Observation and Reports

By: Kaashaa and Silentdovesong

Disclaimer: I don't own anything that belongs to the Twilight universe that is solely for Stephanie Myers. Of Which I'm grateful to her for all the characters. The characters Kaashaa, Elyshia, and the White Mountain Clan belong to me and my writing partner and we would appreciate it if you'd ask permission before borrowing them as it took time to develop them.

Chapter One

Concerns and Letters

Carlisle glanced at his phone while walking down the hallway to where his desk in the emergency room was located. Concern bloomed in his chest as he saw that he had missed not just one, but four calls from different members of the family. It was unusual for his family to call him while he was working, and rarer still for multiple people to call him in rapid succession.

Groaning inwardly he unlocked his phone as he turned the corner that settled him behind his desk, dialing Esme's number as he sat down because hers was the most recent attempt to reach him at work. "Hello, honey I'm so sorry that everyone bombarded you with calls when you're working, but you just received a registered letter here at the house and it doesn't have a recognizable name, at least to me." Esme said calmly, and her serene nature soothed the knotted ball of worry in his chest.

"What's the name on the return address?" Carlisle quizzed listening as Esme who must have had the letter in her hand turned it over, hearing the paper rustle in her fingers.

"It says Draedyn Winters C/O White Mountain Clan on it. Does that name sound familiar with you. The envelope seems really thick and it feels like it might have a CD in it as well," Esme responded concern leaking though just a bit. This was unnerving and it didn't help the kids were even reacting to this letter though none of them except maybe Jasper seemed to respond most to the name when she first mentioned it.

"Draeydn Winters," Carlisle repeated even though the White Mountain Clan was vaguely familiar the masculine-sounding name was not. "I don't recognize it even if I have a vague recollection of the organization. I'm going to see about leaving early today, this sounds like something that should be handled together, whatever it is. Let everyone know that I'd like to see them in the living room ideally in about fifteen to twenty minutes." Carlisle decided with a shake of his head, "As well I'd like to see if Jake and his pack are willing to sit in on the meeting as well, something tells me this will affect more than just us."

"We'll see you when you get home then, honey. Please be careful while you're driving and I'll make sure that the kids are ready when you get here and pass the message to Jake as soon as we're done here." Esme said relieved by the thought that Carlisle's presence alone would help alleviate the tension that the others were feeling, including herself.

Severing the call, Carlisle allowed himself a moment to collect his thoughts. He knew very well that Aro was angry over the events involving Bella and Nessie but he hardly expected this sort of move from him. Involving a coven as old as the White Mountain Clan was reputed to be wasn't a move made lightly or without a great deal of contemplation beforehand. Shaking off his concerns, he forced a smile as he walked toward his receptionist, Tamari who was already smiling in return, "I'm going home for the day. Let Dr. Halverson know that if there's an emergency that he can reach me at home."

"Ok Dr. Cullen have a safe trip home," Tamari said writing a quick note for Dr. Halverson.

Carlisle went out to his Mercedes and slid in. He put his phone on his blue tooth charger and connected everything so he could answer the phone should it ring on his way home. He pulled out of his spot and starting down the road leading toward home where he let his mind drift back to the last bit that was said between the Volturi and his family '"We won't fight today. What a prize." Glancing first at Bella then at Alice.'

Carlisle arrived home to the chaos that was home. He came in and took off his jacket putting it on the coat rack next to the door before retreating on into the living room. "Hey hunny have a good day at work?" Esme greeted getting up from her chair and going over to hug and kiss him.

"It was pretty slow today actually," Carlisle answered giving her a hug and kiss back before nodding greetings at the kids as well as, Jake and his pack.

A bundle of energy hit him around the knees almost taking him down as Nessie came to greet her grandfather, "Glad to see you home grandpa. I missed you today." The little girl grinned at her grandfather with adoration.

"I'm glad to be home too little lady and I've missed you too. I take it you've had a fun day today?" Carlisle responded smiling back at her. Nessie nodded and took her grandfather's hand and led him over his chair where he sat down pulling her in his lap.

"I, for one would like to know what concerned you enough that you wanted to involve us from the start," Jake said, his expression concerned as he turned his attention to Carlisle, "Edward was pretty vague about why you wanted us here."

"I'm afraid that even I'm not entirely sure what's going on, Jake." Carlisle admitted, accepting the envelope from Esme as he exhaled slowly, "My greater concern is that it pertains to the situation between all of us and the Volturi a year ago."

"I'm hoping that there's nothing seriously wrong, Carlisle." Jasper added, his voice seeming somehow even graver than usual, "I know the reputation of the White Mountain Clan, and they are not known for contacting anyone unless there is something that troubles them." I just hope that it doesn't have anything to do with Nessie. He added silently, his eyes focused on Carlisle as he was opening the envelope.

