Disclaimer – I don't own Total Drama dammit! Or Mario in this case either. All names in italics are from the Mario series.

Sadie was walking away when Chris announced that there was a commercial break. The host gave the thick BFFFL a confused look.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked her. His arms were crossed on his chest.

"I was just going to the little ladies room," she explained. "Since we're doing a commercial break, I kinda' figured I could go,"

Chris shook his head. "Um, no, you figured wrong. As soon as I'm done saying 'going for a commercial', that means we're back. We just edit this show afterwards okay?" Sadie nodded her head and rolled her eyes at the same time.

"Okay, but can I still go? It's not like my team is going up anyway"

The host sighed and nodded. He then turned to Team Caliente, "Well, then, since you guys are up, get onto the little beds." They listened to the host. The helmets were placed upon their heads (as if they would go anyway where else…) and as Chris pulled the lever, their minds were gone from real life, and into virtual life.

(Virtual World)

The teammates were all lying down on bricks. There were dozens of palm trees in front of them, including a bizarre looking creature, which had a small palm tree on top of its head. It was taking a small nap while leaning on one of the palm trees. Tyler was the first one to get up on his feet. The "athlete" seemed very excited.

"Wohoo!" yelled the jock. "We're in Bianco Hills! This was my favorite stage in the game!"

"Was that because this was the only stage you could pass?" Noah asked while smirking. "This was and probably still is the easiest stage after all,"

"You kiddin' me? I passed this game at least five times when I was younger! I know almost everything about it!" The bookworm rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, right,"

"If you two nerds are done with your nerd talk," Chris said from the intercom in real life, "Then I'll be glad to explain your mission!" The team (or Tyler and Noah in this case) stayed quiet. "Okay, what you guys have to do, is go all the way to the top of the windmill where a large, but friendly plant will give you a Shine Sprite,"

"That's it?" Bridgette asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yup!" Chris replied. "Good luck!" Chris turned off the intercom, leaving a confused Tyler to look up at the sky.

"Friendly large plant?" he asked himself. "I don't remember that in the game!" Tyler paused for a moment, and noticed a very important tool was missing. "Chris!" he shouted to the sky, "You forgot to give us our nozzles!"

"Oh yeah…" Chris' voice said once again. "Only four of you get to have it though, so choose the four people who you think would be best to have it,"

Alejandro looked at his teammates. "I suppose we can have two guys and two girls from our team have it," he faced Tyler and Noah, "Since you two know so much about this game, you get these nozzles," he then faced Bridgette and Katie, "Would you two ladies want the other nozzles?"

Bridgette blushed and nodded. Katie also blushed, but she decided to give the nozzle to Izzy, who was happy and very excited that the thin BFFFL had given it to her.

"Chris!" Alejandro shouted, "We choose the people who get the nozzles!"

"Okay! Lemme' send 'em to ya' now!" replied the host. Before the team knew it, four nozzles were strapped on to Tyler, Noah, Bridgette, and Izzy. They all looked alike, except that Tyler's nozzle was red and blue, Noah's was fully blue, Izzy's was green and blue, and Bridgette's was the normal color of the nozzle, yellow and blue. "Once the water is done, you can't refill!" Chris announced, "So unless you wanna' eliminate someone today, don't use all your water so quickly, Izzy!"

"Oh, I was not gonna use it all that much!" the psycho told him.

"Okay then, twelve minutes starting…now!"

As the team started, Izzy immediately started jumping. She jumped, and jumped, and then on the third jump, she did a few front flips, similar to what Heather did during her challenge. She continued doing it, getting Katie a little dizzy as her eyes followed her movements.

"Hey," Tyler said, looking at Izzy, "I want to try!" Tyler did exactly what Izzy had been doing. He jumped, and jumped a second time, but when it came to the third jump, he landed on slippery cement, and tripped. The jock managed to do one small front flip, but wasn't able to land it and rolled into a small river. The teamed ran to him, seeing if he was still in the game. Luckily for them (or not?) he was still there, hanging onto a small floating log.

"How do we make it across?" Lindsay asked. Izzy was already two steps ahead of the rest of them. She had been walking carefully across a thick tight-rope. Alejandro followed her, and Katie and Ezekiel followed him. Bridgette, Lindsay, and Noah however, did not look too excited about walking on a rope. When Tyler finally got out of the small river, he looked that his nozzle and noticed a small lever on the left "arm". He pulled it, and made the nozzle turn from one huge nozzle, to two, separate mini-nozzles. He knew what he had done. The sporto jumped as far as he could, pulled the right "arm" of the nozzle, and the two mini-nozzles ejected water from the end, making Tyler hover across. Bridgette looked in awe as the jock hovered across the river. Noah followed Tyler's action, leaving the two blondes together.

"Wait!" Lindsay said, noticing something was wrong. "I don't have a squirter thingy!"

"Someone's finally catching on," Noah said, making Tyler glare at him. Bridgette tried to calm down the other blonde.

"It's okay Lindsay," she said, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Climb on my back and I'll take you across," Lindsay nodded. She went on the surfer girl's back, making her tilt forward a little. She walked over to the side of the river and pulled the lever to make herself and Lindsay hover over the water, but Bridgette forgot to switch the nozzles, and ended up spraying Tyler and Noah with the water. The two blondes fell in the water. Once Bridgette swam up, Alejandro helped her get on dry land. Lindsay was about to get help from Alejandro too, but she noticed something was missing and felt the top of her head.

