A/N – This is like my third attempt at making a long fanfiction, but I'm hoping to make this one stick. I hope you enjoy it! And also, this fanfiction is inspired by Frank15 who wrote the awesome fanfiction Total Drama Chris (if you haven't read it yet, then go! It's an awesome fanfiction!) and The Kobold Necromancer, the author of Total Drama Combeback and TDC2: Total Drama Battlegrounds.

The camera shows a man with a dark haired, mid-twenties old man, tapping his foot on the dock that he is standing on impatiently.

"Are we rolling now?" he asked, annoyed. The camera man nodded the camera gently. The dark haired man smiled. "Good!"

"Hello! It's the host of the hit reality series, Total Drama Island and Total Drama Action: Chris McLean! Announcing of yet another series of Total Drama called, Total Drama Rampage! All of our old contestants will be joining us in a moment, as well as two new ones, but for now let me inform you people on what I'll be doing to these teens,"

The camera shows a different part of the dock where Chris was standing on. "So here's how it goes. Well, actually, the rules are pretty much the same as they were the last two seasons. The contestants are going to have to endure the challenges I throw at them, whichever team loses must vote off one of their team members, and the last one standing will receive a ton of cash…"

"So I guess that's pretty much it! Now, let's go meet the contestants shall we?"

A boat comes driving by at a pretty fast pace and drops off a boy wearing a bluish toque. He was wearing a greenish sweater with blue sweat pants and green boots, his dark brown hair covering up his eyes a bit.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the guy who was eliminated first on the first season, and didn't get a chance at redeeming himself in the second. Our sexist, clueless prairie boy, Ezekiel!"

Ezekiel scratched the back of his head and looked at the ground. "I didn't mean to say that thing about girls, eh."

Chris nodded, "Yeah, yeah Mr. I-hate-women. Now if you could be so kind as to not use my screen time, step aside!"

He did as he was told to; he hung his head in shame while walking to the other side of the dock. Chris noticed this and chuckled. His chuckling was interrupted when two girls were squeeing right near him. Both girls had black hair into pigtails. They had a matching outfit of black and white striped shirts that didn't even go down to their bellies and pink short-shorts. The only difference between the two was their height, their skin color...and most likely, their weight.

The host rubbed his left ear, "Ah, I remember you two. The 'identical twins' who were probably the most annoying in the whole show: Katie and Sadie."

The tanned one, Katie scoffed and said, "We were not annoying!"

Chris rolled his eyes at her, "Whatever Sadie,"

Katie looked at him confused, "Um, I'm Katie…"

"Really? I thought you were Sadie," Chris said, also confused.

The light skinned one, Sadie, spoke in annoyance, "No, I'm Sadie,"

"Fine, fine I'll try not to make the same mistake again, okay?" Chris said, starting to get annoyed.

The two girls smiled and nodded, "Okay!"

As Chris looked at them walking to the other side, another contestant was dropped off. It was another male. This one was wearing an all red track suit with white tennis shoes. He had a red headband on his forehead.

"Ah, if it isn't the talentless jock who has chicken-aphobia, Tyler!" said Chris.

Tyler glared at the host, "The correct word is alektorophobia and I do too have talent!"

"I'm sure you do buddy." Chris said while patting his back, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a show to host," Chris pushed Tyler to the others so hard that he collided with Ezekiel. Chris looked concerned at first, but then shrugged and laughed. Before he turned around to introduce the next contestant he was smacked on the back of the head by a large African-Canadian girl, wearing her dark hair in a ponytail. She wore a white shirt with kumquats on them and blue capris.

"That was not funny, Chris Mclean." she said.

"I remember you. You're the loudmouthed ghetto girl, LeShaw –" Chris was cut off short before he got slapped right across the face by the girl…hard. "…na…ow that hurt!" LeShawna got in Chris' face.

"Why don't you try sayin' that again, white boy" she asked, loudly.

