Again, dedicated to ChaiBENTO (Who is bearing my child, Busby - crack!son of Grell and Madame red) and Acidsplat (Who won't let me sleep on her bed, how mean! D: ).

Sharp trill of clockwork alarm, battered tin article though it was, cut into the silence of the tent like a knife through butter. Golden-tinted orange lashes fluttering over slate blue gaze that focussed blearily with steady blinks to focus. Rolling over, he struggled within his tarquin-patterned sleep pants and drew an arm over his body pillow, tugging it closer and wrinkling expression when the item didn't allow itself to be pulled- no, wait. It did. With a sigh and a quiet noise of contentment that- What. Eyes snapped open again from where they had fluttered shut and shock spread across his features as the ringmaster found himself nose to... nose with a certain redhead. Blissfully asleep, even with one of the ginger mans knees wedged slightly between slender thighs where crimson night dress had ridden up to show pale creamy thigh and the beginnings of black lace pant-

Cheeks flushing he disentangled himself sharply from the man with a shove, thoughts having been confused and startled by sleepiness and the sudden rush of blood in his body at the strangely alluring sight. A startled yelp was the first of many complaints, the second, emergence of mussed crimson hair from beneath the rainbow-knit stole that had been laid atop threadbare duvet in the form of a blanket, pulled down with the shoddy coverlets when the effeminate reaper had fallen off the edge of the narrow bunk. "Joker~ That is such a mean way to treat a lady! You've bruised my beautiful skin and you- you could have damaged my face! How could you~ !" Really, he... It was quite off putting to try and splutter protest when... when... that was sitting with legs askance showing off the full extent to which his underwear had strayed – black laced red silk panties he noted with a vague kind of morbid horror – and sort of flailing his arms as he tried to tug the stole around him and chose to shriek about abuse.

"S-scarlet what the hell're you doin' in my bed? That-"Arm drug up, finger indicating shakily towards the makeshift cot on the opposite side of the tent that rested upon a shaky wooden frame that had been knocked together as a temporary measure. "Is your bed, get the hell outta my bed!" Brows furrowing, bed head mussed and startled man staring incredulously as a sly smile spread across the man's lips, parting for a broad grin that revealed deadly teeth.

"You really are a naive man. I do like my men dark and handsome but an innocent thing like you, oh you set my heart on fire. Really, my hunk radar won't stop going off and-"Exclamation, punctuated by more of those rather... Obnoxious metaphorical heart bubbles were interrupted by the fling of pillow, then the other. A satin cushion too.

"If you ever get in my bloody bed again I'll..." Words cutting short as the startled and still entirely half asleep man glared blearily and embarrassedly at the... what else could he call it but 'sight'? The sight that met him. Legs swung out of the bed in opposite direction and sleep pants hitched higher he crossed his arms over his torso almost as if it would serve protection from the unusual and, apparently, queer man behind him, snagging his washcloth and fleeing with haste- a towel thrown over one bare shoulder. It was unseen, the quirk of lips and the self satisfied smirk as the redhead sprawled his upper half across the bed he'd invaded night prior with a deep draw of breath to appreciate the man's scent. That unique kind of smell- a sweet one with a hint of sandalwood and... Jasmine? Yes, it did seem like that.

"Oh, my Romeo. Don't flee from my loving embrace for all I wish to do is to show you just how you and I may be." Murmured soliloquy. Playfully dramatic throw back of his hair in a flick over one shoulder and then a much more functional. "Now where the hell do I get tea in this... backwater shack? Will! William~" Drawing the stole about him and near prancing to tent flap to lean out with a 'lady-like' call (more akin to a shriek) to try and wake the black haired man from whatever stupor he might be in, much to the chagrin and audible complaint of other tent members. Tent members including a-

"Oh~ My. What are you doing here Sebas-chan!"

Oh, me oh my. What have I thrown into the mix? Bad little me. Ha-ha.