AN: here is the next chapter. Sorry you had to wait so long, and it might be a little short I was having trouble with it, and I like where I ended it. Hope you all enjoy.
Gin frowned at the happy couple, both to engross to notice his uneasiness. Aizen looked at his friend and nodded his head before turning his attention back to his mate. Gin took that and walked off, following the girl. Up and down the streets all the way across town. A couple of times the vampire had to hang back, as the girl kept slowing down and stopping. It was obvious that the girl never walked anywhere.
I wonder why she walking? Unless she was so mad and upset about Ichigo and Aizen. The purple hair girl started to walk on, and the silver hair vampire sighed and followed her. As the vampire walked after the human his mind started to wonder off.
What does my mate look like? Are they small or tall? Male or female? Young or old? What color hair do they have? What is their eye color? What would they be like in bed? So many more thoughts whirled around his head, but by that time the girl had reached home.
Gin stopped and looked at the gate in front of him. So the girl is rich, maybe his mate is rich. His blue eyes locked on to the yard. He looked around and turn into his favorite form, the fox. He walked on to the yard and followed the scent of the human. He jumped into a tree, and picked through a window. Gin saw the girl and an older woman talking to each other. It wasn't all that hard to be able to hear their conversation.
"Why do I have to go there now?"
"Listen Momo. You haven't seen Toshiro in a week, just go to his room and spend at least an hour with you cousin."
"MOMO HINAMORI! I am you grandmother and if I want you to spend time with you cousin then you will spend time with him!"
Momo growled and walked off to a hallway. Gin easily followed and kept looking in windows to see if she had entered one of the rooms. The last window didn't have a tree, but a balcony with the door open. The silver hair jumped up there and looked into the beautifully decorated room. He moved to the bench in the room and about that time heard the door open.
"TOSHRIO, how are you this fine day?" Gin wonder who she was talking to because there was no one in here.
Momo waltz into the room, and over to the bed, which she then begin to poke at a lump in the middle. The vampire would deny that he jumped when the lump moved and a white head popped up out of the covers. He couldn't breathe, the boy was amazing. Nothing in all of his years of living did Gin every see such a thing of beauty.
"Why you so loud Momo?" His voice showed his age, which was much older than the childhood age Gin was thinking. So happy don't have to wait until he is older. The boy must been in his late teens, then. "Because Toshiro, I wanted you to wake up. I'm going to spend an hour with you to cheer you up."
The boys teal eyes just stared at the girl. No emotion, then a tired sigh. "What do you do today Momo?" The mention girl went on and on about this and that, never stopping. Toshiro just nodded and looked out the window or at his hands. Everything in his motions showing that this was a normal event.
On the next pass from hands to window the teal eyes stopped on Gin's form. The vampire froze, not knowing what to do now that he had been spotted. The boy moved his hands up and pointed at the fox, and it was only then did Gin see the IV in the boy's arm. "Momo, I'm sorry to stop you, but did you get me a new toy?"
The girl blinked and looked to were her cousin was pointed at. "No, haven't found any that I think you would like." She got and walked over to the fox. The vampire kept as still as he could while the human picked him up. Her eyes were dark, before the light. "You had your treatment today right?" The white hair nodded. The girl smiled, but Gin could see that it didn't reach her eyes. "I'm sure grandma brought him for you. It was after all your thousand treatment." If Gin didn't have perfect control over his face he would've given away he wasn't a toy. What could make a person sick enough to get that many treatments?
"She must have brought him in while you were sleeping. Speaking of which you look worn; here you cuddle up with your new toy. Get some sleep Toshrio." And with that the girl left the fox and human alone.
Toshiro sighed and pick Gin up. "You know that was the longest she spent with me send she turned fifteen." His smile was sad as he held the fox up. "At least you will be here for me. I've always loved foxes. Manly the sliver ones." He hugged Gin to his chest and lay back down, being careful to not pull the IV.
As Gin lay there in the arms of a sick boy, who cousin seemed to want nothing to do with him only one thought was in his mind. This human is my mate.