"I'm sorry," Chris said, afraid now. "I'll make sure never to call you that again!" As LeShawna walked away, Chris had a sinister smile and showed that his fingers were crossed. Out of nowhere, Chris was pounced on by a girl with orange hair with bright green eyes, a green shirts, and light green skirt.

"Hi Chris!" she screamed. "Did'ya miss me? I know I missed you! Even though you were a total jerk last year!-but hey I guess everyone has their reasons! So how was it like after TDA? Did you miss us? Who'd you miss the most? Oh, I bet it was me. It better be me, or -"

"Well if it isn't my favorite psychopathic freak" Chris interrupted her. "Izzy!" Chris gave her a light shove so he could get back up on his feet.

"I'm your favorite?" the crazy girl continued. "That is like so awesome! Who's your second favorite? What's their names? Can I meet them?"

Chris looked rather annoyed, "Um Izzy, if you could be so kind, could you go with the others so I can introduce the next contestants? Besides, I'm sure they're all dying to hear your stories," he rolled his eyes.

"Oh! Thanks for reminding me," she said and rubbed Chris' head hard, messing up his hair. She ran towards the others. "Guys! You'll never believe the stuff I've been through since last season!"

As Chris was trying to fix his hair, another female contestant came off the boat. She had her blonde hair rapped in a ponytail; she wore a cyan colored hoodie, and long blue shorts.

"Ah, the vegetarian surfer girl, Bridgette!" Chris said. "How's it going? Catch any 'gnarly' waves before the show?"

"There was one," she said, happily. "It was really cool, but I wiped out unfortunately."

"Mhm, I expected that from a klutz like you," Chris said, nodding.

"I'm not that big of a klutz!" Bridgette shouted in her defense.

"Oh sure you aren't," Chris said, rolling his eyes, "Go join the others now. Thank you."

She did as told. "Hi guys!" she said to the others. "…Geoff still isn't here?" All the others shook their heads. Bridgette looked down, upset.

Katie and Sadie walked towards her. "Oh it's okay Bridgette." Katie said, "I'm sure Geoff will be here soon."

"Totally!" Sadie said, "…unless he didn't make it this season." Bridgette looked very worried after Sadie said that, but Katie quickly corrected her.

"Not possible Sadie. Chris said that all the original contestants were going to reappear in this season."

"Or right, I totally forgot." Sadie said, "You're, like, so smart Katie! Way smarter than me!"

"Oh that's not true Sadie! You're, like, a thousand times smarter than me!"

"I guess we're both pretty smart. Don't you think Katie?"

"Totally Sadie!" The two girls squeed loudly, causing Bridgette to cover her ears. The squeeing was stopped when Chris made a fake loud cough.

"If you morons over there are done being idiots, I'd like to continue please!" he yelled. Katie and Sadie stopped. "Thank you."

The next boat came over and dropped off another blonde female. She had a light-blue bandana on her head and was wearing a brown shirt with a red undershirt, bright orange skirt, and brown cowgirl looking boots.

"Hello Chip!" the blonde said. "So nice to see you again…I guess."

"If it isn't the dumb, yet sexy blonde, Lindsay!" Chris said, "And it's Chris!"

"I'll try to remember this time," she said with a worried look. "Promise!"

The host merely rolled his eyes at the comment. "Yeah, I'm sure you will. Please join the others." She followed the host's orders. As soon as Lindsay got to the others, Tyler walked up to her, reminded her of whom he was, and the two proceeded in making out. Bridgette sighed at the sight of it. The next boat was brought up and delivered a boy with tan skin and dark brown hair. He wore a red sweater vest on top of a blue buttoned shirt and a long sleeve t-shirt with green shorts. He didn't look to happy to be there.

"Ah, if it isn't the cynical smartass himself: Noah!" Chris said, although he didn't look to happy when Noah walked up to him. "How's life?" he asked. Noah looked at him with a confused look.

"How's life?" he repeated. "I'd say that its okay, but I've gone to hell for the summer with you." And with that, he walked towards the others. Chris mumbled something after he left.

