Why yes, I do believe in the Blond Family. It's so BEAUTIFUL. England is Mommy, France is Daddy, and Canada and America are their twin sons, one was born on July 1st, the other on July 4th. OLDER BY THREE DAYS XD Oh Canada… The land I call my home… I love them o.o WELL. THIS IS THE STORY OF HOW THEY WERE… ER… BIRTHED.

Francis woke up to a loud yell coming from… his bathroom? He swung his feet off the side of the bed. When he removed the blanket, he realized that he was naked. Damn, what happened last night? He looked around the room, trying to recall the events. Okay, so he didn't really remember anything, but he kind of got the idea from the… one… two… three… four… five cans of beer and one large bottle of wine that littered the floor.

Yeah, that was about right, he could feel the hang over coming on. "FRANCIS!" The panicked yell wasn't helping, but at least now he knew who was screaming. He had never heard Arthur shout so loudly, and now wasn't really the time. "Yes, dear?" He said, sounding so tired it came out in an annoyed tone. Arthur was rushing out of the bathroom in his boxers. He seemed to be a cross between afraid and flat out pissed. Francis' eyes widened, fearing what his husband might have in store for him.

"GOD DAMMIT! YOU WINE BASTARD!" The smaller man screeched, beyond upset. Francis slid back on the bed- it was so wet- scooching away from Arthur uncomfortably. "I think you should maybe tell me what happened first, Arthur."

It was then that Francis noticed a small white stick in Arthur's hands. What was that thing? He'd seen them before somewhere... Arthur was almost in tears now and sat down on the bed, holding his head in his hands. "No…no…no…" he kept whispering to himself. Francis put a comforting arm around him like he was a little boy, and Arthur cried into his chest. "Punky… what happened..?' Francis asked slowly, stroking Arthur's hair.

Arthur took a deep breath and held the white stick up for Francis to see. Right in the center was a bright red plus sign. Now what did that mean again? This hangover was seriously screwing up his train of thought. He felt like such an idiot for not understanding anything, but it was hard enough for him not to pass out in this state.

Arthur caught on quickly and sighed. He looked up at Francis, wiping the tears off of his face. "Francis…" he whispered. The taller man looked back at him, a slight 'hm' escaping his lips. "I… I'm pregnant…" Arthur said it as quiet as possible; almost hoping his husband wouldn't hear it.

Pregnant. P-r-e-g-n-a-n-t. Pregnant. What was this a spelling bee? It took a few minutes for the word to render in Francis' mind, but when it did, the only emotion on his face was pure shock. Arthur couldn't tell if he was angry, happy or scared, but his eyes had grown wide and his jaw dropped. Maybe that was just pure horror.

Francis still had his arms around Arthur as he thought. And thought. And did a little more thinking, just to top off the morning. Mkay. So his husband was pregnant. He thought it was a little weird. Francis' loved his husband dearly, even though at first, the marriage was only because his country was in so much debt. He really did care about the man before him, but to be honest, another reason he had married Arthur besides him being rich was that he wanted sex… but not kids. He didn't want to have to deal with children. And yet, it was almost undeniable that he would have at least one anyway.

Francis sighed. "Just hold on until this hangover wears off…" and with that, he stood, walked out the door and stumbled down the stairs to the kitchen.