Inuyasha Gone Succy

by Kuronohime

Chapter 4

Tears and sweat mingled on the skin of his face and he took a couple shaky breaths before he dared to speak. "I-I…" He tried to utter with a broken voice. He couldn't even begin to apologize to her. He couldn't ask for her forgiveness when he couldn't allow himself of it.

Kagome sat up and tried to cover her naked body from his gaze. Inuyasha quickly averted his eyes and stared the floor with inchoate thoughts running through his mind. He dug his claws into the tatami and gritted his teeth. He deserved nothing less than Hell for doing those things to Kagome. He kept his gaze tightly averted and removed his outer robe. He placed it on the tatami and then he stood up.

"I don't blame you for hating me. I deserve it. I can never make this up to you." His voice was murky and his lips compressed into a tight line.


He turned around, not looking Kagome in the eyes, and left. He closed the fusuma behind him and ran off to the gardens.

He couldn't breathe. Every beat of his heart was excruciating. He ran all the way to the garden pond and dropped to his knees. His chest felt tight and he fought back the tears that wallowed inside him. He grabbed handful after handful of soil and threw it furiously around the garden. He could still taste her. Her scent lingered on his body, taunted him. He wanted to rip the skin off his frame so that he wouldn't have to be reminded of his dire act. He howled into the night.

Kagome squeezed tightly on her fire rat garment which reached down only to her upper thighs. She was running behind Inuyasha's trail and tried to find him from the garden. She called out for him, but got no answer. The trees kept quiet in the still night. She sighed and continued turning left, turning right, circling, running straight. She tried to get a glimpse of movement behind a tree or near a bush. Nothing. The young woman feared what Inuyasha might do to himself in the state he had left.

True, she had been terrified of him. For a moment she truly thought… But he hadn't. And her faith in him had not wavered. They had defied death together; she'd be damned to let some demon witch maim what they shared.

Kagome heard a spine chilling howl and instantly dashed to the direction of the sound.

She didn't bother to go around the garden shrubs but ran right through them. Her bare legs had gashes all over them, but she didn't care. She tumbled over the last bush and saw him.

Inuyasha was bent down on his knees and was trashing everything he got his hands to. He trounced every pitiful weed and loose rock that was in the reach of his arms. His fingernails were blackened by the soil he had thrown around. A poor sight of the man he was. His face dampened by sweat of his hateful labor and eyes red from crying.

Inuyasha knew she stood there. But he couldn't stop. Just couldn't stop.

"Damnit, damnit!" He cussed under his breath. He couldn't make the pain go away. He was truly a hateful creature. Demon, no better than the ones he had killed. If there had ever been a thing that made him better, it was her. But now, what he had done…

A pair of hands descended on his shoulders. He froze and ceased his violent outburst, his hands still buried in the ground beneath.

Her hands wrapped themselves around him and she glided her hand along his arm to reach his hand. Kagome pried his closed fist open and held his hand in hers whilst half holding him in an embrace.

"It's okay now." She whispered.

Inuyasha let out a choked sob and Kagome nuzzled her head against his shoulder.

The next morning Oshiro held high a jar of dust in his hands and practically gleamed with satisfaction.

"Excellent, excellent! You have truly honored your end of the deal, so please…" The village headsman gestured at a sack of coins on the table and Miroku tried his best not to grin widely when he reached for it and bowed.

"We are truly honored to have been of service to you, Oshiro-sama."

The headsman smiled, "When will you be taking your leave?"

Miroku was busy fastening the sack to the belt of his robes, so Sango bowed and politely answered, "As soon as possible, your grace."

Oshiro placed the jar on the table. "But that won't do! We must hold a celebration in your honor! I insist you stay the night. The celebration shall be the shank of the evening! We will dine and drink…"

Kagome sat there on the fine zabuton with a cup of tea in her hands. She was so deep in thought she barely registered that they were talking about a celebration. It would take a long while until things would sort out between her and Inuyasha. God, that man was so stubborn. He was hell bent on punishing himself for what had happened. After yesterday, Inuyasha hadn't spoken a word to her. They had returned to their room where the rest of the Inutachi was happily oblivious to everything that had happened earlier. Kagome reticently explained that the succubus had been killed and all of them carried on the evening by packing their equipments. Inuyasha simply remained in the corner of the room by himself. All Kagome wanted was everything to just be as they used to. But she pondered if that would ever be possible.

