Bang! Bang! Two more shots. "Shit Kate hand on a second." Bang! Bang!

Anxiety was racing in my heart. God I hated that feeling, god please be alright.

"O-kay now that that's taken care of we're on our way home." I froze up. WHAT THE HELL? Just like that? Wait, oh god they killed somebody. Dear god their about to start a flipping war.

"What?" I demanded. "Don't worry about anything Kate, nobody's coming after you or Jenny anymore, everyone's safe and we're bringing Ziva with us."

He hung up. "Oh god help us all." I whispered.

I looked at Jenny who hand her hands on her temples with her eyes closed. "This is going to damage our relationship with the Israeli's severely."

We knew what this meant. "I was thinking something more along the lines of starting a war." Jenny winced. "They probably just killed someone very important Kate, so yes this very could well start a war." She hissed as she picked up the phone.

"Does that stupid bastard have any idea what it's going to take to cover this up? And if we can't...

She trailed off. Of course everyone in the room knew what that meant. At the very least we would lose our jobs, if not our lives to the angry Israeli government.

I might just kill Ari.

Epilogue: 10 years later

"Ari don't forget, the kids are going to NCIS today, and the kids are having a sleepover here." Ari grinned before giving my forehead a kiss. "Of course love, and I haven't forgot about security detail as well."

I gave him a fierce glare. "Ari...

I started to protest but it was cut short when his lips came crashing down with mine. "Caitlin no arguing, my children, my niece and nephew, and my friends children will be safe."

I sighed but nodded. "MOMMY!"

I smiled as I turned to see my daughter glaring at me. "Yes Keira?" I asked my six year old daughter. "Aladdin stole my teddy bear."

"I did no such thing mother! She just can't find it and now she's blaming it on me!" My almost ten year old son came down the stairs now.

"We'll sort this out when we get back, but for now the both of you get in the car, or I'll cancel the sleepover tonight." My children nodded as they made their way toward the garage.

Tonight was going to be interesting.

As we drove to NCIS I thought about how my life had changed.

Director David hadn't been heard from in ten years, Ari was the new director of the FBI, Ziva was his second in command co-director, and we had all had children.

I had two, Keira and Aladdin. Both were remarkable similar. Bronzed skin some black hair and brown hair weaved in with that and dark brown eyes.

Tony and Ziva had three children, Tali and Anthony junior and Leia.

Gibbs and Jenny had one child, beautiful redheaded Cara, who was ten.

Abby and McGee had one, dark haired Luka who was seven.

And tonight just happened to be the night they were all sleeping over at my house. That was a good thing, depending on who's point of view you were looking at it from. The children had a habit of causing havoc and trouble when put together.

Luka and Keira were the dream team troublemakers with their sidekick's Anthony and Leia. Cara and Aladdin were supposedly the good ones when everyone was looking anyway, but Tali was the only completely innocent one.

Ari and I had moved into Royal Woods, soon followed by Tony and Ziva and Abby ended up buying a house next door to Gibbs. I was no longer a full time agent, but a consultant, which was fine with me.

Most days the kids went with me to work to meet up with their cousin's and best friends, then someone would drop all eight kids off in Grampa Ducky's morgue, or be baby sat by weird cousin Palmer, or to Auntie Abby's lab.

Either way the'd create trouble I couldn't wait to see what tonight would bring.


There was screaming coming from outside. Ziva and I bolted, guns drawn. Only to find Tony in the pool, McGee covered in alcohol, and Jimmy covered in maple syrup.

To complete the scene their were two giggling children watching and six children with guilty looks on their faces. Yep just another day my life.