Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from this drama. Rae Na. Jae Min, Jae Na, Hye Su, Akira, Amara, JaeHoo are mine. Jan Di's company is also mine.
Alright! This is the new chapter! I hope you like! Please Review!

JD | Wednesday 4:26 PM

Jan Di heaved a sigh. Her dark eyes honeyed over as she watched the happiness that shown so brightly on her daughter's face. She was not willing to admit it yet, but her daughter's happiness was above everything else on the earth. Her business came second, everything came last on earth beside her daughter and family. They were what made her her.

Jan Di grinned and shook her head. But as much as she loved her daughter. She was not willing to cave yet. "Tell Jun goodbye." She called out before turning back to the woman beside her. "I want a bit more information before I say yes." Jan Di smiled. "And a full check up." Her eyes narrowed. "I want no hiccups or sudden issues to come into play once I say yes."

"That is no problem." She smiled sweetly and wrote down a couple more notes on the paper she had attached to her clipboard. "I will have everything double checked and dotted before we give you a call."

The brunette nodded in understanding and held out her hand as her daughter walked closer to her. "You tell Jun bye?" She leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on Rae Na's forehead.

"Thank you momma." She gushed and hugged her mother's leg. She stared up at her mother imploringly. "Can we get ugly dogs for dinner?"

Jan Di shook her head and she took Rae Na's had once more as she lead her to the car. "No sweetheart, we have to eat something healthy." She looked both ways before crossing the street - her car in sight. Jan Di held Rae Na close, keeping her safe. "We will get those tomorrow okay?" She looked at her daughter while placing her in the car.

"Okay momma." Rae Na smiled. "That sounds good." Her pretty blue eyes were hidden as she smiled brightly up at her mother once more. "So what are we going to have tonight?"

Jan Di grinned widely. "Would you like American?" She buckled her daughter into her safety seat before shutting the door. Jan Di settled herself into her seat, putting the seat belt on before starting the car.

"The grilled chicken?" Her eyes were wide as she clapped her hands together. "With the steamed green things?"

She shook her head as she pulled off of the curb and onto the road. A smile covered her lips at her daughter. "Yes with the green things. Broccoli."

"As long as I can have butter." Rae Na's nose scrunched unhappily. "It's not good without it."

Jan Di smiled. "Okay." She'd conceded to the butter, Jan Di planned to use it herself anyway. "Do you have homework?" Her eyes narrowed as she watched the cars around her, cars slowed for no one.

"Just a little bit."

She nodded. "Well, let's make sure we get that done before dinner." Jan Di smiled at her daughter in the rear-view mirror for a second.


Jun Pyo | Wednesday 4:50 PM

"What do you mean?" Junpyo frowned as he glared at Ji Hoo. "Someone else?" His shoulders slumped as he leaned back in the chair he occupied. "She has someone else?" Junpyo let out a soft, shaky breath. "Rae Na likes him?" He swallowed hard.

Ji Hoo's lips thinned in a smiling wince. "Yes." He breathed out softly as he waited for the drop. The loud thud that resounded through him as his friend's heart fell apart. A shattered heart was a dangerous thing to carry alone. "They didn't give any kind of inclination as to who Jun was . . . But I didn't want to wait too long." Ji Hoo spoke softly as he stared at his oldest friend.

"Thank you," his voice was hoarse and distant. Junpyo swallowed quietly once more. "I'll have them look into it." He pulled his lower lip into his mouth and worried it. Junpyo hadn't thought about the issues that would come if Jan Di was already with someone. Especially if Rae Na knew about him. That meant he had made the cut. The male was deemed worthy of meeting her Daughter, getting to know her and spend time with her. Could Junpyo compete with that?

. . .

"Who is she!"

Junpyo glanced up from the computer he had been listlessly staring at. He hadn't been able to really work since Ji Hoo had left. His eyes narrowed as he stared at her. The woman he had come to detest. The Dragon Lady. "I do not answer to you." His voice was clipped, words frosted over and hollow.

"Do not speak to me in that way." Her eyes narrowed as she moved further into his office. "I am your mother." Her shoulders were poised, nose in the air as she glared down at him.

Junpyo stared up at her. He didn't need to stand to make himself larger than her. "I am the head of this company, not you. Therefore, I do not answer to you. Nor are you allowed to barge in." He pressed the button on his desk beside his phone. "You can set up an appointment - for a meeting - with Jae Ni."

"I have to go through your secretary?" She stared at him, mouth parted and eyes wide with disbelief.

He nodded, dark eyes narrowed and daring. "Yes. As should any associate." He looked back down at his computer. He waited a minute. Why not. He wanted to rile her up more. "She is a new player. Now a board member - she took over Kang's place." Junpyo smiled widely. "Kang was stealing - I'm surprised you didn't notice. My secretary did." Junpyo made an aborted hand motion - letting her know the conversation was over.

"He was not!" She glared down at her son. She hissed out a breath before storming out of the office.

