A/N: Here it is. Another fic that has an unsure ending T_T I was vague in the summary because quite honestly I had no idea how it was going to be received if I gave anything away.

Just read it and tell me what you think, how does that sound?

Warnings: Language, slight violence, no sex (WTF? how did that happen?) and corny police talk or humor or whatever you want to call it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Kishimoto does, that bastard ¬ ¬ Oh, and Obscure belongs to Dir en Grey (even though it has absolutely nothing to do with this fic, but just to be on the safe side…)

Title: Obscure

The smell of blood burned in his nostrils, putting his teeth on edge. It mixed vulgarly with the pungent smell of smoke and the mustiness of old furniture. He could feel the adrenaline pushing the blood in his veins faster. The silence surrounding him was penetrating, making the sound of his footsteps painfully loud. He shifted the large weapon in his arms taking comfort in its heavy protectiveness. Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew that the tiniest sound would set his trigger finger off.

Almost like a prediction fulfilled a small shuffling could be heard towards his left and in less than a second the tapestry covered wall in that direction was ripped with bullet holes. He started breathing faster as the shattering din of a semi-automatic going off faded away.

The radio communicator wrapped around his throat crackled to life.

"Oi! Uzumaki, is everything all right? We heard gunfire!"

Still glaring at the mid-century library surrounding him, he pressed the button on the radio near his jugular.

"I'm not sure, but I think I got company. I could have sworn I heard someone walking by me."

The voice of his captain buzzed through again. "All right, just stay put. The cavalry is on its way."

"All right."

"And, Uzumaki?"


"Try not to do anything stupid."

Uzumaki grinned briefly before he heard another shuffling. This time he could swear he heard definite footsteps. He was very glad of his protective gear at that moment. He had no idea how this motherfucking serial killer might come out and attack him.

The case had popped up a month ago, when random people started disappearing and appearing in just as random places. Dead, of course. But that wasn't what alarmed everyone. It was the way they were killed. Every single one of them, all eight of them, had their throats ripped to ribbons. It was extremely vicious and they all appeared to have been bled to death. The immediate profile was that it was some depraved asshole that had a fetish for blood, a modern day Bathory. Most sensationalists however started rumors that there was vampire loose in Konoha. A lot of people scoffed at the rumor but it still created the infamous nickname of "Vampire Jack". It was a derivative of Jack the Ripper, presumably because most of the victims were either prostitutes or street hookers.

After an exhaustive investigation and search the police were finally able to get a name and location. It was perfect really; the place was in a secluded and abandoned section of the city. It used to be a private residential area for one of Konoha's oldest and most prestigious family clans, the Uchiha's. But after the clan's mysterious disappearance where their entire existence was wiped out in the blink of an eye, the area had been left untouched. There had been many attempts by many new city administrations to tear the place down and use the considerable space for better and more productive changes but there had always been some sort of obstacle that prevented the advances. Finally an anonymous foreign investor showed up and bought the enormous piece of land from the city, taking all rights with him and putting a definite stop to plans of tearing the place down.

That was almost fifty years ago. The Uchiha's disappearance was more than sixty years before that. Adding those numbers up and you know had a cluster of old mansions that were a hundred and ten years old. There were a lot of rumors that the district was haunted and a lot of weird and inexplicable things tended to happen to people who got too close to the place. So, he would be damned if Uzumaki wasn't more than a bit creeped out to actually be smack dab in the middle of the Uchiha main house, looking for an extremely dangerous killer.

The sounds he heard earlier had finally stopped, but that didn't let his guard fall. The smell was really starting to bother him. It permeated the walls and furniture and he reminded himself to take a shower afterwards to get the smell of death out of his skin and hair. His helmet felt heavy on his head and he started to sweat like a motherfucking dog under his Kevlar suit. Now he felt like he needed a fucking shower.

But he kept on pacing the room carefully checking the library for any places where the killer might be hiding, keeping his semi lifted up onto his shoulder pointing the flashlight straight ahead, ready to shoot any son of a bitch that might come his way. The tension was starting to fray his nerves, and thinking that a bit of noise would help him keep it together, he pressed a hand to his radio.

