Disclaimer: I own nothing

Sonic X: Cosmo's return

Tails was sitting on his bed, staring at the floor. It had been a year since Cosmo died, but to Tails it had been a millennium. He could remember clearly the first time he had seen her, falling out of the sky inside that ship, begging for help. All the battles with the Metterix, and Eggman, when slowly his friendship with her had turned to love, but fate duped him, and now she was dead. All he had left was the seed that Sonic had given him when the final battle had ended. That was it. Tears began to flow from his eyes. Although it had been a while ago, the pain was as fresh as if it was yesterday, the stabbing pain that never weakened. Tails had spent most of the last year inside his house, staring out the window, or at the pictures of Cosmo that he kept in his room. His friends knew about it, and they were worried about him.

"Cosmo." Tail murmured, as fresh tears rolled down his cheeks. "Cosmo, I miss you." The tears began to flow. He stood up and walked down stairs, and over the where the plant was sitting on his windowsill. Just seeing it made him think of the battle.

"Tails, I looked everywhere but this is all I could find." Sonic held out his hand. Tails took the small seed inside them.

"A seed…?" Tails stared at it, and choked down his sobs. Sonic said nothing more as Tails knelt, trying to restrain his pain.

But now it flowed free. All his grief and regret poured from his eyes and into the flower pot. "Cosmo…Cosmo…"

/inside the flower

She could hear a voice.

"…Cosmo…Cosmo…" The girl blinked, a fog of confusion filling her mind.

Is someone else here?

"Cosmo…Cosmo, I miss you…I love you…Cosmo…"

Love? Her? Who was there? Cosmo focused furiously. That voice…I know that voice. But from where? Who? Then, a drop of water-a teardrop-splashed her face and everything came rushing back. The metterix, the final battle, the explosion! She had the metterix immobilized, and she had gotten hit by the sonic cannon as well. She must have gotten reincarnated into the seed. Of course! That's Tails's voice! Tails! It's okay, I'm coming out, just a second…!

/Tails's P.O.V.

Suddenly, the plant shone gold. Startled, Tails jumped backwards. One of the plant's bulbs opened up, and someone stepped out. When the light faded, Cosmo was standing in front of the plant and looking a bit confused. "C-c-c-Cosmo?" Tails stammered out at last.

When she saw Tails, her eyes cleared. "Tails! You're here!" She threw her arms around him. "I'm glad."

Tails nuzzled Cosmo's cheek. "You're alive. I can't believe it! I can't believe it." Pulling back, he added. "How? How did this happen?"

Cosmo shrugged indifferently. "Who cares? The important thing is that I'm still alive, and it isn't over yet. I never got to tell you I loved you. But I can now." She grabbed him again, pulled him in, and kissed him.