The next contestant was brought up. It was a girl with black hair and a unibrow. She wore a dark blue top with matching colored shorts. She had a beauty mark right near his lip on her right cheek. She carried a bag that looked to be filled with dumbbells.

Chris cringed as she walked up. "Um, hi!" he said nervously. "I believe you're the easily angered, work-out-a-holic, Eva?" he opened his eyes and saw that she was giving him a death glare. "Please don't hurt me!" he shouted in a high pitch voice.

She sighed. "Look, I know how bad I was in the other seasons: always blowing up with anger, making death threats, holding grudges, but you know what, I took Bridgette's advice and actually took those anger management classes! I don't get easily angry as I used to, but if I get too offended, then prepare for a world of pain."

She walked off and Chris looked completely surprised. He looked at the camera. "I really didn't see that coming." The boat dropped off a red-headed boy, with glasses that had a shade of green. He wore a blue shirt that had a hamburger-looking thing on it with pink sleeves and green pants. He was occupied with a Rubik's cube and from the looks of things, was almost finished.

Chris chuckled when he looked at him, "Its Harold, the nerd who supposedly has mad-skills." He said hoping to get on the nerd's nerves, but he had failed as Harold just walked up to the others. Chris looked upset afterwards.

As Harold walked up to the others, LeShawna rushed up to him and gave him a hug, making Harold's focus off the Rubik's cube.

"Hey there sugar baby! How you doing?" she asked, and gave him a small peck on the cheek, causing Harold to blush.

"Very good now!" he said. As LeShawna ceased her hug, he continued working on the Rubik's cube.

"You're seriously playing with one of those?" Noah asked him. Harold nodded in response. "Wow, what a waste of time."

"Actually, that looks pretty fun!" Lindsay said as she walked up to Harold. "Can I use it when you're done Hank?" Once again, Harold nodded in response.

"Almost…done!" he said as the colors of each side all matched. He mixed up all the colors so Lindsay could have a fresh start and then gave it to her.

"You're just going to waste your time with that Lindsay," Noah said, "Someone like you couldn't figure that out even if you actually had a brain."

Lindsay looked at him, a bit mad. "Oh yeah? Well I bet fifty dollars that I can finish this Robuck's cube before I get eliminated!" she looked at Noah with a confident face.

Noah smirked. "You are on!" he said. The two shook hands, making the bet official.

"Can I continue please?" Chris yelled. Lindsay nodded. "Thank you."

The next contestant that the boat dropped off was an African-Canadian male that wore a white skull cap, a green shirt with the letter "D" in orange and grey shorts.

"Ah, if it isn't the nicest, yet, wimpiest contestant here!" Chris said. "Welcome back DJ!"

"I'm not that big of a wimp," DJ said. "…am I?"

Chris shook his head. "Dude, you were afraid of a small, baby snake that was the size of your finger last year." DJ hung his head in shame and walked to the others. Chris chuckled and was glad to see that he made DJ feel bad, but Chris' chuckling was stopped short after he was picked up by a big contestant. The contestant was a male, had short blond hair and was wearing a large white shirt with a cyan colored leaf on it with greenish shorts.

"WOHOO!" he shouted. "I missed you so much Chris! I thought we'd never see each other again! Did'ya miss me?"

"Owen! Can't breathe!" Chris managed to say. Owen put him down. "Sorry Chris," Owen said, "I'm just so physced to be back!"

"Yeah and I'm glad your back too, Mr. Eat-A-Lot." Chris said sarcastically. "Why don't you go give your back-breaking hugs to the others now?"

"That's a great idea!" Owen shouted. And with that, he ran to others hoping to give them big hugs.

Chris sighed and put his hand over his face. The boat dropped off a female contestant. She had tan skinned with brunette hair that went down to her shoulders. She wore a grey vest with a white button up shirt underneath it and greenish pants that went up to her knees.

