Note: I do not own Ouran High School Host Club (though if I did I could die a happy little girl T~T). All characters belong to the sweet and wonderful Bisco Hatori.

Sorry the update took so long, I got stuck working on other projects this summer. ^ ^; I'll try to update as much as I can now. Please enjoy this new chapter!

A Grand Future

Chapter 7

Wedding Bells

Mei and Haruhi had gone to the Hitachin residence to finish preparations for the wedding along with all other Host Club members excluding Tamaki. Hunny and Mori were in charge of the catering and cake, Hikaru and Koaru were still helping their mother with dress and suit designs along with Mei, Kyoya somehow ended up writing and balancing the budget, and since Tamaki was shadowing his father again today Haruhi wasn't left with much to do. Because this was her second time seeing Anne, Haruhi decided to spend her time talking to her, seeing as neither one of them had anything to do.

"So how did you and Tamaki meet Haruhi?" Anne looked over at her across the table they were sitting at; they had both been enjoying some tea and snacks during their conversation.

"Well it's kind of a funny story actually." Haruhi laughed reminiscing over her memories of the first few weeks at Ouran Academy with the Host Club. "I was looking for a quiet place to study and I wandered into a music room where the Host Club was. And at first Tamaki didn't even know I was a girl."

Anne left out a soft giggle and looked back urging her to continue her story. "I ended up breaking an expensive vase, and to pay for it I ended up becoming a member of the Host Club." She looked at Anne who was beaming with a gentle glowing smile.

"So you two met by a pure coincidence?" Anne smiled as Haruhi nodded in response. "Well I heard somewhere that when someone finds the person they will spend their life with it's usually by pure coincidence that the two even meet. Tamaki's father and I met by random coincidence, that's why I knew it was going to be him the moment I met him."

Haruhi blushed and took a sip of her tea, could Anne tell how she felt about Tamaki?

"But that's enough about me; I want to know more about you Haruhi. Tamaki tells me you're very smart and very independent."

Haruhi looked back up at her from her tea. "Well I had to learn to be independent early on. My mother had gotten sick and died when I was very young, and to support me my father had to work all the time, so I was left on my own a lot. I learned to cook and do all the house hold chores on my own, and I always took care of myself and even my father when he needed it." Haruhi smiled as she thought back to the times when she would share a dish she made with her father and he would praise her cooking skills.

"Well my son is a very lucky man to have you Haruhi." Anne smiled and Haruhi stared back into her tea cup. The way Anne talked about her and Tamaki made it sound like they were already a married couple. Much to Haruhi's relief the other Host Club members walked up to the table they were sitting at.

"Haruhi we need to talk about the plan for tomorrow to get Tamaki here without giving anything away." Koaru sat down in between Anne and Haruhi.

"Hikaru and I will get Tono and bring him to our mansion and get him dressed and ready for the wedding while the rest of you go to the church and get ready there, mom will deliver all the dresses and suits there for you to change into. When everything is set up Mei will let us know and we will bring Tono to the church where everyone will be ready to go. This will all go really smooth so you guys won't have anything to worry about."

Haruhi nodded and looked at Anne who had politely cleared her throat to say something.

"Haruhi could I ask you something?" Haruhi smiled and nodded at her. "Well I was wondering, since none of this could have been possible without you, would you be my made of honor?"

Haruhi stared blankly at Anne before she could answer with a smile. "I would love to be your made of honor Anne."


"He's asleep in his room now, everyone has already left for the church so you shouldn't have any trouble getting him out of the house and not giving this away. Are you sure the two of you can handle him on your own?" Shima was leading Hikaru and Koaru up the stairs in the first Suoh mansion to Tamaki's bedroom.

"Yeah we can handle old Tono, Hikaru and I are masterminds when it comes to secret missions like this, right Hikaru?" Hikaru nodded and snickered thinking of all the times they "kidnapped" and transported Haruhi around. "We've got this under control Shima-san, no need to worry. We'll just dress up Tono and stick him in the limo, then we'll be at the church in no time at all. Speaking of which you better hurry and get going your self."

"Very well, don't take to long, though we can't really start without master Tamaki anyway." Shima bowed to the twins and walked back down the stairs. The twins opened Tamaki's bedroom door and tiptoed quietly up to his bed to see him still deep in sleep. They both grew evil smiles across their faces, and Hikaru went to the opposite side of the bed and stooped down low to Tamaki's ear. Koaru counted off with his fingers, 3….2….1! They both screeched 'Tono!' as loud as they could in his ears, and Tamaki shot up out of his sleep and screamed covering his ringing ears.

"What's going on?" He screeched and he turned to both sides to see the twins bawling with laughter.

"Ugh! How did you two get in my house!" He uncovered his ears and stared sternly at them waiting for their answer but he never got one. The twins grabbed him by both his arms and yanked him out of bed.