"My bow!" she screeched. She saw her bow floating away from her. She swam towards it and quickly got it. She managed to get on land by her own, and ran to the others. "Now where do we go?" she asked.

"Did the arrow give you any idea?" Noah said pointing to a convenient sign with the arrow facing east. Tyler elbowed him for taunting his girlfriend once again. Noah reacted by spraying water in the jocks face. Katie quickly interrupted the two before it turned into an all-out brawl. The two continued to glare at each other as they continued walking. The girls stopped when they saw a giant lake of goop. It was mixed with the colors of brown and white.

"Ewww!" Katie, Bridgette, and Lindsay said in unison. A small colorful, yet, transparent creature came out of the goop. The creature was none other than a Bwow-Wop. [1] It walked slowly towards Bridgette. As soon as it was close enough, it tried to pounce her, but the panicked blonde used her nozzle to spray it. The creature was destroyed, but it sent small pieces of goop at Izzy once it died. The red-head did not seem to mind however. Tyler and Noah were cleaning up the goop and killing Bwow-Wops along the way.

Izzy jumped in front of them and started spinning in circles, spraying water at the goop, the enemies, and her teammates. She managed to get rid of most of the filth, but there was a small pile left near the entrance for the windmill. A goop covered creature arose from the filth. It spat near Alejandro, but the Latin-Canadian managed to dodge it. Noah squirted at the creature, exposing that it was a toothless Piranha Plant. The plant inflated like a balloon with the water it was taking in and exploded when it was filled. Unlike the Bwow-Wops, it shot out more water upon death, taking out more sludge in the way. There was a small hole in the way of getting to the windmill's hill. Noah and Tyler immediately jumped over and used their hover nozzles to make it across. Alejandro and Katie went on a rope that was conveniently there. Bridgette, Lindsay, and Izzy were the last to go. Bridgette did exactly what Tyler and Noah had done, while Lindsay got on top of Izzy's back. The red-head was able to go across with the busty blonde on her back.

"Thank you, Ellie!" Lindsay said to Izzy. The phsyco shrugged and continued walking with the others. As the team walked, a giant ball of goop flew from the sky and hit Ezekiel. The hit was strong enough to send prairie boy off into the lake. He was pouring wet, but was still in the game.

"We gotta' wait for him!" Katie said to her teammates, "We need all the help we can get!" Just as Katie said this, a Skeeter tackled him, and took him back to the real world. Katie slapped her forehead in frustration.

(Confession Cam)

Katie – I totally jinxed that! (she looks down) I hope I don't bring more bad luck to my team…

EzekielIt felt weird getting hit by that thing, eh. It was like I got tackled by a moose! Then that mini-spider came and freaked me in…or was it out?

Izzy – Awww, poor Zeke! I wish I could've gotten hit with the goop instead of him. (she smiles directly at the camera) Because I bet that felt so awesome! And I would've wrestled with that Skeeter if it got near me! Drown him in his own waters! (she laughs maniacally).

The team continued walking. Izzy seemed to be a little upset after Ezekiel left the game, but managed to get a hold of herself. There were small pieces of goop on the sides of the hill they were walking on. Bridgette was spraying them, but Noah stopped her.

"You don't have to spray it. No enemies will form." He told her.

"I know, but…" she looked at the goop disgustingly, "It's just so…nasty!"

The egghead rolled his eyes and was trying to continue walking, when suddenly, Tyler tackled him.

"What the hell are you doing?" Noah yelled. Tyler pointed to a goop covered ball known as a Piranhabon. It was close to hitting Noah, but Tyler saved him. "Oh…thanks I guess,"

The jock boy nodded and they continued walking. On the way, a few more Piranhabons tried to run over the team, but each time one came, it rolled down the middle and the team members were on the sides of the walkway. The Piranhabons however, kept forming goop. Bridgette had sprayed some of it away, but Noah stopped her, once again.

They kept walking, but were stopped by a small gap with a spiky vine on it. They all managed to jump their way over, but there was a bigger gap blocking their way.

"Oh great," Katie said. "What do we do now?"

Alejandro swept Katie off her feet and carried her bridal style. He took a few paces back, started running, and jumped all the way across the gap. He put Katie back down and noticed that the tanned girl was blushing.

"Thanks," she giggled out. Alejandro nodded and smiled at her.

Izzy had to, once again, carry Lindsay and use her hover nozzle to get them across. Bridgette, Noah, and Tyler followed Izzy after she made it across. There was one final gap that they needed to go across. This one however, looked impossible to go through without the nozzle. Lindsay went on Tyler's back this time, while Katie went on Izzy's. Noah went across without helping his nozzle-less team member while Bridgette stayed with him.

"I think I can carry you across," she said to the tanned teen. Alejandro smiled at the surfer girl and shook his head.

"No thank you, Bridgette," he said politely, "I think I can get across through that small hole the vines have. Besides, I wouldn't want to strain your back." He winked at her, causing Bridgette to blush. Katie was watching the two and noticed.

(Confession Cam)

Katie(her arms are crossed) Okay, I know Alejandro was probably being polite to Bridgette, but, there was, like, no need to wink at her! (she calms down and looks at the ground) I can't really be jealous right now though. 'Cause, like, he didn't even ask me out yet. He will. I just have to wait a little longer.

Bridgette went across, while Alejandro turned around. He took a deep breath and was ready. He turned slightly, jumped sideways, and managed not to get hit by one of the vines' thorns. As the females of the team looked at him with impressed looks, Tyler and Noah didn't seemed too amused.

