So… yeah, NaNoWriMo I believe is a fail this year =/ Here it is the end of the month, and I haven't even been able to get a full paragraph down. And Freakazoid is the only thing running through my head over and over again. Though now that I finally sit down to temporarily give up on NaNo and write on Freakazoid, every idea leaves my brain, ha-ha.
And I'm ashamed none of you tried to tell me which songs my dividers came from -_-
Demonic – Ha-ha! I never thought of that, that's good! XD
Entity – Looking forward to it! Thanks for the support too =)
Lillith (And Faye, and Nate) – No, not exactly an elemental. She is human, just, she's a witch basically, with elemental powers. And, umm, Faye, that would only turn Jeepers on in the end… you're not really making progress with that baseball bat with glass stuck in it, ha-ha.
Magma – Thank-you! Yes, I've kinda made up my own explanation on magic with picking and choosing a few things here and there that I hear. Go with what, to me, makes sense, you know?
Jordy – Thank-you! =)
Freakazoid does not belong to me. If it did, there would be an episode with Freakazoid going crazy with glow sticks. Any characters from other stories do not belong to me either.
Freakazoid paced around the Freaka-lair, completely and utterly bored. The major villains were all so busy with the Lode Stone that they didn't have time for their usual spouts of crime. The Huntsman was probably sitting in his cave on the verge of tears because of the lack of crime. And Cosgrove was off at cop conference that was expected to take all day.
True, he could go find Dr. Jones or Roddy and go do something with them, but he didn't feel like it, and he was a little leery at the moment about going to find Onyx. Now that both of them were keeping a pretty important secret from each other, it was bound to be awkward for a little while. He turned his cell off, knowing she would probably call looking for Dex. Damn he seemed like a coward right now. So that left him and Dexter alone with their thoughts.
He nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a voice behind him, but was denied the ability as two fat green arms wrapped around him and squeezed.
"Eh, Mo-Ron found Red Underwear Man!"
It took a few minutes, but somehow, Freakazoid managed to escape Mo-Ron's crushing hug. And jumped out of the way of another. After a minute or two of avoiding hugs this way, he managed to attach himself to a chandelier out of Mo-Ron's reach.
"Mo-Ron, not that it isn't an absolute and profound sense of excitement that I am feeling over seeing you and all, but, why are you here? I thought we sent you home."
Mo-Ron paused for a moment, hemming and hawing to himself, before finally answering.
"Mo-Ron needs your help. It's a problem of the WHOLE galaxy." He told Freakazoid, spreading his chubby arms wide in emphasis. Freak raised an eyebrow.
"Barbie's little sister is named Skipper, we've been over this already."
"No. Mo-Ron needs to find something, and Red Underwear Man can help." With this statement, Mo-Ron began going around the Freaka-lair, looking under the table and books and in cushions, behind Freakmobiles and around statues of past sidekicks. Freakazoid watched him for a moment, before shrugging his shoulders and getting down from his perch, helping search the lair. But he had no idea what he was looking for.
.:Hear, listen, can you hear, the haunting melody surrounding you? Weaving a magic spell all around you:.
Onyx lay on her bed, staring at her phone. She flipped it open, found Dexter's cell number on speed dial, and called him. Straight to voicemail. She hung up and put her phone back on the bed.
Five minutes later, she did it again. And again. She did this for about an hour. The phone went straight to voicemail each time. She never left a message – she didn't do answering machines. She turned over and lay on her back, looking up at the little silver dots on her black ceiling that were supposed to be stars. She couldn't call Dmitri, because Dmitri was out of town with her family for part of the day. She didn't know Ruby's cell number yet. Onyx was so bored.
She probably laid there for another half an hour before her phone rang. It barely got one ring finished before she had answered it, expecting Dexter.
"Hello? That brain-head better have given me the right number. Is Onyx there?"
"Umm, speaking?" Onyx said, unsure. The voice was kind of raspy, and familiar through the distortion of the phone line, but she wasn't exactly sure who it was. Or why the hell they had her cell number. "Who is this?"