"Hey, boss, how are we doing with that back up?"

He nearly pissed himself with relief as the radio crackled back at him.

"Sorry, Uzumaki, but it's going to take a little bit longer. It's going to be a fucking pisser going through all of these haunted houses. Just relax and drink a couple shots of whiskey for us blondie. Have you checked out the entire house?"

"Inside and out boss, but I got nothing. Just some noises that nearly made me piss myself. Think the place is really haunted?"

"I dunno, Uzumaki, but we've been hearing some fucked up shit too. Someone moaning about what a god damned pussy you are."

He chuckled and shook his head feeling himself grow more at ease.

"With all due respect, boss, fuck you."

He could hear the smirk on his boss's lips as he responded.

"Maybe some other time, Uzumaki. We've got work to do right now."

"See you later then, Shaggy."

"Be careful, Uzumaki."

Would be the last words he would be hearing from his boss in a long time. A second later after that last message, there were sounds of more footsteps. Except, they didn't sound so distant like last time. In fact, Uzumaki was willing to bet his left nut that someone was walking, or running, up to him from behind. It only took him a fraction of a second to whirl around aiming his weapon at eye level to whomever it was that was trying to attack him.

Nothing. That's what was behind him. Just a bookcase full of molding books that would probably crumble apart if he were to take one out of it's shelf. Just as he was about to question his sanity and chastise himself for his own paranoia, he was hit over the head with a fucking sledgehammer.

Or at least it felt like one. He dropped heavily to the ground, and with his ears still ringing, flipped quickly onto his back.

It hadn't been a sledgehammer. It was a person. A darkly clad person, with pale white skin and heavily shadowed eyes. Yeah, like that wasn't creepy at all.

Raising his weapon again, and really with out even thinking, he squeezed the trigger, sending more than five rounds into the creep's abdomen. But instead of falling down to the ground like he was hoping, the fucker jumped. More like flew into the air over his head and the other side of the goddamned room.

Still yelling incoherently, and still not thinking, he followed the killer's movements with his semi automatic, never taking his finger away from the trigger. It wasn't until he was back onto his stomach and propping his weapon on the floor did he finally let up on the shooting.

"KPD! DON'T MOVE!" Later he would be smacking himself on the forehead for having shot first and asked questions afterwards. He blamed his nerves for the lack of professionalism.

Either way he was completely ignored and all he did was blink before he was being dragged up on to his feet. His heart slammed against his chest as, with one arm, the killer continued to lift him up by his collar until his feet were dangling a few good inches from the floor. His semi dropped to the floor as his gloved hands scrabbled desperately over a clothed forearm. It didn't matter that the arm felt slim, it was as relentless as a fucking steel rod.

Cursing he kicked his legs a bit before years of training started to kick in. There was a moment were it looked like the perp was going to speak but before he could say anything a leg clad in black cargo pants went hurtling into his face.

All he heard was a pained grunt and Uzumaki was dropped onto the ground, again. This time he was prepared for it though and he fell into a crouch, folding his left leg and sweeping his right leg underneath the weirdo in a wide arch. The son of a bitch back flipped however and in seconds was out of his reach. Scrambling to his feet he reached into his back holster and whipped out his hand gun, aiming it squarely at his assailants face.


He could hear a soft scoff from the shadow that was standing a few feet in front of him. From this new perspective he was finally able to asses the man. He was dressed all in black that much he had already established, though he was barely noticing that the clothing were a snug fit showing clearly the slim, almost skinny, figure. Though that didn't explain the show of strength from before, nor how he had been able to lift him up so high when the fucker was actually shorter than him. He couldn't see much of a face in the dark gloom but he could almost make out a smooth aristocratic face framed with long bangs and spikes sticking out the back like a damned duck's ass.

The man took a step breaking his concentration and he rose his gun higher pulling on the safety.

"Don't move! You're surrounded! You have no where else to go!"

