukina bit her lip, feeling the war of emotions rage in her heart as she spent her time focusing on anything and everything but Shigure's intense gaze. She felt his figure tips stroke her chin before he caught it in his grasp and forced her to look at him. Blinking in slight outrage at this point, she opened her mouth to voice her displeasure before his lips descended upon her own, fast and forceful. Heat flourished in her cheeks and scalded her body as he pressed himself closer to her, her hands were pressed against his chest, both trying to push him away and using him as leverage to keep herself standing and steady. He moved his lips against her own and she found herself reciprocating the action, almost like her body had a mind of its own. She could feel the attraction she had toward Shigure, something she thought she had buried when he had betrayed her in front of the whole school… but that warmth when he held her hand, the look in his eyes when he showed her who he really is, both confident and vulnerable, and much darker than Akira… she found that part of her couldn't resist.

When he finally pulled away, Yukina had to take a moment to regain her breathing, and faintly heard Shigure whisper against her cheek, "I'll see you at school…" before the heat of his body left and all she had was the feeling of the cold wall behind her back. Taking a moment to regain her senses, she looked around to make sure no one had been really paying them any mind, before going back to her original destination… the rest room. Once she had finished her business, she returned to Akira and asked that he take her home. She needed some time to write out the next update for her story.

Akira agreed, even though she could tell he had wanted to stay longer and enjoy his time with her, she knew that she couldn't put her whole heart into enjoying the day with Akira if she didn't get all her writing out of her mind and to the public. Of course, her cousin would understand that is the way she is. On the way back to Yukina's house, Akira asked, "When you're done with your update for your cell phone novel, would it be alright if we had some dinner together?" Yukina calculated how long it might take her to review her story and update it and answered, "Yes, we can do that. Let's go to the cute café that makes that really good curry crepe." Akira smiled and shook his head in affirmative.

Lilia had been horribly betrayed by the Earl… he had promised he'd help her become stronger, train her so that she wouldn't need to use her cloak of protection. The cloak that acted as her shield in battle. She would be able to hold her own and never yield, much like he. For reasons beyond Lilia's understanding… she trusted the vampire, even though his dark nature and his fanged smile warned her to be wary. She went against her better judgement and removed her long rose colored cloak, throwing it to the ground before her, rising to his challenge. Maybe she was being too arrogant, maybe her pride would come back and bite her. She figured she'd have to wait and see.

Something about standing before her enemy in nothing but her tight frilled corset dress with sword in hand made her feel both exposed and powerful. The way he gazed at her… like he was proud, and yet at the same time wanted to ravish her, made her feel particularly warm and heavy.

What happened next was both unexpected and deeply wounding, in both body and mind. The Earl swept up her cloak and took to the skies and from beyond the line of darkened trees in the clearing by his castle that he used for training, a small army of ghouls slowly trudged forward towards her. She stood before a small army without a shield, not ready to face this many foes without her cloak that had been given to her by mentor, many years ago when she was very young. She fought off the army as best as she could, she sustained many wounds, her dress was tatters by the time her knight, Cain, helped her fend off the rest of the army and took her by horse back to her castle. He had battled the Earl and had regained her cloak of protection, offering it to her only in exchange that she recognized him as more than just her protector, but a suitor more worthy of her than a vampire, even if an alliance between the armies would be assured through their marriage.

Lilia took the offer, and agreed to see Cain as a suitor for her hand, as long as he rose to the challenge of earning her heart. Cain rose to that challenge, offered to spend the entire night with Lilia, promised to follow her every command. He helped her bandage her wound, shedding her torn dress and brushing her hair away from her face. They kissed passionately, and closed the doors to the royal bed chamber, neither one of them emerging from the room until long past morning light.

Yukina blushed as she reread her update that she had published that morning and began to write out the next update, already noticing the rapid rise in popularity and readers engaged in her cell phone novel. She figured she'd have to be updating more often to so her fans wouldn't lose interest, as her rival cell phone novel, 'Dolche', seemed to always make its way back to nipping at her heels.

In the afternoon, Knight Cain had invited Lilia to join him for a meal in their countries most well-known restaurant 'A La Mode'. They enjoyed themselves for many long hours, and as much as Lilia loved to accompany her kind and loyal knight, she felt there was something missing. She had been feeling it since the morning, when she woke up in bed with none other than the man that sat before her, taking her hand in his hand and looking upon her face like the sun rose and set with her.

She tried not to let it show, she didn't want to hurt the person she trusted most in all the world, but that did not necessarily meant that she loved him. She knew he was after her heart, and now as she peered at his adoring face, she wondered if he truly could rise to such a challenge. Her heart was made of ice.