The windmill's fan was going slowly right behind them. There were small little platforms that could fit the whole team. Once one got close enough, Team Caliente jumped on it. The windmill kept going up, until they reached the highest peak, the team jumped off and landed on the windmill's small roof. They were accompanied by a twenty-foot massive Piranha Plant. Unlike the other plants, this one had stubby legs and petals around its head. The Shine Sprite was right above its head.

"What is that?" Bridgette shouted, loud enough for the creature to hear. It shrieked when looking down at them, blasting the team's ears.

"That's Petey Piranha!" Tyler told her. "Chris was lying about the 'friendly, but huge' plant thing! We're in for a fight!"

Petey looked down at the team members, when suddenly a cracking noise was heard. The giant plant and the team members all gasped and looked around to see what made the noise. Once they couldn't find what made the noise, they glared at each other again. The cracking noise was heard once again, louder than ever. The noise was being made by the roof, which seemed it couldn't take in all their weight. The teammates exchanged shocked glances with the large Pirahna Plant, and then suddenly, the top of the roof collapsed. Petey was screaming as he dived head first onto the floor, Team Caliente following right behind him.

There was goop already formed on the floor. Bwow-Wops and gooped Pirahna Plants waiting to assist Petey Pirahna. Bridgette landed near Petey. Once the plant got up, he noticed her, and swung his head directly at her. She tried to shoot water at him, but she was out of liquid. Petey hit her and sended her flying to the wall. The surfer was out as soon as she hit the floor. Lindsay was separated from the rest of the team members. She slowly got up, when a Bwow-Wop tried to pounce her. She took a few steps back, right in time for the creature to miss her. Petey was looking directly at her. He inhaled some of the air and vomited out goop on the blonde.

"Oh God," she said, looking as if she was about to vomit as well. "My clothes, my hair, my bow…ru-" Was all Lindsay could say, before she vanished out of the virtual world. [2]

It was down to Noah, Tyler, Izzy, Alejandro, and Katie to defeat the large plant. He turned to the team and inhaled the air once again, preparing to spit out more goop. Tyler interrupted the plant by squirting water into its mouth. The plant panicked and couldn't close his mouth. Once there was too much water in his mouth, he swallowed it forcibly and fell to the ground; his belly button was sticking out from his bloated stomach. Izzy ran towards the fallen Pirahna Plant and ground-pounded its stomach, sending the water Tyler put in his mouth to come back out.

The giant plant managed to get up after that direct hit to the stomach. He slapped himself with his hand-like leafs. He pulled back his right leaf-hand and formed a small twister with it [3]. It tried dragging Katie in, but Alejandro was lucky enough to grab her before she was sucked into it. Izzy was unlucky though, as she got sucked into the mini-tornado and was sent out the world. Izzy's nozzle was up for grabs as she poofed out of the virtual world. Alejandro ran with Katie to get it.

"What the heck?" Noah shouted, "How is he doing that?"

"Chris must've changed the mission a little!" Tyler replied back.

Petey tried to spew out more sludge, but this time Noah stopped it. Tyler helped him squirt water into the creature's mouth. Once again, Petey fell back first onto the floor once he swallowed the water. Since Alejandro was too busy tying the nozzle onto Katie, Tyler went up to the plant and ground-pounded him. Tyler thought he had finished him, but Petey didn't give up. He got up once again and slapped himself with his leaf-hands. He fluttered his leaf-hands up and down, until he started…flying [4]! The remaining four all looked at the plant who was now flying above them, shocked. Petey was able to hurl sludge at them from above. The sludge hit Alejandro and sent him flying back. Before the team members knew it, the new contestant was out.

"ALEJANDRO!" Katie shouted, tears forming in her eyes. She scowled and looked at Petey Piranha. She started shooting the water from the nozzle that Alejandro picked up. The water shot Petey directly in the face and sent him falling. Unfortunately, Petey landed on Noah and sent the bookwork out of the virtual world. It was down to Tyler and Katie. The giant plant got up and looked the remaining two. He formed another tornado with his leaf-hand, but Katie and Tyler were lucky enough to dodge it. Just when they were running away, Petey was getting ready to puke out more goop. The two noticed this and shot directly to the plant's mouth. It was then end for Petey as he fell towards the ground with his bloated stomach. He was struggling to get up, but was out of luck as both Tyler and Katie ran up to him and ground-pounded him. He let out a painful shriek and was finally finished. The plant laid there and formed into goop after a moment. The goop melted and released a Shine Sprite. Tyler and Katie went near the golden item to finish their mission. Once they grabbed it, it twirled in the air and the two high-fived each other before it landed on both of their hands; the mission was over.

(Real World)

Katie and Tyler's helmets were taken off by Alejandro and Lindsay. As soon as Tyler's mind came back to the real world he was jumping and screaming:

"THAT WAS AWESOME!" he pumped his fists in the air. "This is the best day ever!"

"We're down to one last team," Chris said, ignoring Tyler. "Team Odd-Ball! You guys are going into Super Mario Galaxy! Wonder which world you'll end up in?"

"Acually, they 'worlds' in the game are referred to as 'galaxies'" Harold corrected the host, much to his annoyance.

"Right, anyway, let's get this over with. Go on the beds so we can put you into the virtual reality,"

They team obeyed and lied down on the small metal beds. The helmets were placed on their heads and they were off.

