A/N-Hey Everyone this is XTimexForxAxLittlexRevengeX and as othlvr16 said in her last chapter, I'm gonna be taking over Not Just Sisters. I'm wicked sorry it took me this long to get this up but a lot of drama has been going on in my life. I have to tell you guys, I'm really nervous , I'm a little afraid I'm not going to be as good as othlvr16. But I'm also really excited, so I hope you guys will like the rest of this story. So this chapter is still the night of the wedding just after reception.

Julian looked at his beautiful wife, tomorrow they would be leaving for their honeymoon, but tonight they were staying in a honeymoon suite overnight.

"I love you Brooke Davis."

"Brooke Baker," she corrected him and smiled "And I love you too, Husband."

"Brooke? I'm kinda worried about Sam. I think Chase really hurt her by leaving."

"I know, I am too, but I don't think Chase would just up in leave unless he had a good reason. Maybe Mia needed him. Scotty is a handful," Brooke said with a small smile. She refused to believe that Chase would just up and leave.

"I hope you're right."

-Not Just Sisters-

Haley opened the door to the guest room and looked at Sam.

"Here's your room. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen and just let me know if you need anything," Haley spoke as she started to leave.

"Hey Haley?" Sam said before she left the room.

"Yeah Sam?"

"Why do you think my dad left like that? Do you think everything's okay?" Sam asked. There was hurt in her voice. She really hoped her dad wouldn't just leave without a reason but she also hoped nothing was wrong with her little brother.

"Um I don't know honey, but I'm sure everything's fine."

"Then why would my dad just leave like that?"

"Oh Sam, I don't think he would just up in leave you like that. How about we call him tomorrow just to make sure everything's okay, alright?"

"Okay," Sam nodded.

"Alright well I'm gonna go check on Jamie, but like I said just let me know if you need anything."

"I will."

"Goodnight...and Sam?"


"Your speech was really good," Haley smiled.

"Thanks ….good night."

When Haley walked out, Sam sighed and laid down on the bed. She thought about tonight. She was really happy for her mom and Julian. She was also really happy for her dad and Mia.

She was trying to think as to why her dad would just leave like that. It hurt her that he did that. She already had enough abandonment in her life. She couldn't handle anymore.

-Not Just Sisters-

Chase walked into his house. He knew it was wrong to leave Sam, but he felt like she didn't need him. She had Julian now.

He walked into the nursery seeing Mia holding a sleeping Scotty.

"Hey how was the wedding...wait where's Sam?" Mia said putting Scotty in his crib.

"Probably with her new dad," Chase said bitterly.

"You left Sam?" Mia said taking back by the fact that Chase left his daughter by herself.

"She has Julian now. She doesn't need me. She never did," Chase sighed.

"That's not true. Sam needs you. She has enough room in her heart for the both of you. You're always gonna be her real dad though."

"I just got her in my life. I don't want to lose her to him."

"The only way you're gonna lose her to him is if you let that happen and I know you won't let that happen," Mia gave her husband a small smile and kissed him on the cheek.

"You should call Sam tomorrow. You need to tell her how you feel. Maybe when Brooke gets back you can talk about Sam spending a little more time here too. Come on its late. Let's go to bed," Mia spoke again before walking out of the room.

Chase stayed there for a few more minutes before following his wife to their room.

-Not Just Sisters-

Scene changes to Brooke and Julian under their sheets making love.

It changes again to Sam. There were tears in her eyes as she sat on the bed in the guestroom writing in her notebook. She felt inspired to write a song.

The scene changes one final time with Chase sitting on his and Mia's bed. Mia was asleep and he was still awake. He was looking at a picture. The only picture he had of him, Brooke and Sam from when Sam was a baby.

A/N-So Sorry this was so short I promise the next one won't be, I really don't wanna let you guys down ... Also check out my channel I'm going to be writing some stories over there as well.