"There's no time for questions Tono, you need to put this suit on and come with us. Come on, come on, don't waste any more time!"

Tamaki did what they said with a face on that looked like a disgruntled puppies, and all the while he asked why he was doing this and where were they going, but the twins never answered any of his questions, they just urged him to hurry up and get downstairs immediately.

The three of them tromped down the stairs as quickly as they could and hurried out the front doors to their limo.

"Tono we need you to put on this blindfold too." Tamaki stopped and looked at them.

"I need to do what?"

"Put this blind fold on." Hikaru blurted impatiently, and he went behind Tamaki and secured the blindfold around his eyes and head.

"Hikaru, Koaru I demand you tell me what's going on this instant or I won't move from this spot!" Tamaki's legs were suddenly swooped out from under him and he was being dragged by his arms into the limo, kicking and screaming the entire time.

"I told Shima we wouldn't have a problem with getting him to do this." The twins laughed maniacally and shut the limo door.


Haruhi sat staring out a stained glass window in a small room at the back of the church. The sun shown through the glass and warmed her body, it was a very sunny spring day, she could tell summer would be here soon. She turned around as she heard the door to the room opening, Anne had finished changing into her wedding dress, which was simple yet elegant, embroidered with pearls and lace.

"Well Haruhi, what do you think? It doesn't look to flashy does it?" Anne started down at the intricate patterns of pearls; she hadn't worn such elegant clothing in a very long time.

"No, you look so beautiful Anne." Haruhi smiled gently and looked down at her own dress, although it was elegant, it wasn't as eccentric as Anne's dress. It was a very light pearl pink, and it was all tied in the back with ribbons, and the same pearl pink elbow length gloves covered her hands and arms.

Anne giggled as Haruhi surveyed her dress. "Haruhi you look just as beautiful. No wonder my son is head over heals for you."

Haruhi's face turned cherry red; she had almost forgotten Tamaki would see her in this outfit. She was sure he would make a huge scene, announcing to everyone in the room how gorgeous and beautiful she was. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Anne's sigh, which was followed by a choked whimpering. Haruhi looked up to see Anne crying, but she was smiling as well.

"Thank you so much Haruhi." Anne whipped away her tears, and Haruhi stared at her with a blank expression. "Anne why are you thanking me?"

"Because without you Haruhi, I wouldn't be here today. Without you Yuzuru's mother wouldn't have changed her mind about me or her son, and without you my son wouldn't be as happy and free as he is now. Because of you we can finally all be a family."

Haruhi stood as Anne came forward to hug her, and a smile formed across her face. "You're welcome Anne." Haruhi had remembered how Tamaki had told her over and over that he was determined to get his family back, and now his wish was finally coming true, after today he would finally have his family.

Someone had cleared their throat at the door and both Haruhi and Anne turned to face the source of the noise. Mei stood in the door way with a smile on her face. "Haruhi, he's here, you should go get him before he manages to get his blindfold off."

"Blindfold?" Anne looked at Haruhi confused, and then they both broke out into laughter.

Haruhi had emerged from the church into the drive way and saw Hikaru and Koaru both holding onto Tamaki, and keeping his arms pined so he wouldn't get at his blindfold. Tamaki lay struggling on the ground shouting at them to let him go.

"Tono we're gonna hand you over to Haruhi now so stop jerking around! You might hit her!"

"You're both LIEING! Haruhi isn't here, what are you trying to get me to do? Where am I?" Tamaki kicked his legs and tried to squirm out from under the twins.

"Tamaki calm down!" Haruhi shouted and Tamaki instantly stopped moving. The twins let go of his arms and let him stand up, and his hands quickly shot up to his blindfold.

Haruhi grabbed his arms and stopped him. "Tamaki if you take that blindfold off you can't come visit me for a week!"

His hands instantly dropped and he let out a small whimper. She took his hand in hers and surveyed his outfit. He was wearing a dark navy blue suit with matching slacks and tie, and somehow his hair had managed to stay combed back during his fit. "Um Haruhi…" He mumbled and she looked up at him. "Why are you wearing gloves Haruhi? You're not sick are you?" He began to show signs of his routine fit about her being sick, she stopped him before he could get started.

"No I'm not sick Tamaki, just hold onto my hand and you'll see in a minute why I'm wearing gloves. So don't take off your blindfold until I tell you to okay?" He nodded in reply and she led him into the church with Hikaru and Koaru following behind them.

"Alright Tamaki you can take it off now." Haruhi let go of his hand and stepped back a bit to give him some room. Tamaki untied the blindfold and slipped it off his head, he had to blink for a few seconds before his eyes adjusted to the light and he stared at Haruhi. A rosy blush formed on his cheeks as he focused on her dress, then at the surrounding area.

