Behind Every Man

Elm Treigh

Chapter Seven

"What was that?" Reid asked.

"I don't know," Caleb answered.

"No. Not them," Reid shook his head, walking around from behind Mia to stand in front of her. "I meant you. What was that?"

Mia blinked. "I'm sorry?" Reid crossed his arms, looking down at her, his question awaiting an answer. She shook her head, waving a dismissive hand in front of her. "I've no idea what you are referring to."

"You don't?"

"That is what I said, Garwin."

"I think you know exactly what I'm referring to."

"If I had, I would have answered your question."

"Oh really?"

"Yes Garwin! Really!" Mia huffed. Exasperated, she pushed Reid away from her and stepped aside toward Aaron.

Aaron immediately wrapped an arm around her shoulders, while Mia visibly fought desperately to keep the blush from rising. She was painfully aware of the amused interest the exchange caused. Just what she needed. Couldn't she have a moment of peace? What a day. She sighed into Aaron's shoulder.

Reid scratched his head, staring at Mia with honest confusion. He did his best to hide the uncertainty from everyone. In its place, he wore a pleased smile. Amelia's abrupt behavior toward Quinn was strange yet satisfying. If he hadn't had so much experience with women he'd have been puzzled by it but since he is indeed quite experienced he'd say her behavior was somewhat territorial; maybe even envious. The more Quinn appeared interested in Reid, the more she flirted, the more agitated Mia became. She showed signs of jealously, so naturally he had to assume she was jealous.

Was Amelia's stance that of a warning to Quinn to back off? Was Amelia claiming him? Reid chuckled at his thoughts. He smiled, shaking his head at Amelia vainly doing her best to avoid eye contact with him, tucking a strand of hair behind her flushed ears. Maybe she won't be as big a challenge as he had initially thought. He shrugged, deciding to let it go for the moment. Rejoining his Brothers, catching Tyler's eye, he grinned triumphantly at him. Tyler rolled his eyes at his best friend, nudging him playfully.

Amelia peeked over Aaron's broad shoulder at Reid. She frowned at the self-satisfied grin Reid was sharing with Tyler. She could only suspect what he was thinking and whatever it was, he was absolutely wrong.

"Well," she gritted out, turning her body away from Reid and the Sons and leaning closer to her safety blanket named Aaron Abbott. "We really should finish…"

Aaron looked between his Amelia and Reid. He wasn't happy with their exchange or the flustered way she appeared. He narrowed his eyes at the insufferable grin Reid gave to his Brothers and tightened his hold on Mia, bringing her closer into his embrace. Clearly Garwin was seeing something in Mia's behavior to fuel his oversized ego. Too bad Reid didn't know Amelia the way he does. Aaron was sure that whatever Reid was seeing, whatever he thought, it was wrong. Aaron knew Mia better than she knew herself. The way she faced off with Quinn wasn't jealousy or territorial. It was a motherly instinct to protect the people she cared about. She didn't trust Quinn and she showed that distrust. Amelia didn't have any amorous feelings for Reid. She, unfortunately, cares about him but that is as far as her feelings went. She had better taste than that.

"Mia's right," Aaron said. "We need to get back to it. Got things to do and people to see."

Reid shrugged. "Yeah, come on guys. I'll walk you out."

"Make sure he returns!" Mia yelled after them.

Reid turned around, walking backwards, he grinned mischievously at her. Mia narrowed her eyes at him, daring him to leave and not come back; to disappoint her. He just wriggled his eyebrows in reply. Mia bit her bottom lip in an attempt to stop the smirk but it was too late. Reid saw the quirk of her lips and winked, receiving an eye roll. He turned back around to walk with his Brothers, a large smile on his face.

"Looks like Reid's smitten," Pogue teased, pinching his cheeks. Reid smacked his hands away playfully, laughing.

They walked through the kitchen, weaving around the equipment until reaching the exit. Pogue, Tyler, and Reid continued to joke around, mostly at Reid's expense. Tyler, at one point, voiced his own attraction to Mia, to which Reid replied with a chuckle - "Let the best Son win!"