Excusing herself to the ladies room, she rounded a corner past the smell of crepes being freshly prepared, into a dark hall and paused as she felt a strong gust of wind twirl about her form. She shielded her eyes from the unnatural event, and opened them to see that the Count had appeared before her in all his handsome glory. He wore a look of severe regret on his face, but also a steel in his eyes that she had never seen before.

"My princess…" he began, his words so humble she wondered if she was talking to her enemy or if she was talking to a servant, "…I apologize… for betraying your trust. I know that our warring Kingdoms have never given us a reason to trust one another, but the only chance I was given, I destroyed. I am sorry." Her gaze became cold as a frown touched her lips.

"It won't happen again." He closed his eyes at her response, "I see, I knew you would answer with something akin to such words. That is why I have come to promise you that I will not rest until I have earned your forgiveness, your trust, and your love." Her eyes widened in surprise, was this supposed to be a confession? Would their war end? He took her chin in his hand and gazed into her eyes.

"You will be mine, Princess Lilia…" He took her lips in a soft kiss, full of promise. Her heart thundered in her chest as she felt both wrong and right. She pulled away from the kiss, as much as he might have moved her with his speech, he could not thaw her. She was a princess that lived in ice. Warmth would not seep into her heart so easily. She glared at the Count, seeing another challenge in the promise of his kiss.

Yukina had to admit to herself that she embellished her story quite a bit towards the end, but she didn't really wish to admit to herself that she had felt something for the playboy that ripped apart the hearts of innocent girls. She had Akira, and he was all she needed. If Shigure wanted to waste his time trying to take her from him, that was his mistake. She wanted to try falling in love with Akira, she was her chosen partner, and as it stood, they had already done a lot. Maybe too much too fast. She wanted to feel the stirrings of love, the innocence of it, the hugs and the touches, the gentle pieces.

She figured Akira would be all too happy to share these moments with her. What she found a bit troubling is that more often than not she would have to ask him to engage in these moments with her. As adorable as his shyness was, she wanted him to really reveal his true desires to her at times. She sighed to herself as she began to scribble in the journal dedicated to her novel, drawing little pictures of her Knight Cain.

Walking to school the next day with Akira was a quiet experience. Yukina decided to test her theories on Akira's behavior by not initiating the hand holding today, to see if he would. She glanced at him occasionally to see if he was even attempting to interlock their fingers, but he seemed preoccupied with this snack of choice this morning, a crepe they had purchased at a vendor on the way to school.

She sighed internally and finally reached out, taking hold of his hand. If she were thinking realistically then she should know not to expect such behavior from her notoriously shy cousin. As if she was one to really talk, without her glasses she was even more of a mess than he was ever capable of being.

And the incident was Shigure was a fluke, a mild moment of surprise and intrigue. It was never meant to be anything more. With that, Yukina allowed a bit more confidence into her step as she and Akira walked onto school grounds, whispers and chatters ringing in the air. People looking at their clasped hands and really beginning to notice how close Yukina to Akira.

Some of the girls from Yukina's class smiled, their relief was nearly palpable as Yukina sensed that they were glad to have one less rival for Shigure's heart. As if she even wanted it.

"You two, I think you should be a bit more considerate of the students around you and limit your public displays of affection." A voice cut through Yukina's thoughts as she paused with Akira in tow. They turned to the source of the voice, consequently letting go of each other's hands in the process. It was Shigure, and the smirk on his face left an unsettling feeling in Yukina's stomach.

"After all, I am your student council President, and I can't have student's acting like this so blatantly on school grounds during school hours. Really you two, try to be more careful." And with the last of his word, victory clear in his eyes, he stepped through the space between Yukina and Akira to make his way to the shoe lockers.

'Of all the dirty…' Yukina couldn't help the annoyance coursing through her veins as she clenched her fists and shivered with anger. He was going to use his power as student council president to get in between her and Akira? That wasn't a fair playing field at all. There wasn't anything she could do about it either… unless…

Yukina looked at Akira, determination in her eyes. "Akira, I'm going to run for Student Council President next term, will you support me?" He blinked in surprise, but smiled endearingly.

"Of course Yukina, I will always support you."

Okay so this chapter is really short, I know, I'm sorry. It's the best I could do before school starts and shit gets busy and I won't have time to update again for a while and I'm sorry I love you guys, you know I do!

SO I DID SOMETHING NEW! The storyline is starting to go on a different path completely from the manga, and I'm pretty proud of that!

And if you love this story, let me know! Leave me as many reviews as you want! They inspire me and they make me so happy!

Thank you for reading up until now!