Carlisle cleared his throat and began reading aloud:

"Dr. Carlisle Cullen and Family.

Greetings and well wishes to all of you from the White Mountain Clan. At the request of our leader, and friend Theron, I am contacting you and yours. For some time whispers and rumors of a Clan which has shied away from the prominent traditions of our kind - to abhor the abuse of humans for feeding purposes in favor of consuming animals has reached our ears. This concept has intrigued him since and as I said before, at his behest I am contacting you.

However, I regret to inform you that this is not the sole reason for this contact. Approximately fifteen months ago Aro of Volterra Coven contacted Theron to attempt to lure him into being involved with a situation believed to be an immortal child. Our people investigated discreetly and the assessment was that it had much less to do with the child herself, and much more to do with Aro's greed. His nature is not unknown to us, and our concern quickly became his interest in your coven and its gifted members. We are certain that you are aware of his attempts to court members of your coven to his up to and including the aforementioned child. Upon our discovery of this information, Theron declined to involve our coven in that matter and left it to Aro to handle the matter as pertains to the laws of our kind. More recent months have left him still interested in your coven and his curiosity remains piqued today.

After a great deal of debate and deliberation, it was decided that we would send one of our own to observe your family, as you like to be called such with the idea that doing so could reveal a benefit to all of our kind. As a token of our appreciation, should you accept and fully cooperate with the request from Theron, protection from the Volturi in the event that they should choose to mount an offensive during the time of observation on our part. Furthermore, Theron has indicated to me that I should express to you that he is not adverse to offering a long-term alliance with a young coven such as yours.

Enclosed with this letter is a DVD, which contains a message from Theron that may help you and yours decide your course of action. However, time is of the essence and we request that you reply as soon as you have the ability to. Be advised as well, Aro is still quite angry over his failed coup over you and yours, Dr. Cullen and it is believed by our informants that he may make a move sooner than later to attempt the same again. Also enclosed is a card with which you will find necessary contact information for us.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Draedyn Winters

Chief of Information

White Mountain Clan

Carlisle looked at everyone before removing the enclosed DVD and handing it to Alice who had gotten up and already had the DVD player ready to go, "It sounds like there is more trouble brewing," Quil muttered as he watched Alice finish prepping the disk and handed Carlisle the remote before retreating back to her place beside Jasper.

Carlisle nodded and hit play. The first thing they saw was the face of an older gentleman and what they assumed must have been his wife along with six children spaced on either side of the adults.

"Greetings to you Cullen Family. My name is Theron Lord of the White Mountain Clan. This is my family my wife, Amelia and my daughters and son Allie, Keilan and Lilly on my wife's right and on my left my daughters and son Elyshia, Kaashaa and Braedyn. I regret that we could not travel to meet you in person but I'm sure that the letter sent with this has given you some pertinent information. I fear you to be in danger.

I will not lie and say that it is something that shouldn't be worried over because I'm sure that you know the nature of the Volturi as well as we do. However if you agree I would like to send my daughter Kaashaa to you. I do warn you that her true identity must remain a secret but understand that she is quite capable of handling most things. I wish to extend this welcome to you and your family in hopes of not only gaining Allies but friends as well.

Please contact us as soon as possible as it will take a little time to get Kaashaa up to you and rest assure that should the Volturi interfere with you I will personally see to it that they stop until such time that you ask us not to. Again thank you for taking the time out to listen to us and we look forward hopefully hearing from you.

The DVD went off and Carlisle looked from the screen surveying the group around him. "Any thoughts or feelings about what we just heard?"

"My question is why Aro would want to involve them in the first place. It doesn't sound in their nature to be someone to bow down to Aro's wishes." Alice stated aloud.

"They're not," Jasper said calmly, "Far from it, and it actually sort of sounded to me like Aro answers to someone and it chaps his behind to." He smiled at Alice's uneasy smile, "I wouldn't worry about danger coming to us from them, and if anything we have at hand a potential alliance which may strengthen our position opposing Aro's demands."

"It sounds like you know something of this White Mountain Clan, Jazz," Bella said as everyone turned to focus on Jasper.

"Yeah want to share with the rest of the class there Bro," Emmett added.

"I don't know much, they're pretty secretive and reclusive." Jasper admitted calmly, "And some of what I know of is strictly rumor but it is reputed to be the oldest surviving vampire clan. Based on the letter and the introduction, I would say they're a group we should tread carefully and be honest with, I don't think lying will be met with any kindness."

