Early that Monday morning, they arrived in Nibelheim. Sephiroth had stayed true to his word in wanting to help shield Cloud from the people in his hometown: he'd suited him up in a Shinra guard uniform, complete with a helmet that would conceal his identity. He fell in step with his fellow cadet, trailing closely behind Sephiroth and Zack as they made their way through town.

Everything looked the same to Cloud as he peered from behind his helmet's visor. He recognized familiar faces and distinct smells that reminded him that this was his home once. He smiled beneath his helmet and inhaled deeply, a tinge of sadness tugging at his heart. As the group approached the Nibelheim Inn, Sephiroth waved the others ahead and stayed behind with Cloud. He placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "How does it feel to be back home?"

Cloud grinned up at him. "It's rather nice. Scary, but nice," he replied.

"I wouldn't know. I don't have a hometown," Sephiroth said, shrugging. "Don't you want to visit with your mother at least?"

"Absolutely not. I can't let her know i'm a failure."

"Alright. Then we'll bunk up together at the inn tonight. Come, let's get our room. The others are waiting," Sephiroth said, placing a hand at the small of the blond's back. They walked into the inn together, where it was warm and inviting - just how Cloud remembered it.

Zack came rushing forward. "Hey! Already got your room, Sephiroth! Got ya the nicest one with a good view. King-sized bed, too! Lucky bastard!" he quipped, elbowing Sephiroth and handing him the key.

"Thank you, Zack. I'm sure we'll enjoy it very much," Sephiroth replied, winking at Cloud. He could see the blush creeping up behind Cloud's mask, and he smiled at the man's shyness. "Let's go, Cloud."

They trudged up the stairs to the room, and Sephiroth slid the key into the door. Opening the door with a steady hand, he pulled Cloud inside by his arm. Once they were behind the locked door, Sephiroth gently pushed Cloud against it and removed his helmet, caressing blond hair beneath his fingers.

"I'm so glad that you're here with me."

"W-Well... I'm still scared i'll be seen, but i'm glad you brought me with you," Cloud said. He leaned into Sephiroth's massaging fingers and tilted his head to brush his lips against the silver-haired man's palm.

"I love you. You know that, right?" Sephiroth whispered, kissing him on the forehead. He felt Cloud nod, and leaned down to capture his lips in a fiery kiss. He embraced the blond in a long hug afterward, crushing him to his chest. "No matter what happens here, i'll always love you. Don't forget that."

Cloud froze against him, his heart pounding. "What do you mean, Seph?"

Sephiroth shook his head and parted from him, turning his back to Cloud.

"It's... nothing."

Cloud approached Sephiroth, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Tell me," he implored, a hint of pleading in his voice.

Sephiroth crossed the room and approached the window. Staring out at the mountains, the snow steadily falling gently, he sighed heavily. "Tomorrow, we go up Mt. Nibel. It could be a dangerous journey, Cloud," he finally said after choosing his words carefully, leaving out what he was really thinking. He felt Cloud's arms wrap around his torso from behind to hug him tightly.

"I'll be alright, as long as i'm by your side," Cloud confidently said. He laid his head against Sephiroth's broad back and closed his eyes, listening to the man's heart beating through his black coat.

"Yes you will. I'll make damned sure of it," Sephiroth replied. He turned around and hugged Cloud again, then moved them both to the bed to sit down. "Are you tired, Cloud?"

"A little."

"Then... we should go to bed," Sephiroth said. He smiled at Cloud and nodded his head gently at the pillows. "Looks pretty comfortable, don't you think?"

"Mmhmm!" Cloud said, grinning. Sephiroth got up and put the Do Not Disturb sign on the outside of the door. He locked the door again and shut off the main overhead light, leaving only a dim lamp lit on a bedside table. He slowly removed his coat as he watched Cloud undressing near the window.

Cloud was a beautiful sight in the reflected light of the setting sun hitting the snow: all porcelain skin, with muscles that were starting to become supple and full. His back was becoming broader. Sephiroth removed the straps on his uniform and his belt, crossing the room to touch Cloud. His hand drifted slowly across the blond's shoulders, edging against the back of his neck where his hair fell. He placed a kiss there and felt Cloud shiver against him.

Sephiroth stood back to finish undressing, and Cloud did the same. When they were both nude, they pulled back the blankets and slid into cool, clean sheets. Snuggling against one another, Cloud let out a contented sigh and closed his eyes. He couldn't believe how tired he was.

"I'm happy to just lay here and hold you," Sephiroth stated, stroking Cloud's hair. Cloud smiled and let out a sleepy hum.

"It's fine with me, too, Seph," Cloud murmured, letting sleep quickly claim him. Sephiroth smiled and closed his own eyes, allowing his own sleep to come.

Later on in the middle of the night, Sephiroth woke up. His arms were still wrapped around a sleeping Cloud. He gently eased over and rolled onto his back, putting his hands behind his head. Staring at the ceiling, he tried to calm the thoughts of the journey that they would take that next day. What in the hell was waiting for him inside the Nibel reactor? The hike up the mountain would be strenuous, but he was more concerned about what awaited him.

