This is the story that I had plan on doing for quite some time now. I plan to take my time and hope that you all will like where this is going.


The night was pretty peaceful.

All across the lands, from the cities to the towns and even to the forest creatures, almost everyone was off in their own dreams worlds.

However, to most people, sleep does not come easy.

For everyday, they wonder their fates and lives while living under a tyrant.

A tyrant who has managed to escape the lasting embrace of death itself

His nameā€¦most people refuse to speak of out of fear.

It was on a night like this where most people remember the days of old. Where they could travel from one end of the land to the other and can always find kindness waiting for them at each town they stop.

Those days were long gone, ever since the fall of the protectors.

None dare speak about those days for fear of death so they are forced to live a life of quiet fear, hoping that the unknown rebellion would one day free them.

However, that rebellion was on the brink of destruction. Their only hope was to bring back a protector to save them all from the tyrant.

Now most people in the rebellion wondered if that will be enough to stop him. The truth was that they were unable to find the one half needed to bring about the rebirth of a protector and were quickly looking for new hope.

They did not have to wait for long.

In a forest that was both large beautiful and deadly, a boy with spiky hair, black clothes that mask him in the midnight light and had a long sword attach to his side in its sheath and holding a bow with a arrow already placed down the shaft.

He was following a strange meteoroid that had crashed nearby. The weird part was the instead of burning red when it enter the atmosphere, it was burning purple.

The boy was walking at a fast enough that he would be able to reach the crash site without too much problems but slow enough that he would not run into any traps.

It was then that he reached the site. The hole was a good two centimeters down and the slope was shallow enough that the boy could be able to get in and out without too much problems. The trees that were nearby had either missing branches of burned marks.

With great curiosity, the boy looked at the hole, which was now being lit by the full moon. The boy's face was in complete shock at what he saw.

It was an old friend. He was currently asleep and the boy was relieved that he did not suffer any wounds on the outside.

His purple scales shined in the glowing moonlight.

I tried to do my beat for the opening of the story. I hope it is good enough. I also hope that I start getting reviews again from both old and new people. Wish me luck with this story.

Read and Review Please