Meanwhile, Caleb walked ahead of his Brothers, lost in thought. Who were Harley and Quinn really? How did they know to look for Mia in the cafeteria of all places? What did they really want? They said it was to catch up, as friends, but Mia didn't treat them as friends. If anything, they gave off suspicious vibes. There was something about them that wasn't right. They both came in aggressively. Both made Mia uncomfortable, unless that was an act in itself. Something wasn't right.

"Hey Caleb," Tyler nudged. "What's up?"

Caleb looked at him briefly before shrugging and answered, "Nothing."

"Nothing?" Tyler asked. "Come on man. You've been quiet this whole time. What's going on?"

"Is something bothering our fearless leader?" Reid mocked, jumping on Caleb's back.

Caleb chuckled, bucking sideways so Reid would fall off him. But quickly sobered, facing his Brothers, and took on a more serious demeanor. "Actually, yeah. Something is bothering me."

Reid rolled his eyes. "What?"

"Harley and Quinn."

"What about them?" Tyler questioned.

"There was something off about them," Pogue answered.

"You felt it too?" Caleb asked surprised.

Pogue nodded. Tyler and Reid glanced at each other then at Pogue and Caleb. "You gonna fill us in or…" Tyler prodded.

"It was a feeling," Caleb muttered.

"Kind of like a mask," Pogue supplied.

"Masking spell?" Tyler frowned tensing up.

"I don't know but we should keep our guard up. Just in case," Caleb instructed.

Reid threw his hands up, maddened. "You know what I think?" he began. "I think you're being paranoid." Caleb scowled at him while Tyler punched his arm. "No. Come on, Caleb! Chase is gone, ok? You defeated him. It's over. Just let it go, man. Alright?" He patted Caleb's back before walking around his Brothers to head back to the cafeteria. "Nothing's gonna come after us, Cal! It's over!"

They watched him walk away. Still unable to believe he was returning to finish his time. Mia has been a positive influence on him.

"Or he's trying to get in her pants," Tyler said voicing what his Brothers were probably thinking. At Pogue and Caleb's laugh, he knew he was right.

"Yeah, that'd be it," They said.

The laughter didn't last long as what Reid had said crept into their minds.

"Do you guys think I'm being paranoid?" Caleb asked continuing his walk down the hall.

Pogue and Tyler shared a loaded glance before walking swiftly to catch up to him. Tyler opened his mouth to answer, "I don't know. I didn't feel anything."

"That doesn't mean there isn't something wrong," Pogue quickly added.

"Yeah," Tyler agreed. "I mean the thing with Chase…"

"It was the first time we had to deal with something like that."

"Exactly. That ghost at Camp was pretty crazy but it was nothing compared to what Chase did. What he tried to do," Tyler reasoned.

Pogue clapped Caleb on the back. "Dude, you have every reason to feel like you do. Besides," he trailed looking over at Tyler cautiously before continuing. "It was weird that Mia showed up days after Chase, you know, disappeared."

Tyler blinked a few times at Pogue's statement. "Wait. You think Mia knows about Chase? About us? You think she's playing us?"

Pogue shrugged noncommittally. Caleb turned his face away from the two. A part of him was glad that Pogue said what he himself had been mulling over since Amelia confessed why she was in Ipswich. He and his Brothers were at the beginning stages of their families curse. They've all seen firsthand what their powers could do. What their Ascensions will take from them. They saw it growing up from their father's and from the classes with Gorman. It wasn't until Chase arrived that they recognized there was more to come. Their lives were about to take a more supernatural turn. They were never normal but they had fortunately been able to live relatively normal teenage lives. Chase changed that drastically. He showed them that their Ascensions were going to bring attention to themselves and their families. That is what power does. Power brings attention or it seeks more power. In Chase's case, he sought more power.

In the supernatural world, rarely are things coincidental. Chase's appearance, his delusional plan for power, the fight to death, his disappearance after losing, and then days later Amelia shows up. There was no way any of that was coincidental. For all the Sons knew, Amelia could be Chase's Plan B. Caleb needed to look into Amelia's past. Her family and its history, her relationship with Chase and the twins; he needed to check up on all of it. Harley and Quinn showing up the way they did, looking for Amelia, claiming to be friends; it could be a part of Chase's plan. It could all be an act to throw him off their scent. It's up to him. He's the eldest Son. He's the leader. It's up to him to flush out any threat and stop it. For the safety of their family. For the safety of the Covenant.

