
Plot: Au. What if Leonardo had been raised by the shredder? How would everything change?


Quickly as he could, a rat scooped the baby turtles out of the muck they were playing around in and brought them to his nest inside a coffee cup. Laying down he snuggled down by the four babies hoping none of them would leave the safety of the nest while he rested. As soon as he fell asleep, one of the babies began to crawl away from them and began to venture around the sewer, unknown to him that it was dangerous. Looking into the murky water, he accidentally fell face first in and the stream pulled him farther along.

Struggling the baby finally managed to climb onto a piece of trash avoiding drowning, but still not quite out of death's grip as the current fell down a stream falling into a landfill lucky for him though something soft lightened the fall. The baby fell asleep there exhausted from the ordeal.


Away from the sleeping turtle, a lone foot soldier groaned walking around the dump. His master had assigned him and his squad of this mission to find out what the enemy had lost around this area. While hacking into their computer, it was found that something was missing from their stock and lost in the sewer so naturally, whatever it was should have washed into the dump like anything else and he for one was not going into the sewer to look, the dump was bad enough, the sewer was too low. Slowly the device he held began to beep softly then steadily got louder as he walked closer, his head tilted to the side at what he saw. It wasn't a weapon or some special chemical in a canister as he expected but it was a baby turtle sleeping soundly on some trash. Softly he picked it up, still confused, but orders were orders. Swiftly he made the signal and him and his squadron disappeared from the spot.


Bowing before his master the foot soldier stood before their master in the training dojo his newly adopted daughter behind him looking curiously at the small turtle the soldier held in his hands.

"I expected mutagen," their master spat his eyes glaring into the soldier who sank lower fearing for his life.

"Sir, we found no mutagen, but the tracker you gave us showed this creature has what you wanted on it," he bowed his head lower as his master turned to his daughter and said something softly in Japanese after a few moments of thinking it though. The young girl of about seven came up to the soldier bowing softly to him taking the baby from the palm of his hand.

"What are you going to name him, master?" she asked softly her green eyes fully on her master who looked to her without emotion.

"Name him as you wish Karai, go study, I wish to train alone," he said in a dismissing way to the child who bowed in respect and retreated to her room.


She entered her room swiftly putting the baby turtle on her bed as she opened up a book with a sigh, she hated studying history, but her tutor would not except failing grades, nor would her master.

"I know," she said looking to the turtle sleeping on her pillow,"I'll name you, Leonardo, it should suit you, he was very brilliant and maybe that name will help you to be smart for our master and I bet if Leonardo Da Vinci was a ninja, he would have been very great! It is a perfect name for you!"

The baby turtle at the time, most likely didn't care what she named him, but Karai was certain it was a perfect name to help him be great for their master.