"If it isn't Mrs. Perfect, Courtney!" Chris said, using his fingers in quotations when saying "perfect".

"That's Ms. Perfect, thank you very much," Courtney said, not bothering to make eye contact with Chris. She walked to the others leaving Chris with a confused look on his face.

"Sheesh, she's so full of-" Chris whispered to himself, but was interrupted by a duffle bag that was thrown at him. The duffle bag was thrown by a male contestant with a green faux hawk with black hair underneath it. He had a piercing on his unibrow, two earrings, and a nose ring. He wore a black shirt with a skull on it that had yellow sleeves and blue shorts.

"Oh great, it's our juvenile delinquent, Duncan." Chris said, still having the duffle bag on him. He pushed it off and gave it back to Duncan. Like Courtney, Duncan didn't bother looking at Chris. He walked towards Courtney and smirked at her. "Hey Princess," he said, "Ya' missed me?"

Courtney rolled her eyes. "Yeah I was dying every moment we were apart," she said sarcastically. After her comment, she grabbed Duncan by his shirt and kissed him passionately. She let go after about five seconds, both were gasping for air. "You're still not my type." Courtney said.

Duncan smiled. "Whatever you say Princess." And with that, they continued kissing. Bridgette saw the two and sighed sadly. "I wish Geoff was here," she said. She squinted her eyes to get a better view of the boat that was coming with another contestant. When she got a good look at the contestant, she gasped and started running to the other end of the dock. The contestant was pumping his fists in the air. He was wearing a cowboy hat that covered most of his blond hair, with a pink opened shirt that revealed his muscles and blue short. Before the boat stopped at the dock, the boy jumped from the front of the boat and landed perfectly on the dock.

"If it isn't the party animal! Geo-" Chris said, but was interrupted when Bridgette rammed into him and accidently threw him off the dock. She locked lips with the boy for a good ten seconds and then separated from him.

"Oh Geoff, I missed you so much!" Bridgette said, hugging Geoff tightly. She was crying tears of joy.

"Me too babe!" Geoff said. "I'm so sorry I couldn't talk to you during the break, but my phone got-" Bridgette put her finger over his mouth. "Less talking, more kissing!" she said with a flirtatious look on her face. Geoff listened to her and the two continued kissing while walking to the others at the same time.

"Um, a little help here!" Chris shouted from the lake. Unfortunately for him, nobody came to his rescue, until the boat dropped off another contestant. The black haired boy helped Chris make his way back to the dock. He wore a green shirt with a black hand on the middle. The sleeves of the shirt were camouflage colored; he also wore black pants and was carrying a case that seemed to have a guitar in it.

"Thanks…oh it's the cool musician dude: Trent!" Chris said. "Thanks for helping me up dude!"

"No problem." Trent said. "Is Gwen here yet?"

Chris shook his head. "Nope, sorry…oh wait, look behind you!" Trent did as told, but saw nothing. "Hahaha, just kidding with you dude! You gotta admit though, that was funny!"

Trent glared at the host. "No. It wasn't." And with that, he walked angrily towards the others.

Chris shook his head. "Some people just have no sense of humor…"

A girl had been dropped off by the boat. Her hair was dyed black with teal highlights. She wore a black corset with blue and dark green sleeves and a black skirt with dark green stalking.

Chris looked a bit shocked. "How ironic…" he said. "Trent, you gothic, sarcastic girlfriend, Gwen, is here!"

"I'm not falling for that again, Chris!" Trent said, crossing his arms as his eyes was closed. Chris looked rather annoyed and looked at Gwen.

"Mind telling your ex that you've arrived?" he asked. Gwen nodded.

"I think I might just know the perfect way to do that," she said, a smile on her face. She walked up to Trent, whose eyes were still closed and arms were still crossed, grabbed his head, and locked her lips with his. Trent was caught by surprise, but when he realized it was Gwen, he gave in to the kiss and kissed back.

"Awwwwwww!" Katie, Sadie, Lindsay, LeShawna, and Bridgette said simultaneously.

