Title: Re:Energize
Author: 7Don't7Forget7Me
Pairing: Doumekixwatanuki
Type: Violence/Angst/Romance
Summary: "You will come to realize how much you will need Doumeki."
Warnings/Disclaimer: I own nothing. This is yaoi (boyxboy love) if you find yourself leaving unpleasant comments come and join me and we can both look for a life.
Authors Note: I was listening to Revengefuck and Flirt With Me by Zeromancer when this story hit me. To be honest I'm at a loss about the fate of this story *slap* but I will definitely continue it even if I have to force myself. Oh, this won't be a "happy" story Doumeki is going to hurt watanuki... a lot. Although I guess I should give them a good ending... (Yes, I am extremely indecisive)
The young boy was sleeping soundly with a little frown marring his face. He was dreaming about the girl he liked although something seemed off.
Finally! I'll be able to kiss Himawari-chan! She's so cute and the way she styles her hair only serves to make her look angelic. Oh, if only you knew how much I loved you Himawari~~
The wall-for-a-face freak wasn't here, everything was going to be okay and he'd finally be able to profess his love to Himawari-chan! Watanuki put a hand over his chest he was so nervous and his hands felt clammy not to mention he was breaking out a sweat.
Watanuki could deal with the occasional annoying and evil spirit, hell it didn't scare him it just put him on edge. He could deal with that but somehow the familiar and annoying voice he heard echoing in the distance made him feel extremely uneasy.
As he turned to see the tall freak (Watanuki knew that was a little bit harsh but he felt as if he was walking alongside a giant and it made him feel inferior) he felt even more out of place and anxious when he caught sight of Doumeki's furrowed eyebrows not to mention the way he clenched his hands almost as if he was getting ready to strike Watanuki.
The tall and emotionless boy didn't answer him it looked like he was in pain.
"Watanuki be careful this may be a dream but Shizuka isn't exactly himself right now."
Watanuki stepped back when he noticed Doumeki getting closer and instead chose to follow Haruka's voice. "Haruka-san, what's wrong with Doumeki?" Normally he would've started yelling at the other boy for acting strangely but Watanuki couldn't help but feel that this was his fault… in some way.
Haruka-san used his hand to place Watanuki behind him just to make sure that he would be able protect the seer if things got out of hand. It was a selfless gesture to Haruka-san but apparently not to Doumeki, who watched the simple action with close inspection.
"Come here Watanuki." It was more of a command laced with annoyance, the way it came out from Doumeki's voice. Okay so something was definitely wrong with Doumeki but the boy was crazy if he though Watanuki would follow his order.
Haruka stayed in front of Watanuki despite the fact that it made Doumeki visibly uncomfortable. "This is not the time for that Shizuka, awake from this dream and think about what you're doing before you seriously injure Watanuki."
Doumeki's golden eyes ignored his grandfather and instead trailed themselves to Watanuki's own eyes. The seer immediately tore his gaze away from Doumeki's piercing stare and looked at the ground…ground? He cursed himself for flailing about instead of becoming aware of his surroundings. He noticed that the "place" they were in was gray gradually turning black and the atmosphere was making his throat itchy.
Doumeki's head was starting to hurt and his palms were extremely itchy from the blood drying itself on his hands. He wiped some of it off on his hakama and made his way towards Watanuki.
Haruka stood his ground and instead turned to the seer "Watanuki I know what I'm about to say makes no sense but please listen very carefully, Shizuka is having ….how should I say this, a hard time getting his emotions under control. Due to the strength of his feelings they have gained the power to reach you in this dream. I can see Yuuko failed to tell you about the relationship that binds a seer to his protector and unfortunately you will have to figure that out on your own."
"What are you-"
Watanuki's eyes widened as he noticed Haruka start to fade.
Before he disappeared completely Haruka shook the seer with urgency to keep his attention "Watanuki please remember you did not cause this. The bond that has linked you two together has become so strong that the proximity of Shizuka's emotions can bring harm to you."
Doumeki charged towards Watanuki, "I gave you a chance now you've left me no choice."
"None of this is your fault….."