"Do you think you could practice your falsetto while I'm gone? I've been working on this arrangement for Tiny Dancer that I think could be really great as a duet with Kurt." Rachel asked Finn, who was sprawled out on her living room floor watching the NBA playoffs.
"There are so many things wrong about what you just said." Finn said, sitting up and facing her.
"Like what?"
"Well, first, there's the whole you're-leaving-me-for-a-whole-month-to-go-to-a-fancy-theater-camp thing. Then the idea that you want me to do a duet of a Billy Joel song with Kurt. Oh, and falsetto? Not gonna happen."
"Elton John."
"Tiny Dancer is an Elton John song, not Billy Joel."
"That's all you have to say?"
"No, I'm just waiting for you to change your mind now that you know that it's an Elton John song."
"I'm not going to change my mind."
"What if it was a different Elton song?"
"Like what?"
"Can You Feel the Love Tonight might be a better fit for you, now that you mention it." Rachel suggested.
"That's the one from The Lion King, right?"
"Mhmm." Rachel confirmed, already scribbling notes in her music binder.
"Do I get to be Pumba?"
"What?" she asked, looking up.
"Joke. Now can you please take a break from all the arranging and just hang out with me?"
"But I have so many ideas for glee club next year and I really want to get started on them before I leave tomorrow."
"The music's feelings won't be hurt if you put it off until the plane ride to New York. I, on the other hand, will have some very hurt feelings if you leave without giving me a proper goodbye." Finn said as he pulled her down off of the couch and into his lap.
"I'm sorry. I guess I have been ignoring you a little bit since Mr. Shuester told us that glee club isn't being cancelled last month."
"Yes, you have." He teased, nuzzling her neck.
"Well I'm very sorry. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" Rachel asked suggestively.
"Not go off to New York for a month?" Finn joked.
"Other than that. I was thinking maybe something that would require going upstairs." Rachel whispered, closing in on him for a short, but intensely promising, kiss.
"Ooooh. I like the sound of that." He said, moving to get off the floor.
"I thought you might."
Several minutes into their heavy make out session, Rachel stopped abruptly.
"Do you have any-?" She asked softly.
"Any what? Oh yeah. Are you sure you want to-?" he started to ask while reaching for his wallet.
"Of course I am." Rachel nodded before pulling him down for another kiss. Unfortunately, one of his hands was still in his pocket, so he lost his balance and fell to his side.
"Mmph." Finn grunted in surprise.
"Oh, I'm sorry!"
"Don't be sorry. It's not your fault I'm such a big oaf. Are you alright?" Finn asked, worried that he had landed on and broken her.
"Never better." She answered, pulling him to her again.
"Hold on. Don't you think we should talk about this?" Finn protested, not wanting to go any farther with Rachel than he already had without telling her about his past with Santana.
"Talk about what? I thought things were going well between us? Don't you want to?" Rachel asked, confused.
"Of course I do, more than anything. But I think our first time should be more than just something to remember each other by when you leave. And I really don't want you to feel like you have to do this to make me feel better about you leaving."
"I don't. I just thought that we were ready. Don't you?"
"Maybe. But our first time should be special and romantic. Something worthy of a star like you." Finn said, grasping at straws.
"As long as it's you and me, it will be."
"But there's something that I've been meaning to talk to you about." Finn said.
Suddenly, Rachel heard the garage door opening downstairs.
"Shoot! My dads are home. Come on!" Rachel ordered, pulling him off the bed and out of her bedroom.
"Uh, Rach, where are we going? Shouldn't we be going downstairs?" Finn asked when they passed the stairs.
"We have to pass the garage door to get to the living room. There's not enough time to get there." She said, leading him into the family's huge media library.
"Okay, but what are we doing in here?"
"Looking for The Lion King." She directed him toward the wall of DVDs before turning toward the sheet music.