"I highly doubt that." His voice was smooth and deep, defying his petit build.

He shifted nervously on his feet, "What?"

The man's head tilted to the side, "You are trespassing on private property. Those who trespass are punished. I don't think your friends are still alive."

The man's words were like a bucket of cold water over his head. Quickly he pressed the PTT on his radio.

"Hey, boss, are you still there?"


"Boss! Are you there?"

Still nothing.

"Dammit, boss! Say something! Fuck!"

He raised his gun again when the son of a bitch took another step forward, his hands shaking. This time he could see the smirk on the bastards face.

"Told you."

"What the fuck did you do to them?"

Another blink and the man was in front of him, unnervingly close. He flinched and pulled the trigger. The bright flash illuminated the darks mans face for a second. The man stumbled a couple of steps backwards, bending at the waist. Then he straightened up again and Uzumaki's eyes widened when he saw that the only thing his bullet did was rip a hole in his long sleeved shirt, revealing perfect pale skin.

"Holy shit," Was all he could say before the bastard was on him again, swiping a back hand across his head, effectively knocking his helmet and goggles right off his head.

"Fuck!" Something heavy landed heavily on top of him, pinning him to the ground. It was impossible to move with his head spinning painfully and he could do nothing as his Kevlar vest was ripped apart.

Large blue eye's widened as a beam of moon light slanted across his attackers face. Horror froze his mind when the bastard opened his mouth to reveal unnaturally long canines. The last thing he saw was a hand forcing his head to the side. After that it was all pain and darkness.

His taste was like nothing he had ever experienced. There was something so unique about him that had drawn him in. Everything that had been taught to him, all of the rules that he had followed so carefully in his long life, didn't seem to matter one bit. Logic had melted from his mind and something carnal and forbidden had taken over as the rich liquid spread over his taste buds.

He gripped the other mans body closer as he hungrily took in more of his blood. He had gone limp a while ago arched and submissive underneath him.

A loud rattling and the sound of heavy foot steps tore him away from his delectable morsel. He moved quickly, carrying his prey effortlessly through the old house. Knowing the building like the back of his hand he made it into the night without coming across any unwanted obstacle.

Soon he was out in the cool night and as he was fleeing he could see the rest of the man's team being attacked, a few bodies all ready littering the old districts streets. Fighting down the memories, he ran faster, holding onto his burden tighter.

It didn't take him long to arrive at his final destination. The blood he drank had given him more energy than normal and the rush was exhilarating.

His brother was the one to greet him on their doorstep. There was a quick silent exchange. He brushed the older man aside as a sudden anxiety took over him as he felt the life force of his prey drop considerably. He knew what he was about to do was forbidden, but he felt that it was something he had to do. An instinct that drove him to take the dying man in his arms up to his room, ignoring the heavy stare of his brother watching him.

He had stripped them both, marveling at the smooth tan skin stretched over square and taught muscles. He ran a hand over a sweaty brow, fever wrinkling the smooth forehead. Glassy blue eyes stared up at him as he straddled the large body. He hovered over the groaning man, running his hand through golden hair and gently turning his head.

Two gaping wounds glistened in the candle light. Lowering himself until his body was flush against the hard body; he clamped his mouth over the wounds, reopening them with his sharp canines. A shudder went down his spine as the sweet nectar slid down his throat.

There wasn't much left and he had to exercise great control to stop himself from taking it all. The man beneath him was barely alive his once brilliant eyes dull, and his breathing was shallow. He whispered into his ear and the response that he got was faint but determined. He knew what he had to do now, reassured more than ever.

An elongated nail sliced smoothly through porcelain skin. Pulling the faint man into a sitting position he guided that golden head gently towards his chest to the weeping wound directly over his heart. His breath caught when he felt those soft lips brush against his skin. He watched as a tongue came out to lick blood soaked lips.

His back arched as that mouth started sucking on the wound, wanting more of that first taste. Large hands clutched at his back, and his mouth opened to gasp for air when it felt as though the man was trying to suck out his very soul. He clung desperately to blond hair his head swimming with the overload of sensations wracking his body.