(Virtual World)

The team landed on a small, plant filled planet. There were four giant flowers with oversized petals for them to ride.

"Oh wow," Sadie said, shocked at what she was seeing, "It's so beautiful!"

Chris' voiced from the intercom interrupted Sadie's admiring of the galaxy they were in. "It'll be even more beautiful, seeing you guys get virtually hurt!" he said. "You're mission is to go all the way to the Major Burrows Planet and save a Star Bunny from the boss' wrath."

"That's it?" Duncan asked, not amused, "We just have to save a stupid rabbit?"

"Yeah, pretty much! Your twelve minutes start…now!"

LeShawna turned to Harold and Cody. "Since you guys know so much about this game, I'm gonna' let you two lead us to victory!" Harold and Cody looked happy at the fact that LeShawna trusted them and put the two geeky nerds in charge, but Duncan did not seem to like her idea.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold the phone," he said, pushing Harold out of his way and into Cody. "You're seriously putting those two dorks in charge? Well, at least we know who's to blame if we lose,"

LeShawna rolled her eyes. "Talk 'bout team spirit. If you haven't noticed, Harold and Cody know a lot 'bout games like this! They probably still play these games!...No offense guys."

"None taken," they both said.

(Confession Cam)

Cody – I'm not afraid to admit that I do still play the Mario series. It's usually when I'm bored though. Like when-

Sierra – He's on a vacation from school, he'll play them. As for Harold, -

Harold – I've done walkthroughs of the Super Mario series. It shows me getting all one-hundred twenty stars for each of them. Or in Super Mario Galaxy's case, two-hundred fourty two. I still need to do the walkthrough for Super Mario Galaxy 2 though. There's a bunch of hidden stars that I still need to get.

"Harold and Cody are leading us and that's final!" LeShawna said, now in Duncan's face.

"Uh, guys?" said a voice, which belonged to Geoff. "We've kinda already wasted a whole minute arguing," The party boy turned to Harold, "What do we do, man?"

Duncan groaned as Harold was glad to explain what his team needed to do. "It's pretty simple actually. You have to grab one of those flowers over there and we float across with the help of the wind pushing us."

Geoff shrugged. "Sounds good enough to me," Geoff got onto a flower with Sadie. Duncan grouped up with Eva, while Harold took LeShawna, and Cody ended up with Sierra. "Hold on tight!" Cody shouted. The flowers took off and were heading to another small planet. Once they were close enough, Harold instructed them to jump off.

"Now get onto those other flowers!" the nerd said.

"Couldn't we have just used that flower we were just on?" Duncan asked, a scowl upon his pierced face.

Harold shook his head, "There wouldn't have been enough petals for us to make it to the other planet," he explained.

He and LeShawna grabbed hold of another flower while the rest of the group paired up again. They soared into the air, but where dropping down a bit.

"What do we do now Harold?" Sadie asked, getting worried.

"The one on the bottom of the petal has to spin!" Cody answered for Harold. Sierra, Geoff, Duncan, and Harold all spun, giving them a boost forward and a boost upward. One of the petals had gotten off the flower in the process. Duncan spun once again, getting him at a higher altitude, but Cody quickly told him not to do that again. For once, the punk listened. When the team was going down once again, they spun, Duncan followed by accident. He and Eva were down to one final petal, which was quickly dropping them down. Luckily for them, it brought them down on a new planet.

"Nice going," Eva said, "We both could've gotten out right there!" she raised her voice, but quickly covered her mouth when she noticed.

"Hey, I got us here, didn't I?" Duncan asked, his smug grin on his face.

Eva rolled her eyes, "I guess…but if we need to use another flower, I call bottom,"

"Whatever," Duncan said, now a seductive grin on his face, "I prefer being on top anyways," the punk lifted his unibrow. Eva looked at him oddly for a moment, and then went wide-eyed when she realized his dirty joke. She grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and raised her fist at him, but she dropped it and started counting to ten quietly.

(Confession Cam)

Eva – I'm really trying to fix my (she lifts her hands and uses her fingers as quotations) anger problem, so I decided to let that little rat live. Besides, Courtney will get to him, won't she?"

Duncan – (he sighs happily) Man it's good to still be alive!

Courtney – I wonder why Eva got angry. So what if Duncan prefer being on top of the flower? She said she'd rather take the bottom anyway. (she taps her chin) Then again, if you just greet yourself to Eva, she'll get mad.

The rest of the team members came to join Eva and Duncan at the small planet.

"What now?" LeShawna asked. Just as she asked that, something was burrowing right next to them. Cody ran up to it and ground-pounded right near it. A Monty Mole popped out with a spiky helmet. Cody ran towards it before it got the chance to go back in the whole, and spun to knock it out of the whole. Cody struck a heroic pose after defeating the enemy. He got a cheer from Sadie and Geoff, a compliment from Eva, LeShawna, and Harold, one of Duncan's whatever, and a hug from his biggest fan. A sling star appeared right in the middle of the planet. Harold and Cody both ran towards it and were launched upward, onto another oddly-shaped planet. This one was larger than the other three they were on combined.

The rest of the team followed the geeks' actions. There were three Monty Moles burrowing underground.

"Alright guys," Cody said, turning to his teammates, "Once you're right near these moles, ground-pound so they can come out and then spin to hit them. Don't be in front of them though, 'cause you might be sent out of the game!"