When Gwen let go of Trent, she looked upset. "Trent, I'm really sorry what I did to you last season. Can you forgive me?"

"Babe, I forgave you ever since I found out about it," Trent said, kissing her again. "Does this mean we're back together?" The goth nodded her head. The two heard Chris whining from the other side of the dock.

"That's what you call 'the perfect way' of telling him you're here?" he shouted, I was hoping for you slapping him in the face, or throwing him into the lake, or…something!"

"Well that's not very nice," a girl said behind Chris. She had brown hair with a side ponytail and big glasses with blue lenses. She wore a green shirt that was covered up by a darker shade of green vest with little emoticon buttons on it and pink skinny jeans.

"Why, hello our gullible shorty, Beth," Chris said with a smile on his face. Beth gave him a confused look.

"Gullible? I'm not gullible," she said. Chris shook his head.

"Says the girl who thought that Courtney was actually trying to be her friend last season,"

Beth rolled her eyes. "I knew she was trying to make an alliance with me! I was just counter-manipulating her!"

"I knew it!" Courtney said from the other side of the dock.

"Right, sure you did," Chris said sarcastically, nodding his head. "Now go join the others please."

She did as told. When she saw Duncan, she smiled widely and ran up to him so she could hug him. Courtney looked both confused and mad.

"Um, hello? He's my boyfriend not yours," Courtney said and pushed Beth away. Courtney paused for a moment and then slapped herself with her palm.

"I was just giving him a hug for the thing he did for me after last season!" Beth said. Duncan looked a bit confused at first, but then his eyes grew wide when he remembered what she was talking about. He shook his head and waved his hands in dismissal, but Courtney continued to grow more curious.

"What exactly did he do?" Courtney asked, now glaring at Duncan.

"When the season was over, Duncan gave me five-hundred dollars from his million, so Brady and I could go to Paris!" Beth said.

"What?" Courtney and surprisingly, Lindsay, said simultaneously. Lindsay walked up to Beth, looking mad, while Courtney was glaring at Duncan.

"How could you do that Beth?" Lindsay yelled. "I thought you said that when you won, you'd take me to France with you!" Lindsay was turning red. "What kind of a BFF are you?"

Beth looked like she was getting a little angry, but took a deep breath and tried to calm down. "Lindsay I so would've taken you and Tyler if you wanted him to go, but the tickets alone were one-hundred dollars each, and the hotel we stayed at was one-hundred and fifty for three days! And with the restaurants we went to, it was surprising that I actually got you a souvenir!" Beth snapped her fingers. "Oh that reminds me!" Beth pulled something out from her pocket. When she brought it out, it appeared to be a sky blue bow, with "Lind" on the right side of the bow and "say " on the left side of it. "I got this for you! It cost seventy dollars. I hope you like it!" She handed Lindsay the bow and upon receiving it, Lindsay burst into tears and hugged Beth.

"You are the best BFF a hot girl could ever ask for!" she yelled. Lindsay let go of Beth, took of her bandana, and place the bow on her head. She then turned to Tyler. "How do I look?" she asked him.

Tyler gave her two thumbs up. "You look hotter than ever, babe!" The two began to make-out, but Lindsay stopped for a moment.

"Oh! - thanks Beth!" she said and continued to kiss Tyler. Chris rolled his eyes at the sappy romance and felt like someone was glaring at him. He was correct, but it wasn't directly behind him, it was from the boat. On the boat, was a raven-haired female whose hair was short and in a ponytail. She wore a small brown top and khaki colored short shorts. Chris eyes grew wide and formed a huge smile.

"Campers, it's the contestant you love to hate, Heather!" he said. All the other contestants groaned in disappointment. Some even cursed at her. When the boat stopped on the dock, Chris stretched his hand out and offered to help Heather, but she refused and slapped his hand out of the way. She walked towards the others and when she got there, the others stepped away from her.