"It's Jeepers. Can you come to the park? Lobe wants Vorn and I to help you get your magic back under control."
Onyx rolled her eyes and looked up at the clock. She had her chores done, Taylor was at work, and her sister was at a friend's house for help on some quilting problem. And she couldn't get a hold of Dexter via phone. Sure, why not?
"Yeah, I guess I can. But won't people see us? It's spring break." she asked. The last thing she wanted was for someone like Dexter or Dmitri walking by and seeing magic. That would be very difficult to talk her way out of.
"Please, do you think Vorn could walk around normally looking like he does? We've set wards in the area. Besides, the majority of everyone had their bout of fun in the snow already, now they just see it as being too cold to be out and about."
"If you say so. Okay then, be there in a little bit." She hung up the phone without waiting for a reply, and started rummaging around her room for her arm-warmers, hoodie, and black eye patch. She left a note on the kitchen table for her sister, grabbed her coat, scarf, keys, and left out the door, remembering to lock it.
.:In heavenly armor we'll enter the land: the battle belongs to the Lord. No weapon that's fashioned against us will stand: the battle belongs to the Lord:.
It took Onyx a few minutes to find Jeepers and Vorn. That is, they forgot to take the wards down, and it wasn't until they remembered and dispelled them for a moment that she found them.
"We need to work on your powers a lot more than I thought. You should have known how to find us, despite our forgetfulness, with all that magic inside you." Jeepers scolded. Onyx put her hands on her hips and glared.
"Hey, I told you I tried to suppress it. I know how powerful I am, and I know how to use it. If you're really going to force me to start using it again, it has to be poked back into the roaring flame it once was."
"Have you used your powers much since you went half blind? Your ice is mixing with our flame and the two will eventually begin battling for supremacy if you don't get a hold of both of them NOW. The two are already beginning to mess with you, you just haven't noticed it." Jeepers replied, piling sticks in the middle of the area that they had the ward up around.
"First we're going to bring in a few friends of mine that can provide a bit of help, both here in your magic and later on in guarding the Lodestone." Vorn said from behind her. Onyx jumped, having forgotten he was there. "And you're going to help us bring him here."
"Me? I've never summoned anyone before!" She freaked. "I don't even know these friends of yours."
Jeepers shook a stick at her. "We are your new mentors. Don't question us, just do." Onyx glared at the ground, silent. Great, she had more authority to submit quietly to.
"Don't worry about whether or not you can do it, it's a fairly simple summoning. With a little bit of warming up, you'll be fine." Vorn said, pulling three candles out of a grocery bag and placing them on the ground in front of pile of sticks. Onyx raised an eyebrow, starting to get an idea of what it was they wanted her to do.
"Alright, exercise one! Here before you are three candles. I want you to light the two outer candles, but not the center ones. The flames must stay steady."
"Pfft, that's easy." Famous last words of a fool.
.:Everything it seems I like's a little bit stronger, a little bit thicker, a little bit harmful for me:.
Two grueling hours, and many candles later. Onyx never thought it would be so hard to simply light two stupid little candles. She was sitting cross-legged on the snow in front of the candles.
First, she lit only the center candle.
"No, the two outer candles, not the center one. Do it again!"
All three candles at once.
"No! Only the outer two!"
All three candles, one at a time.
"Clean the gunk out of your ears!"
The left one lit, the right glowing.
"Must have a steady flame. Again!"
The right one lit, the left one burst into flame and incinerated.
"… Again."
The two outer ones lit, the center one incinerated.
"Do you know how to listen?"
The outer two became fireballs.
"NO! AGAIN! Control that fire!"
All three candles burst into flame and completely melted.
"What is your problem, I thought you said it was easy!"
Jeepers hat lit on fire this time. He ran around yelling for a moment before diving head first into a snow berm. Onyx ignored him and concentrated on the new candles that Vorn kept having to set out.
"If I may…" Vorn decided to say, "try thinking of these candles as something else."