"H…Haruhi…W-where are we?" A hand clapped on his shoulder and he jumped.

"Don't be so nervous son, don't worry, you're not the one getting married." Yuzuru stood with a smile on his face and laughed at his son's surprise. But his laugh soon disappeared as his son's surprise turned into anger.

"Father what do you mean getting married?" He shouted angrily at his father. "Have you already forgotten mother? She was just here two months ago, and you're getting married now?"

A gentle smile grew and Yuzuru's face, he knew Tamaki had no idea what was going on so he had no reason to be angry with his outburst. "Tamaki I haven't forgotten about your mother, I could never forget about her. Like I said don't worry, I'm sure you'll be more than happy about the woman I'm marrying."

"What do you mean by that?" Tamaki shouted. Suddenly the door to the isle opened, Tamaki stared down the isle, and he couldn't speak another word. Anne walked down the isle in her magnificent wedding dress accompanied by her dog Hachibei who had a white ribbon tied around her neck. She joined Yuzuru at the alter and Haruhi motioned for Tamaki to go and sit down with her so the ceremony could start. Tamaki sat down and finally noticed all the people that were in the room, Kyoya and his family were seated to the left of him along with Hunny and Mori with their families. On his right sat Hikaru and Koaru with their mother and father, Mei and her father, and Haruhi and her Father. The rest of the room was filled up with the servants from the Suoh mansion and his Grandparents, both his mother's parents and his father's mother.

"Father and mother are getting married?" He mumbled and Haruhi nodded. Tamaki looked down at her still filled with astonishment. "Who set this all up? Why didn't I know about it?"

Haruhi looked up at him with a smile on her face. "We all set it up, me, Hikaru, Koaru, Mei, everybody. Your parents wanted it to be a surprise for you." She smiled up at him and held his hand. As he watched his parents exchange vows and I do's tears began to well up in his eyes.

"I love you Yuzuru." A tear rolled down Anne's cheek as Yuzuru lifted her veil and he wiped it away gently with his thumb.

"I love you too Anne, there is no other woman in the world I could ever be married to and be happy with." Anne smiled as more tears rolled down her cheeks, and as the happy newlywed couple kissed the entire room erupted into cheers. Tamaki's was the loudest and most ecstatic, as tears rolled down his face he smiled and cheered for his parents. Tamaki had finally gotten his family back.


The after wedding party was just as exciting, if not more so, than the wedding itself, especially since it was no longer a secret for Tamaki. The crowd watched happily as Yuzuru and Anne cut the cake together, rubbing icing on each others noses and feeding each other bites of cake. After that everyone else had their cake, Tamaki took this chance to "properly introduce" Haruhi to his mother, even though he knew she had already spent quite some time with his mother, he also took this as an opportunity to share his cake with Haruhi just like his parents did.

Then came the time for the bouquet to be thrown to the girls in the crowd, the maids from the Suoh mansion and Haruhi, forced by Mei to give catching the bouquet a try, all stood behind Anne as she turned around to toss the flowers over her shoulder. As it flew up in the air the maids all giggled and reached for it, Haruhi who hadn't attempted to reach for it was suddenly pushed into the center of the bubbly girls and before she could blink found herself holding onto the bouquet. All eyes turned towards Haruhi, then to Tamaki, and every person broke out into giggles and smiles as Tamaki's face turned beet red.

"Looks like you're the next one Haruhi." Mei patted her on the shoulder and smiled while walking past Tamaki. She turned her head to him and whispered to him. "You know you might want to get to that soon, this is your last year at Ouran isn't it? Wouldn't want all those girls at the school moving in on your girl would you?" She let out a soft giggle as a concerned and confused look passed over Tamaki's face.

That's right, he thought to himself, this is my last year at Ouran….My last year to be at the same school as Haruhi. He stared back at Haruhi who was chatting amongst the bubbly house maids and Anne. What am I going to do, he thought. He was interrupted by an abrupt thump on his shoulder, and turned to see his father smiling at him and his grandmother by his side.

"Your grandmother and I would like to give you something Tamaki, seeing as you will probably be needing soon." Yuzuru pulled something from his pocket and placed it in Tamaki's palm. He stared down at what his father had left in his hand in amazement, a diamond encrusted ring with 3 larger ones perched at the top glistened and glittered in his hand.

"Your grandfather proposed to me with this ring, and it only seems right that you give it to the girl you adore so much, just like your grandfather did all those years ago." More tears began to well in his eyes and he stooped to hug his grandmother.

"Grandmother thank you so much, you don't know how much this means to me." Shizue only smiled and hugged her grandson in return.

Sorry this chapter took so long to write, I got so busy over the summer and school just popped out of nowhere practically the next day. Summer sure didn't last long this year. Any way I hope you enjoyed this chapter and look forward to future installments. Please review.