Chris laughed when he saw that. He continued laughing for a while until a brown haired boy wearing a white collared shirt with two stripes of green and red with tan sleeves and blue jeans interrupted him. He had a small chip in his upper tooth.

"What's so funny?" he said

Chris turned to him. "Nothing really, cyber-geek, Cody. Just that, when Heather walked near the others, they all backed away," Chris continued laughing, but Cody didn't join in. He just raised his eyebrow at him and walked towards the others.

"Cody!" Gwen shouted and ran up to him. She hugged him, and lifted him off his feet for a second and let him go. Cody looked a bit confused.

"What was that for?" he asked. Gwen frowned.

"What? I can't hug a good friend of mine?" she said, a bit annoyed.

"Well yeah, you can, but I didn't see that coming…" he said, rubbing the back of his neck. "…can I have another one now that I'm prepared?" he asked, now smiling.

Gwen giggled. "Maybe later."

Chris finally ceased his annoying laughter and wiped a tear off his face. Suddenly, Katie and Sadie gasped simultaneously.

"Look!" they both said. The contestants looked the direction they were pointing. All the females gasped while all the males groaned in disappointment. The girls were looking at a tan skinned male with semi-long dark brown hair. He wore a V-necked green shirt that exposed some of his chest and dark blue jeans with green sandals. The wind was blowing in his hair and the sun was shining directly at him. The girls were swooning all over him while the guys were glaring at him. Chris helped him off the boat.

"Nice to see you make it, our sexy stud, Justin!" Chris said. The comment made Justin uncomfortable.

"Dude, I appreciate the compliment, but it's kinda' creepy when you say that to me," Justin said. "No offense.

"None taken," Chris said. "I'm just doing small summaries of the contestants anyway.

"So I'm guessing now that everyone's here," DJ said, "We can start now?"

"Not quite, DJ," Chris explained. "We brought up two new contestants to make this season a bit more interesting. We were originally going to bring about fifteen new contestants along with some of the veteran cast, but we decided to scratch that." Chris heard a boat approaching. "As a matter of fact, here comes one of our newbies right now! He's a straight A student, his father is a diplomat, and he might even be sexier that Justin! I don't know; let's let the girls decide that one. Please welcome, Alejandro!" Alejandro was another tan skinned male. He wore a red zippered shirt that was zipped half way with a small, white tank-top underneath. He had a small silver necklace shaped like a bull's head and had both his ears pierced. He had a small soul patch on his chin, the same hair color as his long, smooth brown hair. He had two bracelets on his arms and wore black jeans with a belt holding it up. The girls all gasped deeply. Eva, Beth, and Sadie all fainted. Bridgette was close to fainting with them, but Geoff managed to catch her before she dropped. Gwen, LeShawna, Katie, Lindsay, Courtney, and Izzy were all blushing and giggling. Heather was the only one whose mouth was open. Alejandro jumped off the boat and looked that the ladies. He winked to where Gwen, Lindsay, LeShawna, Courtney, and Izzy stood. All of them fainted immediately after. Luckily for Gwen, Lindsay, Izzy, and Courtney, they were caught by their boyfriends. Harold attempted to catch LeShawna, but instead he was crushed by her. Alejandro walked towards Katie, who was squeeing lightly. He grabbed her hand and lightly kissed the top of it. It looked like Katie was about to faint, but instead her smile grew wider and her squee grew louder.

"It's an honor to meet such a beautiful, young girl such as yourself," Alejandro said. "Katie is it?" Katie nodded quickly; she was now bouncing up and down a little bit. "You wouldn't mind if I stayed here next to you, would you?" he asked. Katie shook her head quickly and squeed more. Her eyes were now closed. Sadie still was unconscious on the dock however, but Alejandro didn't seem to notice her.

Chris whistled from the other side of the dock. "Wow, he really is hotter than Justin…" Justin looked shocked and frowned. Chris heard the last boat coming. "Here's our last contestant! She's a sugar addicted fan-girl and has a blog for each and every one of you losers, except Alejandro, but he'll get one soon. Please welcome, Sierra!"