The team nodded, while Sierra swooned. "Oh Cody, you're so handsome when you give out orders," Cody blushed a bit and smiled sheepishly. Duncan rolled his eyes at the uber fan's compliment and went with Geoff to go defeat a Monty. Sierra had already called dibs to go with Cody. Sadie grouped with Eva, leaving LeShawna and Harold to be grouped.

"Since there's only three Montys," Harold said, "Let's let the others defeat them. I wouldn't want my beautiful, chocolate eyed goddess to get tired virtually."

LeShawna smiled, "Aw, thanks sugar!"

"Plus, one the others are done," Harold added, "We can take a ride on the Launch Star that appears after they're all gone! Follow me!" Harold proceeded to run on the weirdly-shaped planet. LeShawna followed him.

Duncan and Geoff had already managed to defeat a Monty. Geoff was the ground-pounder while Duncan was the spinner. Sierra and Cody were busy, as a Monty was chasing after the geek. Sierra was trying to catch up to it and make sure it didn't hurt him. The Monty Mole was getting closer. Sierra managed to perform a long jump, ground-pound the mole out of its burrow and kick him out before it caused Cody virtual harm.

"Thanks Sierra!" Cody said, trying to catch his breath, "You're really good at this!"

Sierra blushed slightly. "Oh thank you Cody!" she hugged the geek on the usual spot.

Sadie and Eva were having a bit of trouble with the mole. It seemed to be running away from both of them.

"Quit runnin' ya' coward!" Eva yelled, sprinting to the burrow trails. Sadie was right behind the fitness chick, but wasn't keeping a steady pace. Eva did a long jump, and ground-pounded the floor, but the mole was farther than she was when she performed it. This made her angry.

"Eva…" Sadie said, panting. "Would it be okay if I take a break?"

"You serious?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. The thick BFFFL nodded and Eva sighed. "Okay, hold up," Eva walked a little past Sadie as she noticed the mole was coming at them. She threw her hands through the dirt and grabbed the mole out. She punched the animal right in the stomach and threw it where Duncan and Geoff were heading. She dusted off her hands and grinned. "There. Break time over. Let's go!"

Harold and LeShawna were right at the end of the planet when a Launch Star appear before them. "Wicked!" Harold said. He grabbed LeShawna's hand and tried tugging her into the star, but she managed to just walk with him. They jumped onto the Launch Star and before they knew it, they were off! They were flying! LeShawna couldn't believe it at first, but when she realized she was, she shouted happily and twirled. Harold chuckled at seeing his lover interest have so much fun. It looks lovely to the nerd. They flew past a metal circle covered with thorns and landed on a planet that looked exactly like an apple. A caterpillar like creature was right next to them. It was a Wiggler. It seemed pretty happy, but LeShawna felt creeped out by it and jumped on its head, destroying the creature.

"Sorry baby," LeShawna said, "but I ain't a fan of bugs."

"It's okay," Harold said, patting LeShawna's shoulder, "It was an enemy anyways,"

Duncan, Eva, Geoff, Sierra, Cody, and Sadie arrived momentarily. Sierra and Geoff looked very excited.

"That was awesome!" Geoff shouted and pumped his fists in the air. "Let's do that again! Please?"

"We should be riding at least two more," Cody said. "So don't worry, you'll get to ride 'em again."


Sadie giggled at Geoff's optimism, while Eva gave a very small smile. Duncan was the only one who looked like he didn't care.

"Can we get going now?" he asked, annoyed. The team nodded. Cody took the opportunity to go onto a convenient stump that was on the Apple Planet and ground-pound it. Once he did, a Worm popped out and went into a different apple planet. Its body left a bridge for Team Odd-Ball. The girls (including Eva) looked pretty disgusted.

"Uh-uh" LeShawna said, shaking her head, "Ain't no way LeShawna gonna' walk over a worm's body!"

Duncan, who was already walking across, grunted. "Fine, now we really know who we're gonna vote off when we lose!"

"Oh, stop with your negative attitude already," Sadie said, rolling her eyes. She looked at the worm's body in disgust, but started walking on it with her eyes closed. Once she made it across, she bumped into Duncan, due to her eyes still being shut.

"There, that wasn't so bad right?" he asked the big BFFFL. She nodded her head with a light smile. Duncan turned around, only to be rammed by a red Wiggler. The caterpillar creature also rammed Sadie on its rampage, and knocked both the punk and the sweet girl out of virtual reality.

Cody came afterwards and saw the two poof away. The Wiggler tried taking Cody with the other two, but Sierra jumped in front of Cody and landed directly on the angered creature's head.

"Thanks Sierra!" Cody said, "You've saved my butt once again,"

"Anything to keep that booty unharmed!" Sierra said. Cody raised an eyebrow at her comment, but shrugged it off.

The rest of the team walked over to them. LeShawna noticed that Sadie and Duncan had been taken by the now deceased Wiggler and hung her head in shame. She felt it was her fault that they were gone.

"Don't cast the blame on yourself LeShawna," Harold said, comforting his love. "If there's anyone to blame, it's me…or Cody, but mostly me!"

"It's not all bad," Eva said, "At least we won't have to hear Duncan's grunts and groans now."

"That's true…" LeShawna said. The sista with 'tude walked up to another stump on the planet and bashed it inside, making the Worm come out once again and went into the final apple planet. As they were crossing the worm's body, Geoff was having a little fun.

"Don'tcha guys just love how there's so little gravity here?" the party boy said, as he circle the worm's body. He even jumped and went spinning around it once.

