Toes are important.

"You are weird. You are a small white haired, crouching freak. You play with toys and twirl your hair like a girl. You never wear shoes, NEVER! You are always wearing socks, I do not think you ever take them off, not even to shower! That must be how you keep them so clean, yeah, by showering in them! That is disgusting! What the fuck is wrong with you! Don't you know that that is not sanitary? Don't you know that you could acur some sort of foot fungus and your toes could turn green and they could get all deformed and shrivel and fall off! THEY COULD FALL OFF! I am NOT carrying you around when your toes fall off! I. AM. NOT!"



The small white haired crouching freak points down at his seemingly flawless bare feet.

"Fuck you Near."

-sometime later-


Matt peeks out from underneath the bed.

"Yeah Near?"

"May I have my socks back?"

"Oh Sure!"

"How did you know?"

"Know what Near?"

"Know he would go for the socks?"

"oh!" Matt laughs softly to himself. "I knew because last night while he was sleeping he was saying things like 'Near take off you socks!'"

Near's eyes widen in surprise."Was he really?" Matt is already nodding with a sly smile on his face.

"Yup he really was. So I thought I would mess with him a little bit."

"Well your plan worked beautifully."

"Why thank you Near...oh and Near?"

"Yes Matt?"

"You really should put on new socks you toes are going to fall off."

Toes really are important you should try to keep most of the intact with your foot ^_^