The boat passed by the dock without stopping and Chris looked confused. All the conscious contestants did, but it turned out that Sierra swam her way to the dock. Once she got on the dock, she looked very excited. Her hair was dyed many shades of violet and was wrapped in a braid that went to her butt. She wore a bright yellow shirt, similar to Katie and Sadie's but without the sleeves. She had bright blue skinny jeans that went to her shin. Her eyes were wide and she was breathing loudly.

"Oh my gosh! I love you guys! And this is the greatest day of my li-" she was now hyperventilating, but managed to gain her breath quickly. "Anybody got a paper-bag I can breathe into?" Sierra noticed a certain contestant and gasped when seeing them. The contestant turned out to be Cody. Sierra quickly ran towards him. "Cody Emmitt Jameson Anderson! I've dreamt of this moment for such a long time, but you seemed taller. No worries!" she squeed and hugged Cody tightly near her breasts. "I know so many things about you!" she let Cody for a moment, who was now trying to breathe, "Of all of you!" Sierra stopped for a moment and then pointed at Alejandro. "Except for him, but don't worry, I'll know a lot about you soon!" Alejandro raised an eyebrow at her, but then gave her a light smile.

"Okey-dokey people," Chris said. "Now that everyone's here, I'm going to need you guys to go to the campsite. I'll explain everything there!"

The camera showed a small bonfire pit with some wooden stumps on the floor. Some of the contestants were sitting on them, while others choose to stand up.

"The rules are practically the same as they were the last two seasons," Chris explained, "You-"

"Must compete in the challenges you give us, the team that loses must vote someone off, then later when there's about twelve or ten of us, we merge, making it every contestant for themselves. The last one remaining will win the million dollars!" Sierra said, rather fast. Chris looked a bit shocked and confused. "I've watched both seasons' episodes at least twenty times! I know a lot about the show!" she said, proudly.

"Um…right." Chris said. "What she said. Like the first season-"

(Confession Cam)

Sierra: The contestants, including myself, will come into this outhouse to say some private stuff. It could be gossip, threats to the other contestants, or things they would just want to say without others hearing it.

Chris: (His arms are crossed and he doesn't look to happy) She beat me with explaining the rules and now she beat me at re-explaining the Confession Cam. Anyway, this one's newer though. Cleaner than first season's actually. It'll be as dirty as the first one once Owen gets in here though. (he laughs)

Katie and Sadie:

Katie: Oh my gosh Sadie! You totally should've been awake when Alejandro was here! He grabbed my hand and kissed it! See? (She raises her hand and tries to show the kiss mark where Alejandro kissed her, but there's nothing there)

Sadie: (She gasps) Like, oh my gosh Katie you are so lucky!

Katie: I know right? Maybe now that you're conscious, he'll do it to you!

Sadie: I hope so!


Justin: Is that Alejandro guy really hotter than me? Maybe I'm losing my mojo or something…

Chris was looking annoyed. "Can you please stop doing that!" he said to Sierra. Sierra nodded innocently. "Thank you. Well, since she explained everything to you, lets divide you into teams now."

"OOH! Are we gonna be in three teams this season?" Sierra asked excitingly. Chris looked confused.

"How the hell did you-" Chris exclaimed.

"It was a lucky guess," Sierra said, giggling. "Ya' know: season three, three teams? Why not?"

"Wow, are you psychotic, Shelly?" Lindsay asked, still working on the Rubik's cube and still wearing the bow Beth gave her. Sierra gasped and a smile grew on her face.

"OMG, Lindsay just said my name wrong! EIIIII!" Sierra squeed, causing some of the contestants to cover their ears. Chris coughed and the campers payed attention to him.

"Thank you," Chris said. "Now the first team consists of..."







"Izzy and…"


Katie squeed loudly, making everyone, including Sadie, to cover their ears. She looked around and noticed that most of them were giving her weird looks.