"Honey, we ain't got time for this," LeShawna said to Geoff. He apologized and they got onto the other apple planet. Instead of Wigglers protecting this planet, there were boulders. Luckily for them, the boulders weren't alive and couldn't track them down. Harold quickly went up to the stump on the planet and ground-pounded it down. The worm came out for the last time, but had no more body to stretch out. His head stopped directly at a Launch Star.

Geoff quickly pushed his way in front of everyone to get to the Launch Star first. The partier got onto it and launched off. He was screaming in delight once he was shot out. Geoff landed on a small, grass and thorn covered planet. There was another Launch Star in front of him.

"This day just keeps getting better!" he shouted to himself.

He hooked himself onto it and flew to a dirt filled planet with a huge tree in the middle. There was a defenseless little bunny with ears shaped as stars being chased by a huge Monty. The huge Monty was known as Major Burrows. He popped out of his burrow and growled at the bunny. Geoff watched in shock at the poor animal being chased after huge mole.

"AHHH! Somebody help me!" screamed the Star Bunny.

Geoff ran towards Major Burrows while he was out of the ground and ground-pounded near him. The mole's whole body was now showing as he sat dumbfounded on the planet's floor. Geoff kicked the huge creature and sent him flying a few feet. The party boy thought he was done, but he was far from it. The huge mole got up on his feet and glared at Geoff. He dug back into the grown and began chasing Geoff. Geoff ran away, but the mole went the opposite way he was going. He turned his head to see if Burrows was following him, but saw nothing. He was tackled by Major Burrows from his front side when his guard was down.

The remaining Team Odd-Ball members finally came to the planet. Burrows had found some new targets and started chasing after them. Cody grounded-pounded once Burrows had gotten half-way out of the ground, causing the mole to get out of his hole and run around like a moron. Eva chased after the mole and kicked him right in his rear-end. Burrows was literally blowing steam out of his ears as his fur turned more red. He dug back into the ground and tackled Eva on his way back in. It was down to Sierra, Cody, Harold, and LeShawna to defeat the boss now. The four started running away from Burrows as he was getting near them every second. Once he popped out half-ways, Harold ground pounded the floor. Burrows went backwards into the soil again. He charged at them even quicker, taking Cody on his rampage.

"CODY!" Sierra shouted on the top of her lungs. She was now glowing red as well. The Total Drama fanatic jumped forwards to Major Burrows and roundhouse kicked him in the face while in the air. The huge mole was sent back and was finally defeated.

(Confession Cam)

Sierra – Nobody messes with my Cody! (she points at the camera) Got it?

Harold – Awww, I was just about to do what Sierra did! I got to be quicker next time.

The Star Bunny got off from the tree it was on and went to the remaining three.

"Thank you so much for saving me, boiyoing!" the bunny said as it jumped on Sierra. "Here, take this as a token of my appreciation, boiyoing yoing!"

The bunny pulled out a golden star from his fur and gave it to Sierra. She grabbed it and started floating in mid-air. LeShawna and Harold joined her in floating and spun around the star. They let out a final cheer and were finished with their part of the mission.

(Real World)

Sierra, Harold, and LeShawna removed their virtual reality helmets and were approached by Chris.

"Congratulations Team Screw-Ball, er, I mean, Odd-Ball!" he chuckled nervously as he got a mean look from LeShawna. "Since you guys had the most remaining teammates during your mission, you're automatically safe from elimination today!"

Team Odd-Ball all cheered happily as the other teams groaned, moaned, grunted, and everything in between.

"You guys now get to use the Virtual Reality Machine to play the Mario Sport series! You'll be able to play against actual Mario characters if you want." Chris continued, "But right after we use it to determine the loser for this challenge." He turned to the other two teams. "Go onto the beds, it's time for the tie breaker!"

They followed the host's directions and put their helmets on. The final virtual reality challenge of the day was about to go underway.

(Virtual World)

The fifteen contestants were standing in a rock area. There were huge rocks acting as a border or a wall at the end of the area. The sky was dark, but it had bright stars to illuminate the place. Tyler, who was looking at the area front, back, side to side, and all other directions that probably didn't even exist, had a huge smile on his face and looked as if he were about to cry.

He broke the silence by shouting: "NO WAY!" right in Noah's ear.

"This is Bouldergeist's stage; my favorite boss in all the Mario series!"

Noah was rubbing the ear that Tyler yelled into. "Yeah, I bet it took you months to beat such a simple boss,"

"Maybe," Tyler growled, "But I bet it was so simple for you to beat because you cheated off a video!"

The bookwork gasped. He followed it by glaring at Tyler. The two looked like they were going to have a nerd fight.

(Confession Cam)

Noah – Did that pathetic, idiotic, wannabe, red track-suit wearing, (he lifts his hands to make air quotes) jock, just accuse me of using a video to defeat the Bouldergeist? If we lose, he just got my vote!

Tyler – I'll admit, it did take me about a week to beat Bouldergeist, but the only reasons as to why it took so long, is because the controls kept breaking after I threw them at the wall.

As the bookworm and the jock continued glaring and growling at each other, Ezekiel stepped in to end the violence.

"Stop fighting, eh," the prairie boy said, gently pushing the two away from each other. "We gotta f'oocus so we do'on't have to vote off anyone."

Tyler let out a sigh. "Zeke's got a point." The jock extended his hand towards Noah, "Truce?"

The tan boy scoffed and turned the other way, refusing to shake Tyler's hand. He frowned and put it down. Meanwhile, Chris was using the intercom in the real world to give out instructions.