"The question now is do we contact them and allow a stranger to enter our home or do we wait and see what Aro and the others are up to before trying to make a decision and risk an open conflict with the Volturi again," Carlisle stated.

"I can see no reason not to trust this clan, and if it helps us defend ourselves against the Volturi, I'm for it. I absolutely do not want them having an opportunity to tear this family apart; they nearly succeeded once when Nessie was born I won't stand by and let it happen again." Edward said glancing to Bella, who was already nodding in solidarity of his opinions.

"I agree with Edward and Bella on this, we're out nothing talking with them. Besides the greater the number of opposition the less apt to pick a fight the majority of the Volturi are." Rose agreed after a few more moments of contemplation.

"Yeah the more people on our side the bigger the fight we can bring should the Volturi try and start something," Emmett said after a few tense moments, "Assuming that we agree to this at all."

"We have spent the last year rebuilding relationships," Esme said looking pointedly over at Jake, "And ensuring that our neighbors and friends in the community aren't being harmed by our presence. Any opportunity to strengthen our position to continue to do so is more than welcome by me."

"I know this much if this clan can help keep those bloodsuckers at bay so we don't have to fight then I'm all for it and we'll stand behind you guys whatever the choice is that you guys make," Jake added his pack mates nodding in agreement.

Carlisle was painfully aware that ultimately, the decision was his. He liked to treat the people around him as his equals, yet when it came to the most difficult decisions for the most part they were his to make. He was quiet for a long time, staring into the space between his hands; a move that everyone in the room knew meant he was thinking long and deeply about the decision. "It's a risk," Carlisle said at last, "Trusting a coven none of us have had any dealings with, both positive and negative. However, if it is an opportunity that will allow me to have the means to protect each of you to greater depth I am willing to chance it. Hand me the card please, with the number." He said reaching for his cellular phone before he could change his mind.

In a matter of forty seconds he had dialed the number and set the phone to speaker as it sat ringing in his hands, "Good early morning, how can I help you?" a decidedly female voice asked and the sound was almost bell-like and sweet.

"Good early morning to you as well," Carlisle said slowly allowing himself to relax a slight bit aware that the more tense he felt the thicker his native British accent would become, "My name is Carlisle Cullen I need to speak with either Draedyn or Theron please."

"Of course, one moment please." The voice answered briskly, but not impolitely as they could all hear a muffled exchange and a shout in an unfamiliar language before another voice came through the speaker.

"Theron speaking," A voice that matched the DVD precisely came through clearly, authoritative and confident but not without a measure of warmth.

"I do apologize if this call comes very late in your evening," Carlisle said wondering if it were actually the middle of the night for the other male, "But I didn't want to delay in responding to the letter that was received today."

"Ah yes, the coven which seems to be receiving a great deal of unwanted attention the last fifteen months or so," Theron said calmly, "How can I assist you?"

"I wanted to express not only our gratitude for your contact but our acceptance of your offer. We have determined that while accepting is a risk, potentially incensing Aro it is one we are willing to take." Carlisle said calmly, even though internally he felt anything but calm.

"Excellent, I was hoping that you would accept and that Draedyn wasn't too intimidating or unsettling, he can have that effect even in writing from time to time." Theron said calmly, "It will take some time before she'll arrive for a variety of reasons. As well with that acceptance does come the assurance that the Volturi will not have the opportunity to interfere with your lives. I trust the young lady I am sending to you; I will ensure that she contacts you upon her arrival in Seattle." Theron answered.

"Do you have an estimated timeframe?" Carlisle asked cautiously, not entirely comfortable with the idea of someone having to make a fast trip to Seattle, potentially unprepared physiologically for such a trip.

"Actually, not at this point because final arrangements need to be completed but I would guess within the next week to fourteen days on the outside." Theron answered reassuringly.

"Then we'll wait for her call, and thank you for doing this for our family; not many covens would consider potentially bringing themselves into direct conflict with the Volturi."

"The Volturi are the very least of my problem children," Theron said, his voice holding in it a smile, "However any time that I can ensure that they are serving their purpose without making too much of a mockery of our ways I can and I will. This happens to be one such time. It is of course, our pleasure and I expect everyone will benefit from this observation period." Theron said calmly, "If there's nothing else I will bid you a good evening."

After completing his farewells, Carlisle severed the connection and glanced to his family, watching each of them for a reaction and response carefully, "It seems then we will have company before long."

"The girls and I will see about making a place that would be comfortable and welcoming," Esme said smiling as Alice perked up immediately at the idea of shopping for materials to convert one of the spare rooms, normally used as a reading room into a guest bedroom. As they were talking the others started filtering out of the living room, each of them full of their own thoughts about the changes this new person could and would bring about.