Woo hey guys. Exams now OVER! Freedom! Anyway, here is our first NCIS fic and we hope you enjoy it. We've tried to keep the characters in character as best we can. We also apologize in advance if we get any of the USMC or Navy ranks wrong. We are from the UK and the rank system is different, it can get a bit confusing sometimes.
Disclaimer: We don't own nothing... (double negative... therefore we own NCIS! :D ... or not :| ... )
"Oh my God, Tony! If you mention that movie you saw last night one more time I may actually have to kill!"
"But it was an awesome movie. You'd like it Ziva, it's got your assassin buddies in it."
"I highly doubt that Mossad assassins will be in a movie called 'Day to Night' – "
"It's called Date Night, Zee-vah… It's like a romantic action slash comedy… It's all a big case of mistaken identity, a bit like when we had to go undercover as those Canadian assassins, except we actually knew who were pretending to be, they had no idea" As Tony rambled on, Ziva slowly reached for something on her desk to throw when her hand came across the stapler.
"Tony! If you don't shut –" She picked up the stapler, causing Tony to wince to duck beneath his desk.
Suddenly the ping of the elevator sounded "Ziva! Put the stapler down!" Gibbs shouted as he walked out into the bullpen.
She placed the stapler back on the desk while glaring at Tony as he poked his head back above the desk. "Sorry Gibbs…" she mumbled.
Seeing that Ziva had placed the stationary item back on the desk, Tony stood up, straightened his suit and walk out from behind his desk. He walked over to see what McGee was doing when he felt something smack him on the back of the head.
"Oww… what was that for?" He turned round to find Gibbs was on his way up to the Directors office. Looking at the floor he saw a pencil lying on the ground.
"I think you deserved that Tony." McGee said, smiling at the bewildered look on Tony's face.
"Who's side are you on McGeek?" He picked up the pencil and walked over to stand in front of Ziva's desk, holding the pencil out "Ziva, I'm guessing this is yours?"
"Yes thank you. I was wondering where that got to." She said with a sly smile, taking the item out of Tony's hand and putting back in her desk organiser.
At that Gibbs came back into the bullpen and through a file on his desk. "Grab your gear"
"Where we going boss?" McGee asked as they all scrabbled to clip their weapons on and grab their bags.
"Metro found a body in a night club down town."
"And what's so special about this one that needs our assistance, especially one very special agent Anthony DiNozzo?"
"They don't need our assistance; we're taking over the case. She's a marine wife. Husband is stationed at Quantico." Gibbs said as he grabbed his weapon out of his drawer. "Victim's name is Diane Corey. Husband is Sergeant Tom Corey. McGee and I will head down to Metro, see what they got for us. Ziva, you and Tony go to talk to the husband, see if you can find out anything from him."
"On it boss!" Tony shouted as he slipped in the elevator where the team were already waiting.
Just a little opener, little teasing going on. Please review, the next chapter is going straight up, but please tell us what you think of this one before reading the next :) Thanks