"So we can say we're doing research on a song for glee club. Can You Feel the Love Tonight, remember?" She reminded him as she grabbed the music for the Disney movie.
"Huh? Oh yeah, that. You weren't actually serious about that, were you?" Finn asked, pulling the movie off its shelf.
"Rachel, honey, come to the kitchen. Your dad and I have a surprise for you." One of Rachel's dads called up the stairs.
"Just a minute, Daddy." Rachel called back before handing Finn the sheet music for both the movie and the Broadway show.
"But I had something I wanted to talk about." Finn said as they made their way downstairs.
"We'll talk about it later, okay?" Rachel promised.
"Surprise!" The pair was greeted with cheers from the entire glee club.
"What's going on?" Rachel asked, surprised.
"We couldn't just let you leave without a proper send-off." Rachel's dad explained.
"Yeah, we had to celebrate the fact that we don't have to hear your any of your 'critiques' for a whole month." Puck joked.
"Shut it, Puckerman!" Rachel joked before giving him a quick hug and turning to Quinn, "I'm glad you guys came."
"Okay enough with all this lame greeting stuff. Let's get this party started!" Mercedes broke in.
Several hours later, everyone but Finn had gone home. Rachel and Finn were cleaning up the living room while her parents worked on the kitchen.
"That was fun. I'm glad everybody came." Rachel said.
"Mhmm. I had a good time." Finn agreed.
"I'm really glad Quinn and Puck came. I think they needed a night like this after everything that's happened in the last month."
"Yeah, I know they haven't been hanging out much since the baby was born."
"I am disappointed that we didn't get to finish what we started upstairs though." Rachel added.
"Oh. Well I guess we just have more to look forward to when you get home." Finn said, pulling her into his arms.
"That we do." Rachel promised, standing up on her tiptoes to meet him for a kiss.
"So what was it you wanted to talk to me about before everyone else showed up?" she asked when they pulled apart.
"Oh, nothing important. It can wait." Finn stalled, not wanting to discuss Santana with both of her fathers in the next room.
"Rachel, honey, it's getting late. You've got a long day tomorrow." Her dad said as he passed the living room on the way to the stairs.
"I guess that means its time for me to go." Finn groaned.
"I think so too. Are you still going to drive me to the airport in the morning?"
"Of course. Do you really think I would pass up the chance to see my girl one last time before she goes off for the summer? What time do you want me to pick you up?"
"My flight leaves at two and the airport recommends arriving two hours early, so around eleven?"
"Okay, I'll see you then. Goodnight." Finn said, giving her a quick peck on the lips before letting himself out the front door.
When Finn arrived at eleven the next morning, as promised, he found Rachel pacing around the media room in a panic.
"Hey, Rach. Ready to go?"
"No. What if the camp doesn't have a good music selection. I think I should take a few pieces from my own collection just in case. But I can't decide which ones would suit the mood of the camp best."
"Haven't you been going to this camp for years? I think you would know by now if its musical selection was good enough for you."
"I suppose you're right. But I think I'm going to take a least a couple of pieces. Can you get that one for me?" Rachel asked, pointing at the score for Evita, which was several inches out of her reach.
"Here. Anything else?"
"No, I think I've got everything I need." Rachel said, gathering her selections.
After long goodbyes with her dads and several promises to call every night, the couple was finally on the road. The drive to the airport was mostly uneventful, save for a lively argument over Rachel's insistence that he forfeit his Pantera CD in exchange for Elton John's greatest hits. As he was trying to navigate the airport terminals, Finn's phone beeped, announcing the arrival of a new text message.
"Could you read it for me? I'm probably lost already." Finn asked, handing Rachel his phone.
"Sure." She said, taking his phone and flipping it open to reveal the message.
"Now that man-hands is out of the picture, you ready for some seconds?- S". Rachel stared at the message in silence for several seconds before Finn broke her train of thought.
"Who's it from?"
"Why is Santana Lopez asking if you're ready for seconds?"