Tyler stared incredulously at Caleb. He couldn't believe Caleb was considering Pogue's suspicions. Mia had never exhibited signs of being a potential threat. She's Aaron Abbott's best friend! That alone should be enough to show Pogue's concerns held no merit. Maybe Reid was right. Maybe Caleb was being paranoid. After all, neither of them has had to fight for their lives, for Pogue's life, or Sarah's life, and lose a father. Neither have the pressures of leadership that Caleb has. Chase's body was still missing and Pogue's Ascension is approaching fast. Caleb and Pogue, understandably, should be cautious but of Mia? Of twins that could be nothing more than a failed friendship of Mia's? So what if she had a relationship with Chase? She doesn't know anything because Chase hadn't told her anything. Probably for the same reasons that Pogue hasn't told Kate.

"Guys," Tyler said. "You can't seriously think Mia is a threat." They didn't reply or look at him. "Are you kidding? What can Mia do? She doesn't know anything!"

"She said she came to Ipswich to look for Chase," Pogue reminded him.

"And to be there for her dad who is dying. Plus she promised both her dad and Aaron she was going to spend her last year of school here in Ipswich."

"If that were true, why did she show up months after school started?" Caleb asked. "Why not start school with the rest of us? Why come after Chase disappeared?"

Tyler opened his mouth to argue but couldn't. Truthfully, he hadn't made that connection before because it never crossed his mind as something worth thinking about. It's not as though Mia was the only student to start late. The fact that she happened to be Chase's ex-girlfriend was coincidence. Wasn't it?

Caleb could see the doubt flash across his youngest Brother's face. It pained him to instill doubt in anyone, especially Tyler. He didn't want Tyler, Baby Boy, to feel suspicious of everyone and anyone they meet. If he could he'd keep all of his Brothers out of it. Especially, Tyler, who was the more trusting of the Sons, the one that believed in second chances and fairness, the one presenting signs of affection for Amelia. But neither of them could afford to not be vigilant. It wasn't just for their lives sake. It was for their families' sake. It was for their friends and the residents of Ipswich. It was for the Covenant as well. Granted Caleb didn't need to put it upon himself – or his Brothers – to protect anyone other than the Covenant lines. Particularly since Caleb only had his mom and now Sarah. That wouldn't stop him from protecting his Brothers or his Uncles. Frankly, he was a little grateful that Chase had only threatened Pogue and Kate's life and came after him directly. Better him than his mom and Uncles and Aunts. Until they found Chase's body, he was going to keep being "paranoid". For the people he cared about.

"Okay," Tyler began slowly. "So if Mia is what? Chase's back up? Who are Harley and Quinn then? Mia's back up?"

"I don't know. Maybe?" Caleb answered frankly.

"What're we supposed to do? Keep an eye on Mia? Keep an eye on the twins? What?"

"Look into her past," Caleb replied. "Hers and the twins."

"Background checks?" Pogue inquired. Caleb nodded.

Tyler's shoulders slumped. "I can't believe this is happening." Reid's wide grin and his obvious interest in Mia came to mind. "Crap! What do we tell Reid?"

Caleb pursed his lips thoughtfully. Should they tell Reid? Better question: would Reid believe them? Would he believe him? "Let's keep it between us for now."

"Cal, maybe we should-" Pogue started to say but Caleb's shake of head no stopped him. He didn't like keeping things from his Brothers, even Reid. He glanced at Tyler who didn't look happy about the instruction. Everyone knows the Sons are close but Reid and Tyler were the closest.

"We have to tell him something," Tyler said.

"Let me deal with that," Caleb replied. "For now we just keep an eye on Amelia and the twins. We check out what they've done for the past year, everything. If we find anything…" He paused. "If we find anything then we tell Reid everything. Ok?"

Tyler reluctantly agreed, nodding his head slowly. It was probably for the best.

"So are we gonna…" Aaron trailed, drying the windows while Mia dragged and pushed tables back in place.

"I'd much rather wait after I've seen my dad and Aunt Emma," she answered, grunting as she slowly pushed a table in place. She knew she probably shouldn't be moving anything heavy in her condition. "If that's alright?" She stood to her full height, brushing her hands off, staring at Aaron.