They were all seated in a great dining hall of the headsman's mansion. All the socialites of the town were gathered to dine with the headsman and the Inutachi. Inuyasha and Shippo were also present even though Inuyasha's ears were covered with a bandana Kagome had provided him with. Inuyasha had a grim scowl on his face and he kept rubbing his head on the spots where his ears were flattened against his skull. Next to him sat an equally disgruntled looking Shippo who had his hair down to cover his pointed ears. He also had his tail tucked in his pants and had additionally small shoes to hide his demon feet. The humans were still extremely wary of any abnormal sights.

Across the table at the women's end, Kagome had also her part to suffer in the traditional kimono she wore. It felt loose yet tight in all the wrong places. She constantly had to fight the urge to unfasten her obi. Sango gave her a sideway glance of empathy that signaled that she shared her pain even though she was more used to traditional attires.

All the people were seated along an extended table that was placed along the walls of the room. There was a big open space at the center, but soon four servants carried in a wild hog and placed it at the center of the room. The air was filled with smoky aroma as the chef proceeded in cutting the meat for the guests.

As Inuyasha was served his portion, Kagome tried to establish an eye contact with him, but the man carefully avoided looking at her direction. Kagome sighed and carried on with downing her cup of sake. The tangy taste burned her tongue and warmed up her belly. Then she somewhat reluctantly tackled her steaming heap of meat.

All the guests were getting rather jolly and Kagome was just finishing her own sake. It felt like the air was wearing thin in the packed dining room and sweat glistened on the faces of several men who raised their cups of sake for cheers. As a servant came by to fill her up again, she sneaked a peek past the servant's shoulder, but the man she was searching for wasn't at his seat anymore. Kagome frowned and put her utensils down. She excused herself and headed to the exit.

She wondered in the long, dim hallways until she found a fusuma to the patio. She quietly skidded out wearing only her indoor slippers. The temperature felt significantly cooler in the night air and she could feel that her cheeks were flushed from being cramped inside for hours.

She fanned her face and walked along the pavement. God how she wished to be freed from that accursed obi!

She neared the carp pond and almost jumped when a dark figure stood up near the water.

"I'Inuyasha! You startled me!" Kagome let out a strained laugh.

The hanyoo didn't reply, but attempted to wrap the bandana back on his head. Kagome figured that he had wanted to air out his ears for a while.

"Do you need help with that?" She asked carefully.


Inuyasha managed to tie the bandana in a knot and he headed back inside. He walked past Kagome, but she grabbed a hold on his arm.

"Please, Inuyasha," her eyes sought out for his, "don't be like this anymore."

He halted. He furrowed his brows and slowly turned his gaze to hers. The hanyoo's eyes held a profound remorse in them. He couldn't escape his shame. And her presence made the feeling almost intolerable.

"I-I… I am sorry." He breathed sharply and tugged his shoulder away and tried to leave.

"How long are you going to hold this against yourself!" Kagome yelled at him. Inuyasha stopped again, but didn't turn.

Kagome stepped forward and clung herself to the back of his haori. "I forgive you already." She pressed her head against his shoulder blade and hugged him. But Inuyasha escaped her embrace and stumbled away from her.

"But I can't, you know! I can't forgive myself! I'm no better from any monster for what I did!"

Kagome could feel how her cheeks flushed with anger and frustration. "Yes you are, you imbecile. And I need you, you stupid, stubborn idiot! "

Kagome didn't really care that she was yelling at him in the middle of the patio of their host. She didn't care that her hair had just loosened open from her neat topknot. And she certainly didn't care that she wasn't supposed to do what she was about to.

She threw herself into Inuyasha's arms and gave him a desperate, breathless kiss. She tangled her fingers in his hair and pressed her body tightly against his. In that moment, Inuyasha could vividly remember the kiss of last night. It had been as full of passion as Kagome's was right now. But it had been a bitter and harsh one, not like hers was now.

Inuyasha could not bring himself to return her fervent kiss even if she felt so comforting right now. He closed his eyes and tried to muster up his strength to push her away. But she was like a shining haven to a man who had been too long lost in his own darkness.

He felt guilty for holding her like this. Her tempting heat seduced him and he wanted to lull himself in her warmth. But he couldn't. He took a hold of her shoulders and gently shoved her away. "I can't…" He whispered and felt shame for the fire that burned his body. Kagome looked at him with confusion. Her lips tingled and she felt way too warm in the outside air.

