Yippe! First story! This story is very...interesting. Disclaimer: I don't own Animaniacs. If I did they would still be on the air. Oh no I didn't!


Part I: Dark Places

Chapter 1: Doing Your Job

"You can t be serious," Dr. Scratchansniff gasped. His hands tightened on the armrest of the expensive chair. He studied his boss, Thaddeus Plotz, like a deranged patient. He couldn't be serious. What he was proposing it just wasn't right!

Plotz didn't smile. It wasn't a joke. He was serious.

Otto frowned, "I refuse."

"You can t refuse. It s your job, Otto," the CEO snapped. "Those Warners have caused enough problems. We have no other choice."

"They re doing better!" Otto reinsured, but as he just finished the sentence they heard a loud scream followed by three familiar laughs. The doctor winced, "Okay a little better." He then stood firmly, "We ve been making large steeps in progress."

"Do you call what they did yesterday a large steep?" Plotz asked. Otto winced again. The Warners had slipped onto the Sherlock Holmes scenes where the brothers de-pantsed Jude Law and Dot had kissed Robert Downey, Jr. They then paied half the crew causing well over twenty-five thousand dollars in damage. But it was funny seeing the director whipping cherry pie from his red face.

Plotz growled, and Otto stopped giggling. "Don t you see? You haven t been helping them, but they've been corrupting you! The old Otto Scratchansniff would have been appalled by such behavior!"

"They are only children!" Scratchansniff employed. "What you suggesting is madness!"

Plotz huffed, "Please! These are not children but wild animals. Since they were created by Warner Bros. they are my property, and I will do with them as I see fit. Do I make my SELF CLEAR?" Plotz had jumped upon his desk with his face red as a cherry. Scratchansniff still stood yet his knees shook.

"A-and if I r-refuse," Otto stuttered.

Plotz coldly stated, "Then I suggest you find yourself a new employer quickly. However you will never work in the United States."

"You don t mean..."

Plotz smirked, "You know exactly what I mean."

The doctor sat down. He was trapped.

"Look at this way, Otto," Plotz sat back in his chair with a cold smile upon his face, "you re just doing your job."

Dun-dun-dun! Anyway please review! I need reviews! Anything! I have cookies! By the way if your squeamish to blood...I wouldn't read this fic. Choa!