Aaron returned her gaze with a studying one of his own. She looked tired yet worried and anxious. There were so many questions he had for her but he could see he had to wait. How long could he hold out was to be determined. He pressed his lips together and nodded his consent. What choice did he have really but wait? If he nagged her for answers he'd risk frustrating her into silence. She'd shut him down instantly. He just got her back, got her to forgive him and talk to him and be friends again. The last thing he wanted was to lose her and have her running to the Sons, specifically Tyler and/or Reid. Besides, he was done being the Aaron Abbott the students of Spenser helped create. Mia's back. She always made him feel like it was okay to be himself. He didn't need to be anyone else. Not anymore.

"Actually, Aaron?"

Aaron blinked away his thoughts. "Mm?"

"There is so much I must tell you," Mia softly confessed, wringing her hands nervously. "Would you, um, would you mind terribly spending the night?"

Aaron smiled. "Like when we were kids?"

Mia also smiled. "I suspect Dad will ask you to sleep in the guest room and stay there."

"That's never stopped us before."

Mia laughed out loud at that. "No, it hasn't. But we were children then, Aaron," she reminded him with a teasing wag of her finger. Aaron snickered. "Dad may have allowed it then, however I am certain he won't stand for it now that we are young adults."

"Yeah but what he doesn't know won't kill him." He regretted it the moment the words came out.

Mia's playful smile fell instantly. She looked away, wrapping her arms around herself, her shoulders sagging. "I'd prefer not to take that chance," she mumbled.

"Of course Mia,"Aaron quickly tried to amend. He dropped the rag he was drying the windows with and rushed to her side. He held her face in his hands. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I didn't mean it that way."

She placed her hands atop of his. "I know, Aaron. It's alright." Aaron sighed, placing an apologetic kiss on her head.

"I thought we were cleaning!"

Aaron and Mia looked up at the voice to see Reid walking in with a very displeased countenance. Mia pulled away first, turning toward the next table that needed placing. Aaron furrowed his brows at Mia then glowered at Reid. Reid put his hands up in surrender, not bothering to hide the gratified glint in his eyes.

When he walked in he was preparing himself for more flirtatious banter with Mia. He was beginning to look forward to it. Instead he finds her in Aaron's arms, with Aaron's lips on her head. Not what he wanted let alone see. It was bad enough he had to compete with Tyler who had that sweet, quiet, choir boy thing going for him; he had to compete with Aaron Abbott too? Yes, Aaron Abbott, for the first time, ever, is competition. How could he not be? He's Mia's best friend, which sucked on its own already. Aaron has the advantage of knowing Mia well. Whether Aaron was ready to admit it to himself or not, he likes Mia as more than just friends. Reid had to tread carefully around Aaron because once Aaron realizes these feelings it could be game over for him.

Reid walked across the room to a clutter of chairs and began dragging a few to sort them around the tables Mia had already arranged. Aaron sighed returning to his task.

Approximately thirty minutes later, they finally finished. Gathering the custodial carts by the entrance, they wiped themselves of the work they've done with the last of the clean rags.

"What do we do now?" Mia queried, throwing her rag in the linen bag on the cart. "Do we inform Donnie and Darrell that we've finished?"

Just then, the doors opened, revealing a statuesque woman. Honey colored waves brushing her shoulders, chocolate eyes searching the room before landing on Amelia. Relieved she walked to her, Donnie and Darrell stumbling after her.

"Ma'am," Donnie tried.

"You can't just-" Darrell followed.

The woman stopped abruptly a couple of feet from Amelia. She turned around swiftly, making Donnie and Darrell nearly trip over themselves trying to stop, though luckily hadn't. With one brow raised superiorly at them, the woman rendered the men immobile. Donnie and Darrell ducked their heads, seemingly ashamed. Nodding tersely, they turned around, and walked back to their posts at the entrance to wait.

"Aunt Emma!" Mia laughed happily, taking the last few steps to wrap her arms around the woman.

Emma received her embrace gladly. "Mia, my darling!"

Reid's jaw slacked in shock. "This is your aunt?" he asked bewildered. Amelia pulled away, smiling so wide at him, he was sure her cheeks would hurt later. "Damn." Was all he was able to mutter.