"Okay, I'm gonna make it plain and simple," he said, "There's two ways of winning this for your team. One way is to be the lasts one surviving for your team. The second way is to defeat the boss I'm about to spawn. Good luck, you losers are gonna need it!"

As the host turned off the intercom, the area started to shake furiously. The rocks that were acting as a boarder flew into the middle of the area and formed something. The creature it formed was none other than the boss Tyler mentions: Bouldergeist. It roared at all the contestants that were there and glared at them angrily. Speaking of Tyler, he immediately ran towards the rocky ghost and ran around it over and over again. It growled at the jock and picked up rocks from the floor. He sent two towards the jock, while the other four rocks were sent to Courtney, Alejandro, Gwen, and Justin. All but Justin, who was hit near his crotch, were able to dodge the rock. One of the rocks that Bouldergeist threw at Tyler was darker than the others. Once it slammed onto the ground, a black ghost known as a Bomb Boo appeared. It was floating freely until Tyler spun near the ghost and grabbed it by its tongue. He hit the huge rock ghost on the side, causing some of its rocky armor to come off and expose darkness.

Courtney watched Tyler's every movement and ran in to defeat the Bouldergeist. The monster made the spikes for in the ground, nearly hitting DJ, but getting Beth. All of Team Caliente's members were lucky enough to dodge the sharp spikes. Noah joined in to help (not really) Tyler, while Heather joined Courtney. The monster summoned rocks from the ground once again. He sent it towards Gwen and Katie, whom were lucky enough to run away from the rocks. The rest of the rocks were sent to those who were circling around Bouldergeist. He sent out two black rocks this time, making to Bomb Boos come out. Noah grabbed one, while Heather grabbed the other, both hit all the rocky armor off of Bouldergeist. His true form was revealed. It looked a lot different than how it looked with the armor. It fled away from Courtney, Noah, Tyler, and Heather, but the frightened monster had left one Bomb Boo for them. Noah tried to grab it, but Courtney pushed him roughly in order to get it. She grabbed the ghost by the tongue and hit the uvula-like thing that was coming out of its mouth.

The creature shrieked in pain and went towards the middle of the arena. It shook of the pain it was in, and formed with it rocky armor yet again. This time however, it had rocky arms. It roared loudly, letting the others know that it wasn't done yet. Courtney, who was right next to Bouldergeist, was squished like a bug as the rock hand came down at her. Once it was done with Courtney, it threw its fist towards Ezekiel, Lindsay, Bridgette, and Izzy. The blondes and the prairie boy were hit as the fist was too fast for them to dodge; Izzy however, jumped onto the monster's rocky fist and rode on it. The ghost tried to shake her off, but the red-head was tightly holding onto the monster's finger. It got fed up with her and swatted the psycho off, but upon doing just that, it destroyed its left arm.

Since Courtney was now gone, Trent went to go help Heather, while Gwen tried to tell DJ to stop cowering and help. Alejandro and Katie went to help their remaining teammates, but where stopped when a shadow covered them. The shadow belonged to Bouldergeist's remaining hand. It came down very quickly. Alejandro reacted by pushing Katie out of harm's way, while he was the one to be squashed by the giant hand. The thin BFFFL gasped at the fact that the Hispanic Canadian did that for her. She gained a serious look on her face and ran to help the others, who were being fed rocks by the monster. Two rocks were thrown at DJ and Gwen. Both were hit by them as they Gwen was distracted by looking at DJ, and DJ was hit while he was in fetal position. There was two Bomb Boos that came out of the rocks were grabbed by Noah and Heather once again. Heather hit the monster, while Noah was actually aiming to hit someone else: Trent.

"Screw Bouldergeist!" Noah shouted to his remaining teammates. "When another Bomb Boo comes, just aim for Heather and we'll win this!"

Tyler and Katie nodded with a smirk on both their faces, while Heather looked at all three of them wide-eyed.

(Confession Cam)

Heather – Ihave to say, that was a good idea from Noah. I can't believe I didn't think of that…could I be losing my touch?

Noah – To be honest, I was aiming to hit Tyler with that Bomb Boo, but Trent sorta got in the way.

Bouldergeist's other arm had grown back. He swatted at Team Caliente, but only managed to get Katie. He summoned rocks from the ground once again, missing the remaining three. Two Bomb Boos popped out (as usual). It was grabbed by Tyler, who was trying to hit Heather, but instead, it collided with Noah. Tyler was lucky enough to grab the second one, but it hit the boulder ghost; however, that hit made all of its rock armor come off and his arms fall. The creature was running away once again, leaving Bomb Boos on the floor. Both Heather and Tyler grabbed one, but Tyler was victorious as he hit Bouldergeist on its weak spot. It let out a painful screech as its head started imploding. Since Heather did destroy the creature first, she was automatically sent out of the virtual world, leaving Tyler all by himself. Once Bouldergeist exploded, he let out a large golden Power Star. Tyler ran to grab it in order to end the virtual challenge.

"Congratulations Tyler!" Chris said, "You and your team don't have to face elimination tonight!"

All team members from Team Caliente cheered and picked up Tyler, throwing him in the air a couple of times. Noah was the only one who wasn't happy and glaring at Tyler.

Chris turned to face the losing team, "But it seems Team Not-So Excellent has to eliminate someone yet again!" He laughed, "Wonder who it's gonna be."

