So…I am finally here at the last chapter of book one out of four that I plan to do. It has been a joy reading all your comments and getting your feedback. I am surprise that I managed to get over 90 reviews with this story and I can only hope that you all will enjoy the next one which I will do my best to have more surprises in store. So without further ado…


I stood there watching as Brom, Arya, and Murtagh entered the medical tent that was currently occupied by Eragon and that herbalist called Angela. Saphira then poked her head in the tent afterwards. It was a few hours after the battle and the Varden were hard at work cleaning up the remains and burying the dead.

Even though it happened only a few hours ago, it felt like an eternity. The moment I got the summon necklace, a massive explosion came from inside the dwarf city. Spyro and I went to investigate only to find Eragon lying on the ground with Arya and Saphira around him. We quickly went over and I asked Arya what had happen. She told me how Eragon went and fought the Shade Durza and with the timely help of Arya and Saphira, who I might add, had learned to breathe fire at that moment, managed to stab him in the heart causing his death.

Though I was a little annoyed that Eragon managed to defeat Durza when I could not, I managed to push that aside me and ask Spyro to go and get a medic. I then returned my attention back to Eragon and using what strength I had, managed to heal some of the wounds that he sustained. However, as much as I tried, I could not seem to get the one he received on his back to heal which I found to be strange. Before I could ponder it further, Spyro came back with Angela and I let her take over.

I then searched around the battlefield but I was unable to find a trace of Pete. I gave a mild half shrug and thought "Well…It is not like I have anything to worry about him anyway."

For the most part, the Varden suffered about what I expect from an attack like this. Though it was saddening to look upon the dead bodies of men and dwarves, it was not the first time on a battlefield like this and I had a strong feeling that it was not going to be my last.

I gave a tired yawn and Spyro asked "Is everything alright Sora?" I looked up at his deep purple eyes and said in my mind "We have won a great battle, a battle that could mark the turning point in this war, and yet…I don't feel happy or proud." Spyro then replied "So what do you feel then?"

I pause for a few moments to collect my emotions together and said in a calm voice "I feel…worry." Spyro then asked "What are you worried about?" I gave another sigh and said "I am worried about you, me, Brom, Arya, Murtagh, the Varden. However, I am actually more worried about Eragon and Saphira."

Spyro nodded his head in understanding and we remain in silent for a while as we were just absorbed in the emotions and thoughts of our partner. It was after a while did Spyro ask "So do you consider Eragon your friend?"

The question struck me off balance. Without really knowing it, I started to remember all the times I spent with him. All the moments in which we were practicing swordsmanship and I treated him like a gruff master. I also remember the humiliating defeat I handed to him in the Varden arena. I was not sure if Eragon even like me, let alone thought of me as a friend. Still, that did not stop me from saying "Yes I do."

It was then that I felt a surge coming from the new summon charm I got. I quickly pulled it out and took a look at it. Ever since I got it and if I had free time, I would spend it looking over the charm trying to figure out how to activate it. No matter what I did, it would always remain inactive. Now I saw that the five symbols that circle the sixth were glowing. Thinking that I was able to at last be able to perform the summoning, I started to pour energy into the charm. However, like all the times before, it remained inactive. I looked back at it and saw that the five symbols had stopped glowing and was back to normal. I was almost tempted to throw it away but something kept holding me back. I gave a small sigh and said to the charm "You seem to not give up your secrets without a fight." Naturally, the charm did not respond.

I put the charm back into my pocket and said to Spyro "This is not the end." He then replied "No it is not, but rather it might be the begging of the end." I then said "And we shall be here to see it through to the end." Spyro nodded in agreement and I could already feel the excitement and energy of facing new challenges burring in his body.

I pulled out the necklace that held Aros's orb and said "All of us are ready" in a quiet tone as I fingered the new silver band that had appeared on the orb, shinning just as bright as the other colors.

I know it is short compared to the others but I just wanted to wrap thing up. I will start the next book in the series sometime when college is back on, maybe sooner. So for the last time of this fan fiction…

Read and Review Please