Aunt Emma was one unbelievably attractive woman. She was a few inches taller than Mia, her hair shorter than Mia's, her eyes darker than Mia's, but that was as far as the differences went. She was an older version of Mia. Face almost exactly as Mia's except it was visibly aged, as was her body. Not necessarily thin but not necessarily obese. She looked like a young Aunt would. An Aunt that doesn't fall into the pressures of society to keep in shape yet still maintains a healthy look. In fact, had Mia not called her Aunt he'd have thought she was her Mom. Her very not mom.

"Aunt Emma, you remember Aaron?" Mia said excitedly tugging her toward Aaron.

"Of course," Emma smiled holding out a hand for him. "Good to see you again, Aaron. My you've grown into a handsome young man."

Aaron flushed, taking her hand and shaking it. "Thank you Ms. Sanderson. Good to see you too."

Reid furiously wiped his hands clean, adjusting his clothes before gliding next to Aaron to make his presence known. He knew who his back up hook-up was going to be.

"I'm Reid. Reid Garwin," he introduced himself.

Mia rolled her eyes, giving her Aunt a pointed look. Emma just smiled politely extending a hand for him to shake and was surprised to receive a kiss on the hand.

"Garwin!" Mia hissed, slapping Reid's hand away. Reid responded with an unapologetic wink at both Mia and Emma. "I'm sorry Aunt Emma. Reid is a little friendly."

"A little friendly?" Emma commented, shaking her head a bit entertained as well as cajoled. She exhaled a long breath after a while, examining the room around her. "You had to clean the entire dining hall?"

"Yeah," Aaron answered. "It was completely trashed."

"And you two started the fight?" she asked Mia and Aaron. They blushed nodding their heads. "That is highly unlike you, Mia."

"I know, Aunt Emma," Mia agreed. "I just…"

"I provoked her, Ma'am," Aaron was quick to say. "We were kinda fighting and –"

Emma held her hand up to stop him. "It's alright, Aaron. I'm not mad," she started. "At either of you. I was simply making an observation." She smiled at their relieved faces. "I came by to see how you are doing, Mia."

"How I'm doing?"

"Yes. If you had dinner or better, if you had finished your cleaning. I had intended to take you all out for dinner." She gave Reid a small smile to include him in the invitation. His reply was an appreciative nod.

"Oh well, we've already had dinner," Mia replied.

"We were just about to tell our guards that we're done," Aaron added.

"I'll tell them," Reid volunteered, feeling he wasn't needed. He made his way to Donnie and Darrell.

Aaron, Mia, and Emma watched. Reid wore his signature smirk as he relayed the message. The men looked up, surveying the room. One of them scowled, the other entered the room, seeming to inspect it but upon catching Emma's not-so-subtle glare thought twice and instead returned to his post. He leaned toward his companion, trading a few words and glances at the four then, rather reluctantly, nodded their consent. They had wanted to keep them all night to torture them further but Emma's arrival foiled that plan. Reid grinned, clasping Darrell on the shoulder. He turned to Aaron, Mia, and Aunt Emma and gave them a thumb's up then a wave good bye.

"Seems you've been relieved," Emma remarked. "Ready?"

"Yes," Mia smiled. "Oh wait!" She turned to Aaron. "Do you need to make a stop at your dorm room for clothes?"


"Yes. Aaron has agreed to sleep over."

"Sleep over? Aren't you both a bit too old for sleep overs?"

Aaron flushed, embarrassed. "Perhaps but we need this, Aunt Emma, please?" Mia begged.

"Has your father agreed? Have yours Aaron?" Emma asked.

"Dad's not home," he answered, face void of emotion. "He went on a business trip a couple of days ago. Didn't say when he was coming back." He shrugged nonchalant purposely looking away from the two.

Emma placed a sympathetic hand on his shoulder. Mia laced her hand with his. Aaron squeezed his eyes shut, gulping down the harsh words he normally would have said to anyone that looked at him the way Mia and Emma were. Pity. Sadness. He hated those gazes directed at him. He cleared his throat in hopes they'd get the message that he was alright and that their pitying looks were appreciated but not helpful. Emma caught Mia's uncertain glance and nodded. Removing her hand, she sighed.

"Very well. If your father says it's alright," Emma trailed. "I'll meet you both outside. Don't be long."