(Bonfire Ceremony)

The team of seven were sitting on the stumps. Chris however wasn't there. Instead, a blonde haired intern wearing a white tank top and green shorts was there.

"Hey everybody," the intern said, "I'm Billy, an intern here. Chris kinda ate Chef's food by accident and is having explosive diarrhea," Some of the team members looked confused at him, "Yeah, apparently it does exist"

"So anyway, I'm going to be giving out your guys' s'mores. Remember, the person who doesn't get there s'more will be immediately out of the competition, be picked up by the loser-copter, and take the Drop of Shame once they get to Playa des Losers."

"How could we forget?" Gwen said, rolling her eyes, "We just heard that yesterday,"

"Right…" Billy said, rubbing his neck. "Anyways, here are the people who are staying here:…


"Trent and Justin,"


"and Beth,"

Heather was once again in the bottom two. Joining her this time, was none other than her least favorite goth girl, Gwen.

"Since I always hear you guys not liking a dramatic pause to know who's booted off, I'll just make it quick. Heather, you're in, Gwen, you're out."

The goth's eyes grew insanely wide. "What?" she shrieked, "You guys voted me off over her? What the hell is wrong with you people?"

"Gwen, it's okay, calm down," Trent said, trying to…calm her down (really?). "Money isn't everything."

"Easy for you to say," she said, a bit quieter now, "You're still in this game,"

The guitarist lifted his goth girlfriend's head up in order for her eyes to meet his. Once the two's eyes were locked on each other, Trent pulled her in for a kiss. Courtney and Beth cooed, while Justin and DJ both gave Trent a thumbs up.

"Just a little going away present," Trent said to her after they apart, "I'll try to win this thing just you, okay?"

Gwen smiled and nodded. She hugged her boyfriend one last time before the loser-copter lowered itself. "Good luck Trent!" She boarded the helicopter and while it lifted off, a small tear came out of Trent's eye. DJ and Justin went to comfort their friend while Heather walked away. Little did Heather know that Beth followed right behind her.

"Heather!" she called out. When the queen bee turned around, she scowled.

"What do you want?" she asked rudely.

"I just wanted to know what the deal was with you hugging Trent earlier today,"

Heather's eye widened when hearing that. "No-nothing, why do you ask?"

"Do you like Trent?"

"Th-that's none of your business," Heather said, pouting the opposite direction. "Why do you care anyway?"

"Because, I've actually heard some rumors about you during the break of TDA, and I couldn't help but feel sorry for you,"

"What…rumors?" Heather asked, facing Beth again.

"Well, I remember the really big one was that you were kinda obese when you were younger and that you had dozens of pimples on your face…is that rumor true?"

Heather looked as if she was about to cry and nodded.

"It's okay Heather," Beth said, patting the queen bee's shoulder.

"Why?" Heather asked, "Why are you being…nice to me?"

"Well, yesterday, I heard DJ say 'everyone deserves a second chance', and I've noticed that no one has really done that to you…so after I heard that rumor, I kinda wanted to give you one. A second chance that is. You must have some good inside of you,"

"DJ really said that? Then that must mean that he was one of the people that didn't vote me off!"

"Most likely. I heard that he voted off for Justin."

Heather let out a small, yet awkward, smile. "So you're really gonna be nice to me?" The short girl nodded.

"As long as you're nice to me,"

"Even after those horrible things I've said about you during both seasons?"

"Like I said, or, well how DJ said 'everyone deserves a second chance,"

Heather smiled again, this time without the awkwardness. "Thanks Beth,"

"No problem!"

The two girls walked off to their cabin to hit the hay. Who knows what Chris had in store for them tomorrow.

(Confession Cam)

Gwen – Who am I voting for? Of course, Heather. I don't care if she was a big help, I don't want to have to deal with her again!

Trent – Heather was a big help, so I'm actually gonna let my vote for her slide this time. I'll vote for Justin. I know we're buds and all, but he wasn't exactly that much use during this challenge.

DJ – I never knew Heather was so good at these kinda challenges. Justin wasn't that good however, so I'll vote for him. Sorry dude.

Courtney – I'm voting for Gwen. It feels weird sleeping with her in the same room. I wake up having nightmares of her trying to smother me!

Heather – Bye weird goth girl!

Justin – Gonna have to vote for Gwen. She's a big threat after all. Sorry Trent.

Beth – I'm voting for Courtney again. All she did was get crushed by the enemy.

(Vote Count)

Gwen – 3

Justin - 2

Heather – 1

Courtney – 1

Out: Owen, Gwen.

In: Alejandro, Beth, Bridgette, Cody, Courtney, Duncan, DJ, Eva, Ezekiel, Geoff, Gwen, Harold, Heather, Izzy, Justin, Katie, LeShawna, Lindsay, Noah, Sadie, Sierra, Trent, Tyler.

Sorry Gwen fans, but she's out. Will Heather be out next? Who knows? I won't do the backwards version of the TDI list, okay ;). Sorry if the chapter seemed boring. I didn't exactly know how to put in character dialogue during the boss fights. I'll try to do better next chapter.

[1] – That was the name of the enemy on MarioWiki. Weird, huh?

[2] – In the game, if you stay too long in the goop, you'll lose a life. Lindsay was covered in goop, so she was sent out for being covered in it too long.

[3] Petey is only able to do that the second time you fight him, not the first time.

[4] – Same as above.

Edit: Sorry for the accidental deletion. I was trying to edit the chapter. The next chapter might not come out too quick. I'm starting high school and karate practice.