Junpyo used every ounce of willpower that he had to keep from rolling his eyes. Her dramatics were unnecessary and time-consuming.


Jan Di | Thursday 10:10 AM

Jan Di smiled the entire way to the mall. Rae Na had giggled at her the whole time during their drive to school/daycare. Jan Di had had dreams, good dreams the entire night. She knew where she wanted everything places and a couple of the pieces had already come in. Junpyo did not waste time when it came to something that he wanted. Jan Di liked that about him, straight-forward and to the point. It was a good quality to have in a business setting.

She took the personalized parking place. Jan Di giggled as she looked at her last name. A specialized parking space for the owners. A thrill shot up her spine. She was finally making it big. Yes, she owned a company. But thanks to Junpyo, her name would be everywhere.

Jan Di smoothed out her skirt as she stood from her car. With a push of a button, Jan Di locked her car and dropped her keys into the side pocket of her Coach Tote. She smiled as the doors slid open. With her blue prints under her arm, she moved easily towards the stairs for the second floor. After Rae Na had fallen asleep, Jan Di might have snuck two extra pieces of the egg shaped reece-cups. Taking the stairs would help with the guilt that somewhat ate at her. The chocolate goodness really out-weighed the guilt, if Jan Di was being honest.

"Hello!" Kara smiled sweetly. "Did you have a good night?" Her eyes were warm and excited. "I came to make sure the guys delivered the right pieced and that there was no trouble."

Jan Di smiled. "Thank you."

"I also informed Mr. Goo of their arrive as told before hand." Kara looked down at her planner. "I believe everything is up to schedule." Kara pulled the planner closer to her and smiled at Jan Di once more. "Is there anything you need from me."

Jan Di grinned. "Prompt - I like that. Jenna, is like that." She pulled her phone from her purse and moved to her calender. "I need the 12th - Friday off, Rae Na has a trip to the museum and she wants me to go as a chaperone." Jan Di held out her phone. "Scroll through. I don't think there is anything else, but check behind me." She tucked a couple of wayward strands behind her ear as she turned into her new store front.

"No problem." Kara moved easily through the iPhone. "You have an appointment on the 20th of next month . . . I think that is all though."

The dark haired woman nodded. "Yes that is a check up for Rae Na . . . Which I might have to move up." Her nose wrinkled unhappily. "She was congested this morning." Jan Di heaved a soft sigh and pulled out the blueprints once more. "Is there anyone that can help move the cases where I need them?" Her eyes narrowed as she sized the cases up.

"I can call someone." Kara replied. "I was not sure if you were ready yet, So I do not have anyone scheduled." She licked her lips, a soft pout forming on her lips. Dammit.

Jan Di waved her off. "I wasn't sure where I wanted anything until last night. No worries." her nose scrunched. "See if you can borrow a couple rolling dollies from the men down in the loading department." Jan Di smiled and held out her hand for her phone. "I'll take care of it. And we can schedule a couple of lifters for the next shipment." She moved through her contacts easily. Pressing the name for the one she needed, Jan Di put the phone to her ear. "Come to ShinHwa Mall."


"Did you seriously call me on my day off to help you move heavy stuff?" Her eyes narrowed as she stood, coffee in one hand, the other on her hip. Her purse swung from the crook of the arm holding the coffee tightly in hand. "Tell me you did not!"

Jan Di blinked. "Kara, this is Jae Na and Sun Ah." Her eyes narrowed. "Where is mine?" She stood from the box she had been sitting on. "Please tell me you did not go to that place and get coffee and not tell me!"

"I got it!" Sun Ah smiled sweetly and moved forward with a tray filled with three coffees. "I didn't know what you would like . . . I got you what we like." She grinned.

Jae Na groaned and flung her purse on the ground beside Jan Di's. "I cannot believe you called me here to do this." She shook her head. "Where are the hott sweaty guys to do this for us?" She huffed and took a sip of her chi latte. "Do I get overtime?" Jae Na's eyes sparkled.

"If I don't, you don't." Jan Di replied while taking her cup of coffee. "Her personality is very overbearing and loud." Her eyes sparkled as she looked at Kara. "But she grows on everyone."

Sun Ah nodded. "Like a lovable fungus."

"I am not!" Jae Na glared as she sipped at her coffee. "Now hush!" She heaved a sigh and looked around the place. "At least tell me you know where you want the cases."

The brunette nodded. "Of course!" She grinned and bounced as she moved towards the blue prints. "It came to me last night. I know where I want everything when it comes in." Jan Di smiled brightly and smoothed out the paperwork for the others to see. "What do you think?" She glanced at Jae Na and waited, her insight had been there to help her since the beginning.

"Well," Jenna stared down at the blueprints. "We should move the front desk to this side instead."

Jan Di looked down at the blueprint. "Okay, I agree." She pulled out her pencil and made the changes. "Good, now let's get to moving." She clapped her hands and moved to pull her hair up and away from her face. "Sweetie," she looked at Kara. "It is up to you if you want to go back to the office or go shopping." Jan Di shrugged and made an aborted hand motion."