Mia clapped her hands happily, hugging her aunt tightly. "We won't. Come on Aaron." She grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the room while dialing her dad with the other hand. "Hello Daddy?"

He watched Mia from the darkness of the trees surrounding the building. She was smiling at Aaron eagerly, holding his hand and climbing into a car with him. His body ached with equal parts of remorse and jealousy, seeing her look at another boy the way she was. He wanted nothing more than to reveal himself to her, to be with her, seek comfort, and ask for her forgiveness.

He never should have left. He never should have left her, gone on without her. He never should have broken her heart. Breaking it broke a little of his own, a little of him. But he needed answers. He needed power. His father's rejection had hurt him deeper than he was willing to admit to himself and to Mia.

At first, he wanted to find his biological parents. He wanted to meet the man and woman that created him, that were a part of him. He wanted to understand what happened and why they decided to give him up. Was he not what they wanted? Was he an accident they were too overwhelmed by? Or were his abilities a shock, a curse, they couldn't deal with? Did they think he was the Anti-Christ or a demon? He wanted to know the truth. It had always haunted him. Especially, when he first showed signs of paranormal abilities.

He was thirteen years old when it first happened and it terrified him. That whole year, he lived in fear of what was happening. He wanted it to go away, wished for it to stop. He couldn't tell his adoptive parents. They wouldn't have any answers. They weren't the ones who made him. Only his biological parents would know. So he did his best to keep his abilities a secret. He did his best to learn how to control them on his own. At least until he was old enough to ask about his search for his birth parents.

At seventeen he began his search. It started off as a secret. He didn't want his adoptive parents to find out. He didn't want to hurt their feelings. He didn't want them to think he was ungrateful or that he didn't love them. They were the best adoptive parents and orphan could ever dream to have. There were just some things he needed to do alone. Or so he thought.

He found the paperwork for his adoption in his father's office. He read that his biological mother died a month after he was born and that his biological father was never present in his life. That he had shown up the day after he was born to ensure he wasn't listed as the father on the birth certificate, though he did sign away his parental rights to him in case he was given up for adoption. He even asked not to be found. He wanted no connection to him whatsoever. Didn't even want to see him or know his name.

After reading that, he decided he didn't want to meet this man. Why would he? This man didn't want anything to with him. Didn't want to see him, hold him, or know his name. He wasn't even there for his mother's funeral! No, he didn't want anything to do with the man that was one part of his DNA. Not anymore. His dad, his adoptive father, was twice the man his birth father could ever be.

Instead, he channeled his pain on finding everything he could about his mother, though he knew he'd be unable to shake off his father's cruel rejection. He found she lived a sad, tragic life. It was very heartbreaking; he couldn't deal with it alone. He went to Mia one night and told her everything in a sobbing mess. He told her about his birth mother and how hard her life was. How she and her sisters were physically abused by her parents. How, as hard as she tried to protect her sisters, she couldn't and they all died, one after another, to their father's abuse, to drug abuse, to domestic abuse, and any other abuse in between. How she had finally left the hell she was living, determined to be something, someone worthy of love and respect, only to fall victim to the men and women that were supposed to be her friends and teachers. He told her how strong his mother was despite all she had gone through. How he read she fought for her sisters, fought her teachers and friends, and anyone that failed to follow the humane justices but ultimately lost every time. He told Mia that that didn't stop his mother. She fought until she received justice. She didn't care how long it took or how in debt she'd become, she wanted justice and she will have it. Unfortunately, she never did and was forced to move on.

He told her about the time his mother met his father – whoever he was because even then his name was blacked out of any and every document that his mother was in. He told her how happy she was at first. How lucky she felt to have met someone like his father and how in love she was until he changed and began to scare him. No paper or document could reveal what it was that scared her since his name was practically erased but he continued nonetheless. Telling her that the fighter in his mother was silenced and that when she found out she was pregnant, knew she had to leave. So she did.

His father found her though, realized she was pregnant, and forced her to sign a contract. What the context of the contract was, he wishes he knew. It was sealed shut. No way around, legally or illegally, to unseal it. It didn't matter, though. He wasn't there until after he was two weeks old for a visit. Unable to find whatever it was he was looking for, he left for good. He told Mia that a week after his father's visit, his mother died. All the injustice she had endured caught up to her and killed her. He couldn't bring himself to tell her about his father's rejection and the length's he took to ensure he wouldn't be found or called upon. It was a shame he didn't want her to see.

