Note: I do not own Ouran High School Host Club (though if I did I could die a happy little girl T~T). All characters belong to the sweet and wonderful Bisco Hatori.

I apologize for the short length of the first chapter and I promise chapter two will come along very soon, this is summer vacation, so this is all I have to do haha.

A Grand Future

Chapter 1

The Plan

Everything began to change just about two years ago. The Host Club was disbanded, and Tamaki finally go to see his mother, and a good amount of surprises occurred too. And so began a grand future.

(Two years ago, a month after Anne left Japan)

Down a long hallway the ringing sound of a phone emanated, and heavy foot falls echoed, becoming louder with each ring. A tall blonde grabbed the phone but fumbled with it, accidentally dropping it to the floor. A small irritated sigh escaped his mouth as he recovered it.

"Hello, this is Suoh Tamaki speaking, may I ask who's calling?" he huffed into the phone, exhausted from the unnecessary run.

"Hello son." A gentle voice giggled on the other side. Tamaki's indigo eyes sparkled at the sound of that laughter, and a wide grin grew across his face.

"Mother! Oh mother I'm so glad to hear from you! How are you? How was your trip? How are grandma and grandpa? How is-" Another small giggle interrupted him.

"Tamaki, I'm fine, everyone and every thing is just fine." She said with a smile on her face, thinking to herself, my, he's energetic as always. "I called to check up on you and your father, just to see how you two are doing."

"Oh, I'm doing just fine mother. Dad has been teaching me about the business and I've attended several meetings with him. On my off days I watch the dramas dad brought us when I was little with grandmother. And if I'm not doing that I spend time with my friends." He smiled at the thought of his friends, he loved them all. Especially since they did every thing possible to make sure he saw his mother for the first time in three years.

"Oh, speaking of your friends Tamaki, how are you and-" A loud noise resonated behind him just down the hall. He turned to see his father racing towards him. In a second Yuzuru had Tamaki in what seemed to be a family signature rib cracking hug.

"I'm home my dear boy!" Yuzuru announced as he clung to his son, not giving him and inch to breathe. He looked down and noticed the phone in his son's hand. "Oooh who are you talking to Tamaki? I hope I didn't interrupt you and your-" Tamaki's uncontrollable wiggling cut him off.

"Dad let me go!" He shouted in a playful yet irritated tone. "It's just mom, she called to check on-" Tamaki suddenly fell to the floor when his father released his hold. He had put all his energy into trying to get his father off that his legs didn't receive the signal to keep standing.

Yuzuru picked up the receiver. "Hello dear, did our son torture you with his on-going mouth? You think you have the energy to talk to me?"

Tamaki shot up at his remark; little tears began to build up in his eyes, from the sudden plummet to the floor and the cruel remark on his talkative nature. "I could never torture mother! We love talking! Just ask her and-"

Yuzuru placed his hand on the blondes head and tussled his hair. "Tamaki, if you sit around here much longer you'll be late."

Tamaki's eyes shot to his wrist watch and his eyes widened in panic. "Oh no I can't believe I almost forgot! I have to go dad, tell mom I love her!" Tamaki shot down the hallway and out of site. Yuzuru couldn't help but smile at his son's silly behavior.

"Yuzuru…" He jumped when he heard his name, in all the excitement he had forgotten that Anne was on the line.

"Yes dear?" He was shocked by her tone, it was almost sad.

"Do you really have to treat Tamaki like that?" Yuzuru was shocked by the question. In his mind what he did to Tamaki was just his way of having fun with his son, but he could see why Anne thought otherwise.

"Darling, I know I may seem a little harsh, but that's how I play with Tamaki. I pick on him because I love him." A gentle smile appeared on his face and his eyes softened. "Besides he had to go or he would have been late for an engagement. And I need to talk alone with you about the situation." His voice lowered to an almost inaudible whisper.

"I know darling, I should be able to arrive in Japan in a few days, a week at most. Mother and father are doing their best to help pack all my things."

At this Yuzuru could feel the sting of tears behind his eyes and a loving smile formed on his face. "Anne darling have I ever told you how much I love you?" His heart skipped a beat when he heard the words that passed his lips.

"Why yes dear, you've told me every day that we have seen or talked to each other." A smile formed across her face at the memories of when he said those three glorious words to her.

Tears flowed down both of their cheeks with the flood of memories. Yuzuru wipped the tears from his eyes and cleared his throat. "Anne, since your moving to Japan to live with us, I would like to have an official marriage and make us a family again. So what do you say?"

She giggled at his silly proposal as tears flowed down her rosy cheeks. "Of coarse I will Yuzuru, I would love nothing more." The tears began to flow faster down their cheeks as they exchanged 'I love you's' and other sentimental sayings.

The chime of a clock in Anne's home in France caused Yuzuru to glance at his watch. "Anne darling, I've got to go now, I'm afraid I'm going to be late for a meeting. I'll call you back when I arrive home. Oh yes, I have a preposition for you my dear."

She giggled at his silly business mans tone. "And what would that be?"

Yuzuru smiled playfully. "Lets keep all of this a secret from Tamaki, and make it a surprise. I bet we could even get miss Fujioka to help us out."

Yes I know that this isn't TamaXHaru at the moment but I'm trying my best to make this an interesting story, and what's an interesting story without a plot line? Just go with me on this people, chapter two has already been drafted it just needs editing and typing! Expect it soon and please, please review this!