It was too much and it was beginning to hurt. Using all of his strength he wrenched the man's head away from his chest, wincing when blunt nails dug sharply into his back in protest. Looking down he saw his own blood stain a strong chin, dripping down a long slender neck. The eyes looking up at him were no longer dull and glassy but brighter and more alive than ever. There was moment when a hand left his back to stroke down his face. Then those captivating blue eyes began to close shut and it was as if the night was closing in on him all over again before he too slipped into unconsciousness, falling onto the mattress, where they both laid together.

His fucking head hurt. It was like someone was drilling a fucking ice pick through his skull, it hurt so bad. All he wanted to do was burrow deeper into the soft sheets surrounding him and go back to sleep were he doesn't have to think about his missing team and pale bastards with freakishly long canines.


He sat up abruptly, throwing black silk sheets away from him. The pain in his head reached its peak and he cried out sharply cradling his head between his hands. The pain suddenly dissipated and he was left with the easing sensation of relief. Opening his eyes, he finally noticed that he was naked. Looking around he found out that he had been sleeping in a large four poster bed covered in black silk.

The room around him was dark, full of shadows he was unable to identify. The only window in the room was framed with thick crimson drapes, pulled apart to reveal the dark night outside.

As he stared at his surroundings a sharp stinging assaulted his eyes and it was as if the dark room was suddenly too bright. The candle light on the bed side table scorched through his eyes as if he were looking at the sun.

Crying out he clasped his hands over his eyes, the migraine from before coming back at full force. Just as he thought he was about to die of pain, the same easing pressure from before returned. When his eyes no longer felt as if they were being pulled out by sharp pliers, he carefully pulled his hands away.

Taking a deep breath his eyes fluttered open. There was a moment of brightness that quickly transformed into a startling clarity. Suddenly the dark room wasn't so dark anymore. Shadows took shape and he could even trace the grain on the wooden desk in his room.

Standing up from the bed and not at all caring that he was naked, he walked over to the fireplace that before had just looked like a huge gaping hole in the wall. He ran his hands over the decorative mantel, marveling at the clarity and sharpness of, well, everything. It was like looking through a fucking magnifying glass.

He had been running his fingers through the flowers in a vase sitting on the mantel when the door opened. Not remembering that he was naked he whirled around and took a defensive fighting stance.

Standing in the open door way was a woman dressed in black mini shorts with thigh high boots and a high collared leather vest. Her spiky red hair fell all the way down to her back. She wore thick glasses and had a mole over the left side of her lip. Her eyes narrowed when she took in his naked form.

"Who, the fuck, are you?"

His out burst was met with an annoyed huff and rolling eyes. She walked into the room not at all concerned with the possible danger she was in. He finally noticed the bundle of clothes in her arms.

"Sasuke sent these clothes for you, so I would get dressed before he got here if I were you." She walked towards the bed and laid the neatly folded garments in the rumpled sheets. She turned around to face him. "I'm Karin by the way."

He straightened his posture, lowering his hands as he realized that the woman was not much of a threat.

"Um, nice to meet you, Karin. I'm…Naruto. Uh, could you by any chance tell me where I am and why I'm here?"

Karin put a hand on her hip and looked at him with a feigned bored expression. Feigned, because she kept looking at his abs and groin.

"We're in Suna, but I can't tell you why you're here. You're going to have to wait for Sasuke to get here."

Naruto frowned, "Why can't you just tell me? And who is this Sasuke anyways?"

Karin started walking out of the room. "You'll find out soon enough. Just make sure to dress before he gets here. Unless you want to meet him buck naked."

He flushed darkly as the woman sent a very significant look towards his groin and sub consciously he covered himself. It didn't occur to him that it might have been too late for modesty.

The red head was out of the room and he was left alone all over again. He really had no idea what to do with himself so he set himself to the task of dressing himself anyways. He figured that if he was going to meet this 'Sasuke' person he might as well be decent for when he asked all of the questions buzzing through his mind.