"I can't breathe in this," she gasped and reached to loosen her obi. It fell on the ground as a neat pile and she took deep breaths of the crisp air. It did nothing to clear her head, however. The kimono hung loosely on her frame and slid lower on her shoulders.

Inuyasha quickly turned his eyes away and backed further away from her. He wasn't supposed to see her like that, why did she insist on tormenting him. "You should go back inside, Kagome." He said in a murky tone.

Kagome shook her head defiantly. "No."

Now Inuyasha felt a tinge of aggravation sear him inside. Had she always been so stubborn? "Listen to me, Kago-"

"No! I will not go back there and sit on my ass and watch you suffer by yourself! If I have to see you like that, it torments me just as much!"

Inuyasha's eyes widened in surprise and he looked at Kagome who was flush with anger. Again she stepped forward and invaded his private space. She tried tirelessly to burst the bubble he had hid in from the world. Kagome pressed her tiny frame to his and refused to budge.

"What if I lose control again?" He whispered.

"Then I will deal with it. And if necessary," she grabbed a hold of the two long strips of mane that always famed his face and made him lower his head by pulling them down, "I'll kick your sorry ass all the way to the mainland." She kissed him again and this time, he kissed her back.

She reached her hand on his cheek and caressed his face while their tongues intertwined with each other. With every stroke of her hand and by every touch of her tongue, Inuyasha found himself to be more and more lost in her warmth. He didn't have the strength to fight her - nor himself.

Inuyasha picked Kagome up and held her up in his arms. The big kimono slumped even further downwards on Kagome's body, revealing more of her chest that was currently on eye level with Inuyasha. He bashfully stared at the ample chest that was on display in front of him and gulped nervously. Kagome giggled and in a somewhat naive fashion glomped Inuyasha into a tight embrace.

His face was squashed between two warm heaps of flesh while two small hands travelled on the back of his head and down to his neck and shoulders. He felt a shudder within himself and blushed at the reaction of his own body to hers. He wanted to hold her more, tighter, in an intimate way. He had to lift her higher so that she wouldn't feel the excitement of his treacherous body.

Kagome turned her attention to Inuyasha's ears and playfully blew in the furry appendage. Inuyasha growled and Kagome took it as sign that his ears were very sensitive and not to be played with. She smiled and carefully scratched the base of his ear which caused Inuyasha's eyes to droop and he gently nuzzled her bosom. He loved her childishness and innocence. He mused that she probably had no idea how her touches were affecting him.

But she did.

Kagome took a hold of Inuyasha's face with both of her hands and delved into another deep kiss. Inuyasha had his eyes close on their own accord. She sneaked her tongue past his lips and tenderly rubbed his tongue with her own. Then she broke the kiss and nibbled on his lower lip. Her lips lingered there but a moment until they were gone.

His eyelids cracked open when her moist lips attacked his jaw line. She sucked and nibbled his skin insatiably while Inuyasha panted lightly. The hanyoo was barely conscious of the fact that his hands were currently massaging her rather shapely buttocks.

When Kagome removed her lips from his jaw, Inuyasha captured her chin in his hand and stole a passionate kiss from her. His hand sunk into the raven hair and his lips melted into hers while he walked back to the engawa still holding her up on his other arm.

When his feet hit the wooden threshold, he stumbled forward and toppled against the outer wall. Kagome's back was pushed against the wall and she wrapped her legs around the hanyoo's waist.

Inuyasha's demanding erection raged in his loins and his heart raced so quickly he was sure that Kagome could hear the din. The tempting drift of the aroma that was her excitement did nothing to abate his aroused condition.

"W-we should go b-back inside." He managed to utter out hoarsely. Failing miserably at trying not to sound desperately horny.

"No." She breathed out.

Damnit, the woman is stubborn.

Redness seeped into the hanyoo's eyes. The beast was rattling its cage within him and its hunger consumed his flesh. Inuyasha hid his face into the crook of Kagome's neck and gasped out: "If you don't stop. I… C-can't control…"

It seared his veins, scorched his body. He could feel his blood thicken, his fangs and claws growing longer. But the gentlest touch of Kagome's hand on his cheek made him lift his head up. Soft, chocolate brown eyes sought his ember pools that were tainted by crimson tinge.

She slowly said; "I want… all of you."

Kagome had confidence in her words. She loved him, all of him. And she wanted to embrace all that he was.

