A/N: Sorry it's a bit short, but I wanted to get something out there since it's been ages since I have written for Fringe! Please Review! It only takes a few seconds of your time and it really helps me get better.

Her hand felt soft and still in your own, too still against your trembling palms, but as much as you knew you needed to let go, you couldn't imagine breaking the connection. Not now when you had her back once again.

Just like before, she was in a coma. You weren't sure how she got back from the other side. Someone had found her unconscious in an alley way in New York City, and you'd come as soon as you'd received the call. You hadn't even waited for Walter, figuring Astrid would bring him up later.

The hospital was quiet in the early hours of the morning. You hadn't slept in three days; Walter could barely keep up in the lab as your frenzied mind tried time and time again to come up with a plan to get her back. You know you had been short with both him and Astrid, but the sheer panic that had bubbled up inside you after you had come to the horrific realization that the wrong Olivia had come back was enough to send you over the edge and not in a good way. You suspected that this other Olivia was feeling pretty uncomfortable in an interrogation room right now with a broken nose.

It had taken you two weeks to realize. Two whole weeks. The guilt that came with that thought made you physically sick and you swallowed hard to keep three days of coffee down. If she didn't wake up from this, you weren't sure you'd ever be able to forgive yourself.

Her rust colored hair lay sprawled out against the pillow and you saw now the streaks of blonde that had begun to shine through. You burned with shame at ever thinking that you preferred the darker color better, and as you brushed back the bangs from her forehead, you suddenly felt your eyes burn as tears began to form. You leaned down to kiss her on the forehead, just like before, only this time you made it the whole way. With your lips pressed against her icy skin, you finally let the tears fall.

You pulled away. You try to tell yourself that she's only sleeping. In a few hours she'll wake up, look at you with those haunted green eyes. Make you feel like you belong.

But the fear that she may be lost forever clutches at your heart. This time you won't say goodbye.

Your intertwined hands lie against your chest, near your beating heart. You wait in darkness.