"Hey," Cloud murmured beside him, sleepily draping an arm across Sephiroth's chest.

"Hey back."

"What are you thinking about?" Cloud asked, placing a kiss on the man's cheek and settling his head into the crook of Sephiroth's arm.

"Just thinking about the hike up the mountain. I'm not looking forward to it," Sephiroth answered.

Cloud sat up kissed Sephiroth fully on the mouth. "Don't think about it," he murmured, reaching up to wrap his fingers around silver strands. "I can be your distraction." Lips parted, and Sephiroth's arms quickly encircled Cloud, holding him tightly.

Cloud's warm hand snaked down to Sephiroth's cock, eliciting a groan from the General. He grasped it fully in his hand and began slow movements that quickly made Sephiroth hard. He moved away from Sephiroth's arms and ducked beneath the sheets, dipping his head down and taking the man's cock in his mouth. He swirled his tongue and sucked slowly, wanting to make the moment last. Who knew when they would be together alone again?

Sephiroth would not have any of this slow business: he jerked away from Cloud and was quickly pushing Cloud to his back, pushing his legs apart and licking a trail from his navel to his cock. He took Cloud into his mouth and down his throat, then moved down to his ass. Working his tongue into the tight entrance, he grinned to himself as Cloud squirmed above him. Within minutes, he was buried to the hilt inside of Cloud. They moaned and groaned as they began their sensual dance, both quickly reaching their peaks. Cloud came with a shout, curtained by silver hair - and entranced by green eyes that burned into his. Sephiroth bit his lip and stilled inside of Cloud, lowering his head to kiss the blond as he came down from his high.

They didn't speak again of the journey ahead. It lay as quietly as they did, sleeping in wait, as they were lulled back into a blissful sleep.

Sephiroth was quiet after the visit to the reactor: a lot quieter and more pensive than usual. He immediately had gone to the basement of the Shinra mansion. Cloud followed him there, sneezing from the amount of dust that Sephiroth had produced by tossing old books around. He watched as Sephiroth yanked a book from the top shelf and began to flip through the pages, his brow furrowed in deep concentration.

"What exactly are you looking for?"

"...Leave me alone."

Cloud heeded the warning tone in Sephiroth's voice and made his way back to the inn. He had nothing to but wait on the General. Once darkness came, Sephiroth had not come back to the room. Cloud ate dinner halfheartedly after ordering room service, not even bothering to order anything for Sephiroth. The food would be cold by the time he got back to their room. He would eat when he came back... whenever that would be. Cloud took a nap, then had a long bath. He woke to silence and cold, worry tugging at his heart.

His lover was still not back.

Cloud got dressed and donned a large coat with a hood, in lieu of his Shinra uniform and helmet. Pulling the hood over his head, he pulled the cords tight and kept his head low, walking quickly through the snow and to the Shinra mansion. He trudged down the basement steps and through the hallway, arriving at the library. Cloud peeked through the cracked door, studying Sephiroth.

The General was slumped at a table, books piled up around him. He snored lightly, and Cloud smiled. He pushed back the hood of his coat and cleared his throat softly, so as not to startle Sephiroth too badly - but the man's head jerked up violently, and Cloud was met with an angry gaze. When Sephiroth saw that it was his lover, he relaxed and covered his face with his hands.

"Sorry, Seph. I just wanted to check in on you," Cloud said softly, coming through the doorway and sitting in a chair next to him. He placed a hand on Sephiroth's shoulder. "You need to come back to the inn and get some rest, maybe eat something."

Sephiroth shrugged Cloud's hand away. "I don't need anything," he grunted. He stood up and grabbed the book he had fallen asleep on, slamming it shut and turning on his heel to face the bookshelves. He shoved the book into an empty place on the shelf and sighed heavily, grabbing another.

Cloud crossed the room to him, gently sliding his arms around Sephiroth's torso. He hugged the man tightly and buried his face into his back.

"Whatever you're going through, I want to help."

Sephiroth threw the book down and his chest began to rumble as he let out a guttural groan of frustration and anger. He turned to face Cloud. Irritated green eyes met concerned blue eyes, and he studied Cloud's face for a few moments. His gaze softened and he kissed Cloud on the forehead, his gloved hand gently crumpling into Cloud's hair as he pulled the blond to his chest.

"I love you. That's all you need to know right now," Sephiroth stated. "Never once did I think I was capable of loving or being loved, but you changed all of that. Thank you."


"Please, just leave me. Go back to the inn and wait for me there," Sephiroth ordered, pushing him away gently and turning back to the books.

"O-okay," Cloud reluctantly replied. He threw his arms around Sephiroth one last time. "I love you, Seph."

When Sephiroth didn't reply, Cloud pulled away and put the hood of his coat back over his head. He walked to the door, turning once to look back. Gazing at the curtain of silver hair with tears in his eyes, he had the feeling that something was very, very wrong. With no choice but to follow Sephiroth's orders, he made his way back to the inn and settled in with a book while he waited.