"Yeah," Jenna smiled. "We are use to this. We move stuff in the old office and store all the time." She moved to pull her long curly hair up into a high messy bun. "You can totally stay if you want though." She winked. "We can fill you in on all of Jan Di's quirks."

Kara smiled. "I can help." She smiled sweetly. "I don't mind."

"Oh! I like you." Sun Ah giggled and winked. "Well then, let's do this." She rubbed her hands together. "I heard there is a sale on a couple different Kors purses." Sun Ah grinned. "I would like to make it before they are all gone."

Jae Na nodded. "I will second that. There were a couple of really cute totes in the commercial."

"Then let's get to it!"


Jan Di lickd her lower lip as she eyed the case she and Kara had just finished moving. "Does it look better now?"


The brunette smiled widely. "Finally!" She took a couple steps back, wanting to see the complete view of her vision before her. Jan Di bit her lower lip. It was just the basics. The color and decor hadn't been added, therefore it was a mere illusion of what was to be. Jan Di smiled softly. "It is going to be magnificent once it has been finished."

"Yes, I agree." Jae Na smiled.

Jan Di grinned. "Oh, I have a few files I need you to look over." She reached for her purse and pulled out a collection of manila folders. "Look through them, select the ones you think are good and then have Sun Ah send them to Kara so I can go over the finishing touches." Her lips pursed. "I will be spending a couple of work days over there so that I can get everything adjusted. And I need a link between computers."

"No problem." Jae Na replied as she jotted down a few notes after taking the folders.

The brunette turned towards the other girl beside her. "Kara, Jae Na is my second at Mperial King. She is the one I will go through." She glanced at both woman before staring at Kara once more. "You two will speak more than any other. I run a tight nit group when it comes to my company." Jan Di smiled. "I will need your help when I am working at ShinHwa, but naturally I will have Jae Na doing a lot more towards the company."

"That is understandable." She smiled. "I'm here to help in any way." Kara turned and smiled at Jae Na and Sun Ah too.

Jan Di clapped her hands. "Well then ladies. I believe it is time to go Michael Kors shopping." She giggled at the cheers that followed.


Jan Di laughed softly as she pulled her phone from her purse. "Hello," She smile taking over her voice as she answer the phone.

"I am to believe that everything is going well."

Jan Di jerked for a second. "Mr. Goo!"She blinked and pulled the phone away to look at the caller ID. Damn! She had been so side tracked with the story that Jae Na had been telling that she hadn't bothered to look at the caller. "Hello Sir."

"NO," Junpyo tsked. "You can call me Junpyo - we need to have a comfortable relationship for this to work." And he needed it to work. "My assistant informed me that you were both out of the office." His voice was smooth as leather as he pulled the phone closer. "I wanted to make sure everything was to your liking."

Jan Di blinked as her spine tingled. Another place tingled, but she was in the middle of a mall. That tingle was going to have to wait until she was alone in the darkness of her own bedroom. "Um . . ." She breathed out slowly and moved away from the laughing girls.

"Jan Di?"

A shiver tracked down her back at the timber. She'd never noticed this before. Why now. "Yes!" She stumbled as she made herself focus. "It's good. We got some of the basics in." A soft smile covered her lips as she thought about her new store. "It's going to be amazing."

"Good." Junpyo leaned back in the chair he was sitting in. He liked her voice. It was soft and female, a honeyed lilt of sweet sounds and soft notes. "I'm glad you chose to come to me."

She bit her lower lip. Jan Di knew what he was saying and what he meant. He was glad that she chose ShinHwa. But . . . There was something else. Something she couldn't place. It made her want to run and hide, but at the same time push closer and burrow in the warmth. Jan Di blinked a few times. "Me too," her voice trailed off. It seemed intimate.

"Very good." A smile colored his voice. Junpyo glanced up as the door opened. "Well, it seems I must return to work. "Have a good day." His voice soft as he told her bye.

Jan Di whispered a soft goodbye as she pulled the phone away from her ear to stare. This was different. She swallowed. Her stomach was a mess of butterflies.

"Who was that?" Jae Na questioned with a flutter of her lashes. A wide smile covered her lips. "It seemed who ever it was has left you in a soft dreamy state. "Dare I say the beginning of love?"

Jan Di cut her eyes towards her friend. "No. It was nothing."

"Sure looks like something."

She huffed out a breath and squared her shoulders. If you gave Jae Na and inch she would take a mile. "I will accidentally spill coffee all over your new purse." Jan Di gave the other an acid sweet smile. "Kay?"

"We'll see." Jae Na narrowed her eyes as she bristled while pulling her purse closer. She wasn't going to take any chances. She had learned long ago that Jan Di didn't make idle threats. "So where to next?" She took one last sip of her sweet tea before letting it fall into the garbage bin.
