Title: "Not A Quaker"

Author: Darkover

Rating: K

Disclaimer: I do not own "Band of Brothers," the miniseries. I of course do not own the men upon whom the miniseries is based, as they were and are real people, whom I greatly admire. No disrespect is intended, and I fervently hope none is taken. This is a work of fiction, and I am not making any money off of it, so please do not sue.

Characters: Bill Guarnere, talking about Richard Winters

Summary: Bill Guarnere's thoughts about Dick Winters, on D-Day plus one. A double drabble. Please read and review!

I wasn't sure what to make of him at first. He was quiet, didn't even smile very much unless he was around Nixon. You could make him blush just by asking him if he had a hot date that night. And how can ya trust a guy who don't even drink?

But I kept my eyes open and my yap shut. I started to notice things. Like how he always made sure the men were taken care of, before he ever thought about himself. How he stood between us and Sobel, taking the C.O.'s chickenshit so's we wouldn't have to. How when some other lieutenant kept giving him a hard time, he took it for awhile, then when the guy challenged him to a wrestling match, he broke the guy's arm inside of a minute. Stuff like that.

But most of all, he never panics. He always knows what to do. He even stood up to me on D-Day, made sure I understood he was in charge, and there ain't many men of any rank who would do that, especially how I was right at that moment.

He ain't a Quaker in combat. That's the most important thing of all.