Sweet child of mine

Disclaimer I do not own Supernatural or any of the Characters and do not wish to hurt or offend.

"Shush baby everything will be ok in a minute you will be safe." Cas said to the small bundle he held in his arms. He knew he was doing the right thing as he stared at the small dark haired green eyed wriggling child he held in his arms. He just hoped he would be able to make the journey back through time without causing too much damage to the child or himself in the process.

"Don't worry you can do it Cas," the little voice in the back of his mind told him. It had always amused him how much that little voice sounded like Dean, It always encouraged him to do the right thing and it had never been wrong before so he decided he needed to trust it now. Looking around the small room that had been his home for the last few weeks, he knew he shouldn't feel the way he felt now. But he would miss the faded torn blue wall paper and suspicious stains on the matching faded carpets. This is where he had spent the last few weeks with the person he loved more then life. And where they had died in his arms hopefully knowing just how much he loved them.

"Its ok baby" He said to the tiny bundle as he picked up the blue diaper bag that lay on the bed. "Daddy will make sure you're safe." He said with a sigh as he concentrated on where he knew he needed to go to keep his tiny son safe.

"Dean I have been patient, Look I know you are still grieving but you really need to get your act together and face up to the truth Sammy isn't coming back." Lisa told him with a voice that broke with sadness.

He knew that she was only trying to help him, she had been trying for the last six months and he had to admit he hadn't made it easy… But looking at her now he could have happily blackened those tear filled eyes. He had never hit a woman in his life unless of course you counted those that were possessed. But now he really had to fight to keep control of himself, how dare she talk about his Sammy like that, or act like she understood how he felt.

"Lisa I know that he isn't coming back… But I can't just get over it just like that." He said snapping his fingers in the air. "I know you have only tried to help me and I don't know how to say this but I am so sorry I just can't be what you want me to be right now." he said placing his head in his hands… Why did he make that stupid promise to Sammy, A promise that he knew he now couldn't keep. "I think it's best if I went away for a while!" He told her as he got to his feet and made his way to the door. "I am so sorry" He said one last time as he made his way out the door to his baby.

He knew he should have at least tried to make things work with Lisa, but his heart hadn't been in it. He had broken his promise to his baby brother and he was only grateful that Sammy wasn't here to see what a screw up he was.

Things hadn't really improved over the past week not that Dean thought it would. He hated himself for being so weak as he lay in his cheap motel bed curled up in the foetal position as heart wrenching sobs escaped his lips.

"Wouldn't you be proud of your big strong brother now Sammy" He said voice dripping with sarcasm. He knew he had to stop thinking this way, it really wasn't doing him any good but God he missed brother. His entire life had revolved around the kid from the moment his parents had brought the screaming little bundle home from the hospital. He had done everything for him after their Mother had been killed by the yellow eyed demon .And their father being either to wrapped up in his own grief, or seeking vengeance on every evil son of a bitch he came across for taking away the love of his life. And now here Dean was alone in some random motel in the middle of Iowa trying to figure out how everything had gone so wrong and why he was still here when his baby brother was gone.

Dean was pulled from his morbid thoughts when he heard something hit the door hard. He jumped he hadn't meant to, Dean Winchester had never been jumpy he could only put it down to the fact that he had been so caught up in his own self pity.

As he made his way to the door to investigate what the hell had hit it he drew out his gun, He may be out of practice but he was under no illusions that he may be being paranoid drawing his gun at the slightest noise. Oh no he knew what went bump in the night, and if there was something out there trying to get his attention then they would also feel the cool metal of his gun.

Turing the key in the lock Dean pushed the door open as fast as he could holding his gun outstretched ready to blow whatever was out there straight back to hell. But dropped his weapon when he saw the man lying on the floor.

"Cas?" Dean asked as he bent down to examine the battered and bloody angel, In all the time he had know Cas after all the battles they had fought together Dean had never seen him look so injured.

"Dean help us please." Cas asked the hunter as he passed out and that's when he heard the small cry and really took a good hard look at the scene in front of him. He gently moved Cas to one side and was shocked to see that he had been wrapped protectively around a small blue bundle, a bundle that was moving and beginning to cry.

Gently picking up the crying child Dean scanned the wriggling infant for any obvious sign of injury finding none he headed back into the motel room and pulled a draw out of the cupboard placed it on one of the beds and laid the baby in it hoping it would be ok while he brought Cas in so he could see just how badly injured the angel really was.

He had seen Cas take some beatings in his time but he had always healed himself quickly. That didn't seem to be happening this time, He had been out cold for over five hours .Dean had cleaned and dressed all the wounds he could but what had him worried though was that even the minor scrapes and bruises were not even beginning to heal themselves why? He knew Cas was now a full blown angel again and with that came certain advantages healing being one of them and being one tough son of a bitch being another, so what the hell was going on with his friend? And who the hell had got the drop on him? Cas always knew when trouble was looming and find a way out of it he just didn't understand and unfortunately he didn't have time to think about it now he had a screaming little boy to deal with.

Dean never claimed to be Mary freaking Poppins, but he had always been good with Sammy when he was a baby knowing what his little brother wanted before he even cried for it but with this little guy he was clueless. He had fed him burped him and changed a very stinky diaper, Christ he had even tried singing to him like he had Sam. But nothing was working and he was starting to worry he had missed something when he had checked him for injuries.

"A little help would be nice Cas" Dean said as he laid the baby on the bed next to the angel to check him for any injuries he may have missed and the minute he did he thought he had gone deaf because the little boy stopped crying. And he was almost to busy jumping up and down doing a happy dance that the baby was finally quiet that he nearly didn't see Cas move and hear what he had to say to the little guy.

"Shush now Samuel Daddy's here!"

"What the fuck?"

TBC I hope .let me know what you think. I know it is short and a little rough and I may take down and rewrite but I had an idea and just had to put it on here. I am not sure about the title I gave this story and may change it at some point Thanks for reading x