With renewed fervor, Inuyasha captured her lips into a fierce kiss. He had gone past the line of return. Zealous hands worked their way into her kimono and Kagome gasped aloud when his hand reached her unmentionables. With supernatural effortlessness and ease, he rid her of her panties by shredding them to pieces. Kagome whimpered as he pinned her securely against the wall and pressed his pelvis to hers.

Hands that shook with excitement unfastened his hakama and the piece of clothing dropped to his ankles. He poised himself against her warm, inviting furrow, untouched by any man. The thought only excited him further.

He barely could contain himself, but for the last time, he looked at Kagome. Her big, timid eyes looked back at him. Her petite features were flushed and she nervously sucked in her lower lip. She was scared. She was scared of the pain, the pain of becoming a woman. Nothing could be the same after this night that would redefine everything between her and Inuyasha. What had previously almost happened lingered in her consciousness. If he had forced himself on her, made her feel and be something she was not ready for, she couldn't have lived with herself; she could not have forgiven him for it. But now he was patiently waiting for her to give permission to take that leap. Together.

Kagome took Inuyasha's hand in her own and intertwined their fingers. She gave him a shy nod and closed her eyes.

As Inuyasha slowly sunk into her body, she squeezed down on his hand so hard that the blood circulation to his fingers ceased. Her whole body burned, her flesh was tearing apart and she could feel blood trickling down her thighs. She gasped and opened her eyes. Kagome gazed at Inuyasha who looked like he was in excruciating pain. He looked like he was hurting like she was hurting.

"I'm so sorry" he sputtered. The scent of blood was thick in the air.

Kagome let go of his hand and just hugged him. She could hear his shallow breath next to her ear, taste and smell the saltiness of his body and feel the throbs of his member inside him. She could sense him completely.

Her hips rocked gently back to his, Kagome hissed of the sore sensation, but persistently continued to move her hips. Inuyasha tried to stay still for a while longer, but couldn't help his body. He slowly gave into the rhythm and swayed in tune with her body. He thrusted a little harder and when the breath hitched into Kagome's throat, he thrusted yet harder.

She moaned and tried to suppress the sounds by muffling them into his shoulder. Inuyasha didn't care about the sounds they were making; he didn't even remember where they were anymore. All he knew of the world right then was that her body was an ocean of pleasure and he was riding the waves.

As her pain subdued, Inuyasha picked up the pace and pounded her mercilessly. Kagome was tightly caught between the wall and a… hard place. They both panted and moaned and Inuyasha bounced Kagome up and down on his lap. She took support from his body by wrapping her legs around his waist and bracing her hands on his shoulders. Her breasts jiggled in the confines of her kimono and the visual treat alone was enough to push Inuyasha off the ledge.

Kagome had given Inuyasha the lead and merely enjoyed the ride now. His sturdy length plunged into her womanhood countless of times and by every plunge, she got closer to something wonderful. She was only vaguely aware of her own shamelessness for doing such lewd acts in the patio of an important man. But strangely, the thought that someone might walk in on them at any moment, only served to arouse her further.

When Inuyasha quietly murmured something incoherent and suddenly tensed, Kagome understood that he had reached his peak. She could feel a jet of squirts inside herself. Inuyasha's manhood throbbed wildly and his hold on her waist loosened. It was like every pump of his semen weakened him and Kagome was slowly dropped to the ground. Inuyasha pulled out his limp organ and gathered himself for a while. When reality finally struck back, he gazed at every direction before swiftly yanking up his pants.

Kagome smirked at Inuyasha's red face and the hanyoo nervously smiled back at her: "Uh…"

"I know," she replied, "I better go get my obi."

She giggled and reached out on the tip of her toes to give him a kiss on his nose.


A/N: Eaaaaaiiiyyaaaa! I'm so swamped at Polytechnic right now that you have no idea. I've kept writing though and next I'll try to finish up with "Inuyasha Gone under a Love Spell". After that I'll publish one more of "Inuyasha gone" series, but I'm afraid that will be it. After those two, I'm moving on to write longer stories. There are three upcoming Inuverse stories of the following:
"The Prince Who Didn't Want to Be Loved" (Sesshoumaru x Kagome, an unofficial continuation to "Tale of the Unfortunate Prince")

"Ages and Between" (Toga x Kagome, this is the only story that I've completely outlined and it will be 10 chapters long)

"The Fall into Our Darkness" (Inuyasha x Kagome, this will be my defining piece as a fanfic author and I will pour my heart and soul into this one.)

I thank you for all the support I've been given along the way!