"Adam Banks"

Alex looked through the crowd looking for her father, but couldn't find him. She sighs and turns when she feels someone pulling on her arm.

"Alex, is Adam Banks your father?" PC whispered skating back to the team.

"Yeah" Alex breaths, looking at Coach Germaine who was frozen.

Everyone headed on the ice and began the game. Half way through the game PC got the puck and was going down the middle she was about to pass it to Alex but a Hawks player knocked her really hard into the wall. PC had fallen and looked like she wasn't getting up anytime soon. Alex skates over to her and lands on her knees.

"Uh-Oh looks like PC Conway has fallen and it looks like she's not getting up" Les said.

"PC, can you hear me?" Alex asked, no reply. Alex could feel tears rolling down her cheeks. She looked up to see Charlie.

"Uncle Charlie?" Alex said silent tears running down her cheeks. Charlie had tears in his eyes as they took PC on a stretcher. He and Linda followed.

The Hawks won 3-2, nothing was the same without PC.

Alex was hugged by her mom as soon as she got off the ice. They stood there for what seemed like hours but it was only 5 minutes.

"Alex, I'm so sorry" Julie said into her daughters hair "I truly am".

"I know mom" Alex said "Can I be alone please?" she asked skating onto the ice. Julie nodded and walked toward the lobby.

Alex began to skate around and around, in till she heard a voice, she turned around.

"Alexis Marie Banks, July 11th 1998" the voice came and went. Alex was scared. "Who's your father?" It asked.

"A-Ad-Adam B-Ba-Banks" she stutters looking to see where it's coming from.

"Al, you ok?" Carters voice came from the door to the rink. Alex looked over and nodded her head. "Come on my dad canceled the hockey clinic today" Carter says helping her off the ice.

Her breath came in short gasps, her eyes were closed, she was hanging on to her life, for her parents, for CJ and Alex, for Jack.

She could hear her fathers voice full of anger, her moms with fear, and her brother was crying. There were other people in the room. But there was no Jack or Alex.

"Paige, can you hear me?" her father's voice washed through her ears. She tried to respond to her dad, but her mouth wouldn't move, she couldn't open her eyes. All's she saw was the bright light beckoning her to come forward, while the picture of her family, friends, and her crush told her to come back.

She started to run toward the picture of her family, friends and Jack. But as it got closer and closer it got quieter and quieter. Finally her eye's snapped open to find big green eyes staring down on her.

Connie Germaine sat at the kitchen counter waiting for her husband and child to come home from the rink.

"Mommy" Carter called from the front door running to her mom.

"Carter" Connie said wrapping her arms around the tiny figure with tears rolling down her cheeks. "How's PC?" she asked.

Carter looked up at her "She woke up 30 minutes ago, she couldn't here anything, Jack tried talking to her but she said she couldn't hear him" Carter told her mother. "How's Pa?" she asked.

"He only has a few more hours left, sweetie" Connie said seeing the tears form in the young one's eyes.

"Con" Came Guy's voice from the doorway, soon Connie and Carter were in Guy's arms. They were all crying.

Tracey ran into her room and dropped and threw her hockey bag across the room.

"I was spouse to be there for PC" she screamed at the wall. "I was spouse to protect her from the big bullies on the Hawks, yet she still got hurt and became deaf" Tracey cried and fell to her knees.

"Trace, come here" Fulton said holding out his arms for his little girl to run into, and she did.

"Daddy, I'm sorry I let you down" Tracey told him "I'm sorry I let PC get hurt" she cried into his chest. Fulton rubbed her back, not knowing what to say.

Once Julie sent Alex to bed she fell into the chair sighing, it had been a long day, Adam was at the game and PC almost died. There was knock at the door and Julie sighed getting up.

"Hello?" she said opening the door, to find Adam standing there.

"Julie" he chokes out.

"Adam" tears were falling down her cheeks. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around her waist hugging her closely.

"Is she mine?" he whispers in her ear.

"Yes" she whispers back.

HA short chap….