A/N Here is the next chapter, please read and review.

Ch. 9

Shanelle woke up with her head on Embry's chest, she thought about last night. That was everything she thought it would be; it was just as she would have imagined it. It was pure bliss; you could feel the love in every touch. She ran her hands down Embry's chest, as his eyes fluttered open. "Hey beautiful," Embry purred looking down at her. Her eyes lit up, with a small sparkle as she smiled up at him. Embry looked at her, he was truly bonded to her, well, his wolf form was. His wolf form claimed her as his and would do anything to protect her from anything human, vampire, or even a shape-shifter, if threatened by one. "I love you," he said kissing her on the cheek.

"Love you too," she said rolling over to look at him.

"So…" Embry started to say as his phone rang on the night stand. Embry reached out and picked the phone up, as Shanelle sat up in his bed. "Hello?" Embry said into the phone.

"Embry," Sam's voice said through the phone, "we came across the scent of a vampire last night."

"So…" Embry said as he lazily put his other arm around Shanelle.

"Well it wouldn't mean much if their friend wasn't trying to break into the Clearwater house through the window, that leads to the room Shanelle usually sleeps in," Sam replied.

Embry tensed as he pulled Shanelle closer to him. "What?"

"I'm calling a pack meeting, be at my house with Shanelle as soon as possible." The line went dead. As Embry got up, He looked down at Shanelle, "we have to go to Sam's; they came across a vampire." Embry paused, "he was looking for you."

Shanelle looked up at him; her eyes told how scared she was. She walked into the bathroom, and quickly did everything she would normally do in the mornings. Shanelle walked out to see Embry sitting at the edge of his bed running his hand through his hair. He looked up at her as he grabbed his keys. Shanelle followed him out to the truck and slid into the passenger side. The car was silent, but this was no comfortable silence, this was caused by anger and worry.

In what seemed like a moment, Shanelle was walking into Sam's house with Embry by her side. She looked around at all the guys and Leah. She wasn't scared of them, but when they were all together in one place, it made her uneasy, like they could snap at any moment from all the testosterone in the room. Embry walked over to the only open chair and sat down in it, Shanelle quickly sat down in his lap; she just felt safer the closer she was to him. Embry wrapped his arms around her waist as Sam started to talk. "So the vampire is after Shanelle."

"But wouldn't they stop looking for her once they smelled the scent of a shape-shifter on her?" Collin spoke up from his set on the floor.

"Not necessarily," Jared said, "if the vampire wants her, they will over look that, and if she is his singer, his IL sua cantante, her blood would be the only thing he smells."

"So she's his singer?" Seth asked as Embry's grip on Shanelle's waist tightened.

"We're not sure," Sam said. "The thing is, why the vampire would go to Clearwater house, if Shanelle wasn't there."

"Maybe her scent was masked by the scent of a shape-shifter," Leah said.

"The only way a shape-shifter can mask a human's scent that well is if they were having..." Jake trailed off as all eyes turned to a blushing Shanelle and a smiling Embry. Leah sent Shanelle a look that said "Tell me everything later." Shanelle turned her head away from them.

"Okay our sex life has nothing to do with this," Embry said. "Can we just figure a way out to kill this blood sucker, or at least find them again?" Embry looked around at the faces of the pack and then stopped on Sam.

"Well we can increase patrol, but that is about it till we come across a new scent." Sam said getting up as Shanelle's cell phone went off. She looked down at it to find a text from Drew saying he was heading home and would see her soon. Shanelle looked up at every one as they started to leave. Before she could even stand up, Leah was pulling her out into the backyard.

"Spill," Leah demanded as Shanelle blushed brighter than she had ever in her life.

As Shanelle spilled the dirty details to Leah, there was another meeting going on back in Seattle under the same club. The five vampires were now sitting around a table as people were dancing above their heads. They looked at one another. "So you didn't get her?" the man at the head of the table asked.

"No, when I followed her scent the female shape-shifter almost killed me," one of them said.

"We need to get her here, I am going crazy with her, I need her around me," the male at the head of the table said.

"Stop exaggerating, Ty," a female voices said. "You've only seen her once in your life. Why can't we just let her be happy?" she asked.

"Because, her blood calls to me, and with a human mate, I could have someone to carry on the family name," Ty said.

"Your sick," the female, whose name was Dove, said as she got up from the table. "She seems to be happy with the mate she has, why do want to ruin her life," she said it more as statement than a question as she walked through one of the many doors leading back up. The males were used to Dove's outburst, most of them wished she would go somewhere else but they knew she wouldn't because she was Ty's sister, which meant she was the boss' daughter. But they knew why she was mad, because when the Voltaire found out about them once, they took her mate from her and she was never able to find another. So the thought of her brother taking some ones mate for his own personnel pleasure was sick. Plus, she didn't want anyone else to ever feel the way she feels now

Back in La Push, a few days later, Shanelle was sitting on the couch flipping through the channels trying to find something to watch. She was on the verge of going crazy being under house arrest at Embry's place because he was way, too protective. He believed that a vampire would eat her if she took one step out of the house. She had found some crappy movie and stuck with it. She was one hour in when her phone went off, she looked down at the number and she jumped at the phone. "Hello?" she said as Embry walked through the door. "She what? I'm on my way" Shanelle said rushing past him and out the door.