He was at his weakest, at his most vulnerable, a horrible ugly mess for her to see and be disgusted by. Imagine his surprise when she pulled him closer to her, wrapped her arms tightly around him. Imagine his surprise when she rubbed soothing circles on his back, softly murmuring that it was ok. Just imagine the relief he felt to have been accepted despite his newly discovered past. The soft reassuring mumbles she gave him was a blessing he wasn't sure he deserved. It was then, in that moment, he knew he could trust Mia. He knew he could trust to be himself with her. The real him. The him he was hiding from his parents and everyone else around him. He knew he could tell her the truth about himself. He just wasn't ready. Not then. Not yet. Rather, he asked Mia if she could keep what he told her a secret. That if anyone asked about his birth parents to say his dad was never around and that his mother died giving birth to him. It would have been a merciful death. Mia, of course, promised.

She asked him if he had planned to tell his adoptive parents what he'd done. He replied he hadn't. It was best if he didn't. His journey to the past had ended.

"Are you sure?" she had questioned. "Are you sure it's over? Are you sure you're done?"


"And your father?"


"You say that now…"

"I'm sure."

Mia placed a hand on his cheek, giving him a small smile of acceptance. "Do you know what I think?" He shook his head. "I think you are incredibly brave and strong and amazing." She kissed him softly on the lips. "But I don't think you're quite done yet. I think you should look for your mother's grave and say good bye."

And he did. He searched for her gravesite and visited her one winter break. He brought Mia along with him for moral support. He cried silently, placing a grand bouquet of flowers on her gravestone. He apologized for all that she had gone through, and vowed to honor her memory by not becoming the monster that his birth father was. He squeezed Mia's hand gently, appreciatively, and they both walked away.

It was because of Mia that he was able to overcome that sadness. It was Amelia Hewitt that comforted him when his adoptive parents died. When he accidentally killed them on his Ascension and realized he was a danger to her as well. She was the reason he went looking for his birth father and believed him when he said that killing the Covenant was the only way to gain the power that would stabilize him as well as negate the curse. He wanted to be with Mia for the rest of his life since she was all he had left. He did what he was told to do, what he thought he had to. It wasn't until after he lost the fight with Caleb that he realized he was wrong. He recognized his dad had used him to avenge the Putnam line and he almost died to his deceit.

When he awoke in a small barn in Salem, it was the thought of Amelia Hewitt that brought him back from that despairing darkness. He went to Ipswich under false pretenses from his deadbeat dad but it's Amelia Hewitt he seeks on his return to Ipswich.

He got the answers he wanted. He understood the powers he has are enough. His father's rejection was no longer an issue for him. All he wanted now was to redeem himself. Make amends to the Sons of Ipswich, perhaps, if allowed and after forgiveness, assist with a solution to the consequence of Using. Make amends with Mia and hope she still loves him as he still loves her. All he wanted was to start over.

Amelia Hewitt was, is, his second chance.

A/N: Hello everyone! How are you doing? Good I hope. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Life man. Life. Anyway, I hope you all like this chapter. It was a b*tch to write. I had to force myself to write it and when I did, it would just flow right out of me and then I'd get interrupted and then I'd force myself to write and then be interrupted... It was very frustrating! And when I had to type it? Aye! It was a slow an arduous task, dude, I'm telling ya! But it's done. It's ready. :)

There's a bit more info in this chapter. Caleb's suspicions. Aaron has questions now that he realizes quite a bit went down in the 2 years he hadn't seen Mia. We meet Aunt Emma (and it won't be the last time. She's actually a big part of the story as is Mia's dad). Chase made an appearance in the end with a bit of background information for you guys. And yes, that is Chase. I don't know why I didn't just say it was him. I guess I just got lazy.

I have no idea when the next chapter is coming since I haven't even started to write it. I know some questions will be answered. Maybe Harley and Quinn return with new orders from Him. I don't know. It's almost as much a surprise to me as it is for you guys. :p

Fic of the Day/Week/Month/Year: November Sun by Ella Wright

Thank you for reading! :)