Cold air greeted the duo as they stepped into the small burger joint. Teenagers were lined up in chairs, sipping chocolate shakes and sinking their teeth into greasy meat. A bell rang over head once Minako had shut the door and a young waiter walked over to seat them. Minako grinned when she noticed all eyes were on them as they were led to their booth. Once Rei was seated Minako decided it would be best to scooch in as close as she could to the raven haired girl. Envious eyes watched as Minako delicately lay her head on Reis shoulder, the smell of ocean sea salt and ripe strawberry's invaded her senses. "Ugh you smell good enough to eat." Minako murmured into Rei's hair, while her fingers ran under Rei's shirt and over her fit stomach.

Rei felt her breath hitch in her throat when she noticed everybody in the area staring at the both of them. "Come on preppy dont you think this is a little bit to much PDA?" Rei whispered to the blond. The group of boys from the parking lot sat in the booth across from them and began to whistle.

"Nice make out session in the car ladies!" One of them shouted loud enough for the entire vicinity to hear. Suddenly the diner erupted with hushed whispers and fingers pointing at Rei and Minako. Minako seemed to enjoy all this attention because she removed her face from Rei's hair to turn her head and flash everybody a white toothed smile, before going in for the kill and mauling Rei's neck with wet heated kisses, red cherry lip gloss staining Rei's tanned skin. Minako's arms wrapped around Rei's stomach as she pulled away from the assault on the surfer girls neck. The blond smiled as she bathed in the attention that her and Rei were receiving. Everybody seemed to be falling into her plan, thinking that her and Rei were a definite item. Everyone here was so totally jealous of her. Yes Minako had it all, looks, athletic skills, money and now the hottest "girlfriend" on the market, or at least everyone thought.

"Ugh come on blondie lets go everyone is staring." Rei muttered turning to face Minako.

"Aw, you really want to leave?" Minako asked. "But I was just staring to have fun. I dont care though, we can do whatever you want." The blond scooched out from the booth and pulled Rei's hand so that the ebony haired girl was following her. "Tah-tah." Minako said to the group of boys as her and Rei were leaving. As the two made their make to the exit Minako snaked her arm around Rei's waist and pushed open the door. Ah what a show.


"So what is up with your fricken infatuation with me?" Rei asked as the duo sat on the beach. The sun was beginning to set behind them and the sand was cooling off. Rei had made a small fire quite easily and it burned brightly in front of the girls. Ocean waves were heard crashing against the shore in the distance and gulls talked with each other over head. The air was hot and sticky and Minako itched all over with the unbelievable power of lust that she felt towards the girl who's lap she currently had her head rested in. Rei had stripped off her tank top and jeans and was back into wearing her two pieced red bathing suit, her hair tied back up into a high pony tail that showed off her bare shoulders.

Minako found herself slightly biting her lower lip as she answered. "Because you are easily one of the most desirable girls in this entire fricken universe! Your unbelievably sexy, so sexy in fact that every time I glance at you I'm overwhelmed. Your smart and your a totally bodacious surfer. Come on Rei there isn't one person in our school that isn't infatuated with you. Your so rad!" Minako finished grinning up at the girl looking down on her.

The blonds breath stopped in her throat as she felt Rei's delicate fingers combing through her golden locks. This was possible the blonds biggest seductive weakness. Playing with hair automatically tapped her 'turn on' button and she felt an unbelievable need to fuck the girl senseless. Rei's fingers became more bold and started running through her hair, down her neck, over her collar bone, and then Rei would use her nails to slightly graze over Minako's breasts and then began to repeat the process. Minako, not having anymore self control pushed her head up to greet Rei's mouth with her own.

Rei sighed into the kiss as Minako moved her position so that she was straddling the raven haired girl for the second time that day. Minako casually pushed Rei down into the sand passionately kissing her the whole way down. Minako felt Rei's hands grab her ass and the blond moaned into Reis mouth. Without warning the blond pulled away leaving Rei looking perplexed. "Listen Rei, I dont know what this means to you but I dont want "us" to be a casual fling okay?" Minako whispered looking Rei in the eyes.

Before the raven haired goddess could reply their was an audible gasp behind the two. Minako whirled around to find Usagi standing there with a hand over her mouth, the boy she had been talking to earlier stood next to her. "Oh my gosh Minako way to make the kill! I cant believe you actually got her!" Usagi cheered giving Minako a thumbs up. Rei groaned and slapped a hand over her face. Minako flashed Usagi a dangerous glance forcing her friend to retreat, "Oh yeah right okay I can see you two are busy so I'm just going to head out. Call me Minako!" Usagi called leaving with the strange boy.

"Great now where were we?" Questioned Minako before moving to roll her tongue across Rei's chest just above her breasts. It was getting dark out now and the sun was just starting to dip past the horizon, the moon high in the sky and stars were beginning to shine bright over head. Minako ran her hands under Rei's bikini top and gently squeezed her breasts receiving a moan from the other girl. Minako smiled and repeated the action earning herself another sexy breathless moan. With her hand's on Rei's breasts Minako moved her mouth to the girls pulse point and sucked there. 'Everybody is going to know that shes mine'. Minako thought to herself as she ran her tongue in circles over the now red area. Rei moved her hands to unbutton Minako's jean shorts and dug her hands inside once the button was loose, letting them run over the blonds panties.

Minako groaned into Rei's mouth and bucked her hips beckoning Rei to go further with her actions. Rei pushed Minakos underwear and shorts down to the blonds ankles. Minako then removed her own bikini top and ran her hands to untie Rei's. Once the girl underneath her was bare chested Minako took one of Rei's nipples into her mouth and began sucking. Rei sharply moaned and pushed her upper body deeper into Minako's mouth. The blond could feel her heart beating at a million miles as Rei's fingers began to casually play around her hot, wet opening. Minako couldnt take this torture anymore and began heatedly kissing Rei, trying to force the girl into fucking her senseless.

Rei smiled against Minakos mouth and plunged two digits deep inside of the girl. Minako pulled away from Rei letting go of a loud moan and began to buck her hips into Rei's fingers, which were working at pumping as fast and as deep as she could manage them, in and out of the blond. Minako's head was spinning, she knew she was about to climax and she wanted this to last as long as it could go. Minakos hand traveled down and she hurriedly pushed pass Rei's bikini bottoms and shoved three of her own fingers deep inside the raven haired girl. Rei then proceeded to let out the sexiest moan that Minako had ever heard in her life, just about sending the blond into an orgasm.

"Alright, alright boys and girls time to break it up, its illegal to have sex on the beach you know...oh my..." Minako and Rei's hearts just about stopped as they felt light revealing their bodies from the secrecy of dark. The girls turned to see a police officer shining a flashlight upon them, his mouth hung open. Minako pulled herself away from Rei, the two girls then quickly threw on their clothes. "Minako Aino, why I never! Who ever thought you would be fucking in the sand with some GIRL! The schools number one volley ball player, well, what do you know. Alright you two hit the road. Everybody knows that these...episodes, arent supposed to happen in public, even if it is night time. I'm going to let you guys go with a warning this time. I'm tired and I just got done breaking up another couple a little down the way there. So just get home and lets not have a repeat of tonight alright girls?" Rei and Minako simply just nodded as they left the area and made their way back to Rei's car

AHAHAHAHAHAHA OMFG that is my biggest nightmare to be caught having sex! So I just had to put that in here! Alright so guys R&R! Oh and anyone whos interested in roleplaying contact me! Send me a message or whatev's! Peace out home scouts