Wow thanks so much for all the reviews I am glad that you liked it, I have never had that may reviews for one chapter before. I am not that happy with this chapter I really struggled but I hope that you like it.
Here is one of my favourite quotes and it reminds me a bit of someone. Can you guess who?
When choosing between two evils I always try the one I've not tried before – Mae West in Klondike Annie 1936.
The Kissing Booth – Part 2
Elena, Stefan and Matt were sitting in the now closed kissing booth Bonnie's last hour had brought in $740 that included the $200 that Damon had thrown at the booth when he had grabbed Bonnie.
"So, what do you think they are up to?" Elena said to them both. Stefan and Matt looked at each other then both shrugged their shoulders.
"I have no idea, but I hope she is still speaking to us tomorrow" said Stefan
"What are we going to do tonight?" asked Matt
"Let's go and watch some DVD's at the boarding house, I'm tired it's been a long day" Elena suggested
"Yea, I could do with some of Mrs Flowers fab cooking" Matt agreed
The three pack up and dropped the money off with the Principle and headed to the boarding house.
Damon didn't know what had made him do it. What did he care if that boy wanted to kiss Bonnie? Why should it bother him? The little witch was single. Damon hated the thought that Bonnie had this affect on him, whatever that affect was. It couldn't be jealously as that would mean that he had feelings about her and he was sure that he couldn't have feelings about a human, even if she was a witch and a very powerful witch at that.
Damon came to a stop; Bonnie had stopped shouting at him. They were in the ruins of Fells Church. Damon dropped Bonnie on her feet and looked at her. Bonnie was furious, her face was nearly as red as her hair she was so angry.
"What the hell do you think you were doing?" Bonnie fumed at Damon.
Damon couldn't help but smirk at her she looked so cute standing there in her cheerleading uniform hands on hips and red curls windswept and wild, the look in her chocolate eyes were blazing and the power rolling off her fuelled by her anger just made her more and more desirable to him.
"Bon Bon" Damon started but stopped as Bonnie held her hand out flat to his face.
"Damon, don't even go there with the Bon Bon, I hate that name and if it leaves your lips again I will set that cute butt of your on fire!"
Damon smirked" So you think I have a cute butt?"
Bonnie rolled her eyes "Damon, we are getting off the subject! You just kidnapped me from school!"
Damon sighed, "My beautiful little witch I was rescuing you"
Bonnie smiled, Damon had called her beautiful, Damon was thrown by the smile that had crept onto Bonnie's lips. Damon replayed the last part of the conversation over in his head. Oh shit he had just called her beautiful, boy the compliments were just flying around today!
Bonnie composed herself "Damon what were you rescuing me from? I was in a kissing booth I only had to kiss them on the cheek!"
Damon looked down at his feet then looked up in to the dark chocolate brown eyes. Bonnie was stood there gently tugging at her lip with her teeth; the sun was setting behind her the red of the rays playing with the hues of her red hair making her look like a goddess. Damon started walking towards Bonnie, she started to take steps back then she hit the only standing wall of Fells Church, Damon continued towards her until they we only a breath apart. Damon extended a cool hand and gently brushed his knuckles down her velvet soft skin. Bonnie could feel the soft material of his shirt as it brushed against her bear arm and the ruff denim of his black jeans grazed the sensitive skin of her inner thighs as his leg forced its way in between her legs. Bonnie s breath caught in the throat.
Damon leaned forward his lips brushed Bonnie's ear as he spoke "I heard what that boy was thinking about you and I didn't like it your my little witch"
"What do you want Damon?"
"Well a kiss would be nice" answered Damon as he leaned in to claim Bonnie's soft pliant lips. Bonnie surprised both of them as she responded to the kiss. Bonnie's hands wound their way up Damon's chest and found the nape of Damon's neck Bonnie curled her fingers in to the silky soft hair. Damon's arms moved from the wall, his hands tracing the soft curves of her body, memorising every detail of her body. His mind making a mental note of everything he did that made her moan or deepen the kiss.
Damon and Bonnie started to pull back from one another at the same time. They rested there foreheads against one another, both breathing heavily.
"Wow" said Damon a smirk starting to grace his lips
"mmmmmm" agreed Bonnie.
Damon's smirk got even bigger if that was possible "that was well worth the $200"
Bonnie's face started to go red as the anger over Damon's statement. Damon quickly leaned forward and started to kiss her again. The kiss was more intense and passionate than their previous kiss. This time Damon's hands wound their way into Bonnie's soft curls.
As Damon pulled away he was quick to pull Bonnie towards him and he whispered in her ear. "That was a complement little witch"
Bonnie smiled at him. She looked down at their hands that had become entwined. Damon's hand again brushed Bonnie's cheek.
"He wasn't allowed to think of you like that, you are mine and I am the only one allowed to think about you like that" Damon stated. Bonnie moved into his embrace, they melded together as one.