"Like what? What else would I be setting fire to, other than Jeepers' hat?" she asked, shrugging her shoulders. Jeepers pulled his head out of the snow and glared at her.
"Well, say a friend of yours was tied up in rope, the knot is too difficult to undo, and you don't have anything to cut the it with. You would have to use your flame. But if you couldn't control it, then you would end up hurting your friend."
Onyx was quiet for a moment, thinking about it. It made sense. If Dexter or Dmitri or her family were in that situation, she wouldn't want to harm them. She repositioned her seat and looked at the candles, concentrating. Finally, the two outer candles lit into a steady flame.
"I did it!" she cheered.
"Good. Again." Jeepers replied. Onyx stared at him.
"What? I did it perfectly!"
"I know you did. I want you to be able to do this well enough you can do it while picking your nose."
"Jeepers, we've been here two hours already. My friend isn't going to wait on us much longer." Vorn cut in.
"Oh very well. But I want you taking those candles home with you and practicing for half an hour every day!" He told Onyx. She rolled her eyes. "Now, to summon this creature, we need you to move the fire from these candles to the stick pile."
"Is this part of the summoning?"
"No, not really. Vorn and I will bring him here, you just need to light the fire. Just extra practice on your control."
"Oh, okay then."
Another fifteen minutes of trying, and she managed to make the flame jump from the candles to the makeshift fire pit. Another few minutes of Jeepers and Vorn muttering low enough that Onyx couldn't make out their words, before they sat down.
"Now we wait."
"For how long?"
"Oh, a few seconds should suffice."
Sure enough, after a few seconds, Onyx could hear a high pitch noise, getting louder.
"What the…?"
A small burst of flame erupted in the fire pit, causing a smoke cloud to puff up. When the smoke cleared, the fire was out, and a small, chubby, red imp with red overalls on was standing in the embers, grinning.
"Fire Lord Hctib Elttil is here!" It screamed in a high pitched voice. Then it looked around. "Wait, this isn't my story… Oh hi Vorn!"
"Greetings, Hctib Elttil. How have you been?"
Vorn and Hctib chatted a bit, while Onyx leaned over and whispered in Jeepers' ear.
"Does he realize the meaning of his name?" she asked, in a monotone voice.
"No one has had the heart to tell him…" was the reply. "You want to be the first?"
"Wise decision. Me either."
"So, who is this other friend we need to summon?"
"Oh, he's already here."
Onyx raised an eyebrow and looked around, but couldn't see anyone. The imp however seemed to be arguing with… no one. He was yelling in high pitched tones to the thin air next to him.
"I am Fire Lord Hctib Elttil, no frosty sprite says no to me! Hey, where are you going, get back here!" It yelled, seemingly chasing after something. That was coming their direction.
"Uh, Jeepers, help me out here, and I supposed to be seeing something?" Onyx asked, confused.
"Try taking that eye patch off, and you might see me." Came a voice that was NOT Jeepers. It came from in front of her.
"But I can't see with this eye at all." Her nose suddenly became very cold.
"You can't see heat with that eye. Go ahead, try taking it off, you should be able to see me with it."
.:You've nowhere to hide, nowhere to run, your village will burn like the heart of the sun! With infinite glee, it's going to be me that slaughters the world:.
Natha's notes: HORRAY I got another chapter out! =D *does the happy dance* So, yeah, the imp… heh… he's from an online comic I read called 'Looking for Group'. He's Richard's imp. That quote above as my last divider is a quote from Richard, he's my favorite character, lol. When he told Cale his familiar's name, he said that he wanted to 'name him something that would describe his status in our relationship'. The imp goes through the whole comic thus far without knowing the meaning of his name XD But I digress…
So, who do you think the other 'friend', with the mysterious detached voice is? And yes, I know, I only gave Freakazoid and Mo-Ron a short bit in this chapter. I need to give him more screen time… Next chapter should have more Freakazoid in it, I promise. Though I don't know how, I plan this all as I go along, lol. I'll make sure he's in it though.