(Confession Cam)

Katie: (by herself. She slaps herself with the palm of her hand and shakes her head)

"O…kay?" Chris said. "Now for the second team…"







"Beth and…"


"And now for our final team…"







"Cody and…"


"Now before you two twins start crying and complaining about not being in the same team, let me tell you right now, that if you even ask to switch teams to be with the other, you're eliminated! Got it?"

Katie and Sadie nodded, looking a bit frightened.

(Confession Cam)

Katie and Sadie:

Katie: Okay there was, like, no reason for him to get in our faces like that!

Sadie: I know right? It sucks that we can't be on the same team this year.

Katie: I know…but maybe this'll help our self esteem or something like that! Besides, we're still kinda' together, just on different teams!

Sadie: I never thought about it that way. You're so smart Katie!

Katie: I know, but you're really smart too!

Sadie: I know right?

Katie and Sadie: (both hug eachother and start to squee, when they hear a knock from the door)

Chris: Now that you two are on separate teams, you can be in here together. Kapeasch?

Katie and Sadie: (both nod, once again, looking frightened)

"Okay then, why don't you guys go drop off your luggage to your cabins now?" Chris said, about to walk away.

"Um, Kyle, what about our team names?" Lindsay asked.

"Oh! I knew I was forgetting something, this season, you guys get to pick your team's name. You have thirty seconds starting….now!"

"I think I know a good one guys!" Courtney said.

"It better not have your name in it," Gwen said, rolling her eyes.

Courtney groaned. "It's a good thing I'm prepared for these situations. How about 'Team Excellent'?"

"That doesn't sound too bad of a name," Trent said. Justin nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, that does sound pretty good…" Gwen said. "Any deny the name?" she asked. No one spoke up. "Then I guess it's settled."

"Chris!" Courtney called. "Our team's name is…"

"Team Excellent!" the whole team said in unison. Above them was a gold emblem that had a fist in it with the thumb facing upward.

"Hm, not bad of a name!" Chris said. He turned to the team of Alejandro, Katie, Tyler, etc. "What about you guys, come up with anything?"

Alejandro and Katie looked at each other. "Team Caliente!" they said in unison. A bronze emblem appeared above the team with a cartoon looking sun wearing shades in it.

"Ooh, an Italian name!" Lindsay said. "I love it!"

"Actually it's-" Ezekiel said, but was cut off by Noah.

"Don't even both homeschooled," he said. "This ditz won't remember it anyway,"

Lindsay scoffed. "You won't be calling me a ditz when I finish this Remy's cube!" she said and shoved the Rubik's cube in his face, none of the colors even matching twice.

"Oohhh, I'm shaking," he said, sarcastically.

Chris turned to the last team. "You guys only have ten seconds to think of a name!"

"How about 'Team Victory'?" Cody suggested. LeShawna shook her head.

"Nah, that's too close to 'Team Excellent'," she said.

"Team Ninjas?" Harold asked.

"Harold shut up with your stupid names," Duncan said.

"I don't see you giving any suggestions," Eva said.

"Oh! Oh! OH! I have a good one! Listen…" she said, making the others come close to her. When they were really close she jumped and screamed. "TEAM CODY!"

"NO!" Everyone else on the team shouted, except Cody.

"I don't know…I kinda like the name," Cody said, chuckling nervously.

"Time's up!" Chris said, as he blew a blow horn near them. "Now I get to choose your team name." Chris thought for a good five seconds and then snapped his fingers when he finally thought of a name. "Team Odd-Ball!"

"What?" everybody (excluding Sierra) said in unison.

"You guys should've been a heck of a lot quicker, because now you're stuck with the name!" Chris laughed. "Now go unpack your stuff in your new cabins."

That's all for now! I know it sounds like a bad place to stop at, but I think if I continue, the next chapter will be too short. I hope the fanfiction is decent! Review please. You can use constructive criticism if you like! Tell me what I need to improve!