Hey guys!
I am truly, truly sorry that I haven't been updating this, because at one point I was getting some great feedback. Over the summer I was working on the story and posting pretty frequently.
Lately, I've been getting e-mails about people adding this to their favorites or alerts, and I'd first off like to say thanks, knowing that people actually like this means a whole lot to me. Secondly - this is for everyone, not just the new kiddos - I'd like to let you all know that I went ahead and moved this story over to Mibba.
For those of you who don't know, it's just another website, similar to FanFiction. To be honest, I'm not sure what got me to make the move, but I like it better over there. It's just easier for publishing purposes. They also send e-mail notifications, just like on here, when a story is updated. I felt like I had read all the fanfics over here, so when I saw a link on Tumblr to a story over there, I went to check it out. They've got some great things over there, if you're feeling the way I was, so I'd suggest for you to just look around. I'm the kind of person who always has to be reading, who likes experiencing diffrent authors' styles and diffrent, original plots. It's just really another source to fulfill the craving.
By no means do I want you to think you have to go ahead and sign up for the story notifications on Mibba. If you like my story, please feel free to. I'm posting it because I want to show it to people and see how you all are responding to how I write, what I'm writing about. The story is still going by the same name, 'Melanie Flyzik,' and I'm using the same username over there, 'troubleinatanktop.'
I really hope all of you are doing well, since I haven't talked to a lot of you in a while. If you'd like, feel free to e-mail me or write in my ask (on Tumblr), I'm always here for questions or comments, or just to talk.
Thank you all so much for your continued support, and I wish you only the best with your own projects.
Laura Elizabeth.
- Tumblr: .com
- Mibba link to 'Melanie Flyzik' : .com/read/309159/Melanie-Flyzik/