Once he was dressed, he started pacing the room, pausing every now and then to take in the new sensations that came with his new heightened eyesight. It took a full half hour for his…host? savior? visitor? to come and meet him.

The door opened once more and he was suddenly assaulted with the other night's memories as he found himself once again facing the suspected serial killer he had been sent to arrest.

Pointing a finger and glaring angrily he shouted, "YOU! What the fuck are YOU doing here?"

The man calmly walked into the room, ignoring the killing intent that radiated off of the blond.

"I live here."

Caught off guard he stuttered a bit, "Then-then who the fuck are you?"

Placing a hand over his chest he bowed his head slightly as he introduced himself.

"I am Sasuke. I am sure Karin mentioned me before."

He backed up a couple of paces. "What the hell am I doing here? What happened to the rest of my team?"

Those pitch dark eyes revealed no emotion as they stared at him coldly.

"I already told you, they are all dead. I was too late."

Naruto fought the bile threatening to rise up his throat. "What-what do you mean? How, the hell, do you know?"

There was a rustling of papers and Sasuke was handing him the morning paper. Taking it with shaky hands, Naruto stared in horror at the front page.


Staring at the picture of a uniformed man laying in a pool of his own blood, whom he could barely recognize as his best friend, he could feel his knees go weak. He didn't even bother to read the article, the newspaper falling from his slack and trembling fingers.

He sank down onto the bed the weight of what happened was suddenly too much for him. He buried his face in his hands, fighting desperately the tight rope constricting his throat.

"Oh, god, fuck no, this can't be happening. This can't be fucking happening." He sank to the floor curling tighter into himself and gritting his teeth to keep the screams from escaping him.

He heard someone moving in front of him but he didn't bother to look up. He just gripped his own hair tighter his body shaking with the force of his world coming apart. An awkward hand was placed on his shoulder.

"I am…sorry for your loss. But there isn't anything you can do."

He tensed when a something finally occurred to him. He startled Sasuke when he snapped his head up, pinning the man with a sharp glare.

"You said something about being too late. What the fuck happened back there? Why am I the only survivor? I want to know everything!"

Sasuke frowned at the blond man who was now on his knees, shaking his shoulders, bright blue eyes blazing for answers.

"I know what you're thinking, but I was not the one who killed your teammates. Some…thing else killed your friends."

Naruto raised an eyebrow, "Something?"

"Yes, we are still not sure what. I went to visit the Uchiha district to look for clues as to what could be going on in there. I had no idea that Konoha had linked the recent disappearances and murders to the right place. I was in the main house when you showed up. You were the only person that I took. Your team was already dead when I reached them. There was nothing we could have done."

His fingers flexed on Sasuke's shoulders, then he quickly let go as if he were burned and scrambled onto his feet.

"I have to get out of here. I have to go see Hinata. I have to fix this and kill the motherfuckers who did this."

A hand gripped his arm before he could to far however.

"You can't do that."

He turned to face the dark haired man. Fuck, he was so damn short.

"What do you think you're doing? You can't keep me here! I am the only survivor; I have to go turn myself in to the bureau. I have to help present evidence to the police; I have to help bring justice!"

He tugged defiantly on the vice grip the other man had on him. It was useless; he had forgotten how motherfucking strong the son of the bitch was.

"You can't because you didn't survive."

Naruto swung his fist out to try and free him self. The prick just dodged and yanked him closer. The glare boring into him was enough to remind him how dangerous Sasuke could turn out to be.

"Leggo of me you bastard! I did too survive! I'm here alive aren't I?"

Sasuke's expression softened for a second into what could have been pity, before slipping into an expressionless mask.

"You are not alive. You're dead. I killed you."

A/N: I sulked a bit when I realized that I had used one of the most clichéd and overused plotlines for this story. Meh, whatever. As long as I follow the idea drawn up in my head I don't think I'll be disappointing anyone anytime soon.

Review or you will never see the end of this fic…