Author's Notes: Please know that I don't own P.O.T. Never have and never will. XD Enjoy!

Chapter One: The reunion

It's been three years since he started his 'American Dream' and something didn't feel right. He was in the pro-league fighting hard as a child rookie. At only fifteen he swept the audience away with his perfect form. Still…. Let's just say his childhood sucked.

He looked back at his time in Japan. Though he would never show it he had fun and enjoyed his life there. He was challenged, the SCREAMing fan girls, but there was something more, something he couldn't put his finger on.

"Oi Ryoma!" his father called one day.

"Yes?" Ryoma scowled. It was barely noon and he had a match at 3pm.

"Someone on the phone wants you."

"Tell them to go away!"

"They don't sound like fans."

Ryoma, puzzled took the phone. "Hello?"

"What type of greeting is that Echizen!"


"Who else?"


"Can you come outside? I got a surprise for you?"

Ryoma twitched as he heard another voice.

"WE got a surprise."

With that they hung up leaving the tennis prince confused.

"Go talk to them." His dad encouraged. "It's a once in a lifetime chance."

Ryoma sighed as he changes and walked out his front door.

"NYA! O'chibi!" Eiji giggled. Ryoma took no attention to him as he looked at the new comer.

'No that's not a newcomer…. SAKUNO!' Ryoma was shocked, three years he hadn't seen her was good to her. She looked so… different.

Her hair was cut to her shoulders laying there. She left it out without in braids and/or pigtails. She was shorter than him by a lot now, but that didn't surprise him. The slender tightness of her body really showed in her blue shinny jeans and turquoise sequent top. It came off her shoulder leaving them bare. It made him blush when he noticed the next thing. The cleavage showed the bumps on her chest, her boobs.

He coughed then noticed the lack of air in his lungs. He snapped back to reality. "Eiji can't breathe."

Eiji let go and smiled. "What no 'san' or 'kun'?"

"We don't use them in America. Sorry I just got use to it."

"It's okay, no need to intrude."

"Why are you guys here?"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" the team cheered.

"…thanks…" he whispered.

"Here you go!" Eiji said handing him present.

One after another they gave him gifts. Not that he opened them. Still they gave them to him. Momo, Kaidoh, Taka, Fuji, Tezuka, Oishi, Inui and the trio. Last was Sakuno.

Sakuno smiled and walked up to Ryoma. She flipped her hair out of her face.

"Can I borrow kitchen?" she sounded confident, didn't sound like her at all.

'What happened to her?' he thought

"Sure. Come in." he led them into the house. They boys gawked at everything the house had; office, pool, courts, parking garage with 17 different cars and 15 bedrooms.

Ryoma notices that everyone was holding grocery bags. The team into the kitchen, everyone but Sakuno came out.

"Let's warm up Ryoma." Fuji smiled.

Ryoma looked at the most convenient clock. 'Shit it's already one.'

"I can't I have to go!" Ryoma grabbed his stuff and ran out the house in his limo. The driver was ready and off Ryoma went.

The group screamed. "POOL PARTY!"


Four hours later Ryoma came home to his big surprise, surprise party that is!

'HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRINCE!" Tomoka scream as he entered the room.

There were all his friends and family from America and Japan. He was breathless, not that made him speechless. It was the hand-made cake coming from the kitchen.

He'd remembered that ball like he saw it yesterday, which he did for it was in his room, treasured deeply. The round yellow tennis ball with the maker drawn face. The face was of him. The image was places onto his birthday cake perfectly. He glanced quickly at Sakuno.

She smiled at him as she blushed slightly on her cheeks. Ryoma smirked/smiled hidden with a smirk as he sighed with relief. 'She hasn't changed that much.'

The party started and the pool and courts were open. Tennis rackets flew and the scream of the loser echoed though the house. Ryoma's mom chuckled. Ryoma hadn't moved from the hot tub for an hour now. He look at her sighed and jumped into the pool to cool off.

Sakuno got up from tanning and jumped into the pool. She ended up going deeper than she thought she would. A stream of blood came from below.

Ryoma got out of the pool to dive in again. He noticed the blood as his heart sank.

"Dad first-aid kit!"

Without even looking to see if his father left, he jumped into the pool. He dove in searching the pool and found her on the ramp. Her head surrounded with blood.

Ryoma grabbed her by the chest from behind. Luckily she was unconscious because he knew he wouldn't get yelled at. He heaved her to the surface where Rinko – his mother threw him a lifesaver. You know those tubes with a rope on them? Ya those. The team pulled him in.

Ryoma carefully put Sakuno down. This year they learned CPR and his mind cleared.

He reminded himself of the ABC method.

Quickly he checked her airway. Nothing in there. Then he tried to hear her breathing. Nothing, her chest didn't even move. The next part he knew he would regret.

He squeezed her nose and blew into her mouth. Yes a KISS, okay not really, you still to acknowledge it though. Right after he started doing compressions.

Quickly he checked her airway, breather and did compression in a constant cycle until his dad came.

"I thought you wanted fir-"

Oishi came over and treated her head injury. Nanjiroh just kept quiet.

An ambulance arrived 5 minutes after. Everyone prompted Ryoma to go with her. After arguing Taka grabbed him and threw him onto the ambulance.

"We'll meet you there." They called.

Author's notes: I'm back and ready to work hard. It was hard thinking of a completely new idea… but I think I got it! XD well then Hope you like it! AND PLEASE REVIEW!