Sorry for the late update and reminder that 122 is Courtney :)

"Oooh someone is out to get me, I'm sooooooo scared!" I said making sure to drench the sentence with sarcasm.

"I don't know Duncan, I think you should be careful, I mean you test on people, that's bound to make somebody pissed." 122 said.

"I don't know Duncan, I think you should be careful I mean you test on people, blah blah blah." I mimicked in a girly voice, in response 122 sent a sharp elbow to my ribs. I helped Cody out of the closet and he dusted himself off.

"Really Duncan, you should listen to her, this guy is legit. He definitely kicked my ass." Cody added.

"No offense, but Cody look at you. A bunny could kick your ass."

"Glad to know what you think of me." Cody responded dryly. At least he didn't look hurt this time, usually he's on the verge of crying when I insult him.

"Now lets get out of here, I have work to do."

"Are you still testing on people? I swear, if you don't stop soon-" 122 started to nag.

"I will have you put in a straight-jacket so you stop escaping from your cell. Don't worry, I'm not testing on anybody...yet." Another elbow to the ribs. "Stop that, I'm going to get a bruised rib."

"Better a bruised rub, than a scientist testing on you." 122 said, I wasn't sure if she meant that lightly.

We all walked into the elevator and the topic of the 6th floor popped up again. "Cody, whats in the 6th floor? Duncan won't tell me."

I tensed up, that idiot better not say anything. "Actually, I honestly don't know. It's a very restricted place. Duncan won't tell me whats there either." Phew, I forgot that I decided not to tell blabber-mouth Cody whats down there.

"You might as well give up, Cody has. I will never tell anyone besides the people that work there, what's down there."

"Ooooh, you just sparked back my interest in that level! What do you say Courtney, you and me team up to find out whats down there?" Cody suggested.

"Good plan." 122 responded.

"Bad plan, I swear if either of you try to go down there I will-"

"Put me in a straight jacket I know I know!" 122 replied jokingly.

"No, I'm very serious-"

"Uh-huh right." She replied sarcastically.

"Really, 122-"

"Right, right, uh-huh, right."

"Shut up! I'm dead serious about this," I said strictly. I looked them both sternly,"If either of you even attempt to get down there, I will cut out your tongues so you can never tell a soul about what lives there."

Dead silence. Okay maybe that was a tad drastic. I just wanted them to know this was a real problem, I didn't want to scare them shitless.

"Okay, maybe I won't cut your tongues out, but there will be consequences." I said with a cooler tone.

"I know I'm never going down there now, or looking at you the wrong way ever again heh...heh..." Cody said to try and lighten the mood, but he was obviously still freaked.

I glanced over at 122, she wasn't scared, she was actually smirking. That mischievous, plotting smirk. "What are you thinking about?" I eyed her suspiciously.

"Ohh, nothing. I just don't want my tongue cut out is all." She said with scheme heavily lining her tone. She stepped off of the elevator and smirked as she eyed me with a glint of mischief. The elevator door closed as I saw her look away and strut off back to her cell.

"I hate to say it, because I'm deathly afraid of you, but she is SO planning on going to the 6th floor." Cody added.

"I know...we have to keep a close eye on her...but damn man, I gotta admit that was hot. Defiance, she definitely knows how to toy with me."

"Ummm, so you like her?" Fuck, I didn't know I said the "hot" part out loud.

"Pssshhhh, no I don't like her!"

"Uh-huh right."

"Stop that, we don't need to relive that elevator scene again, do we?"

"No, no! Oh, look it's my stop!" Cody said running out.

At least I know he'll be loyal to me, not necessarily because he likes me but because he's terrified of me. Respect through fear is the way to go..

I waited until the elevator reached my floor and I was instantly greeted by 122. "What took you so long slow poke?" She said while flipping through a magazine.

"How did you were just...never mind. What do you want?"

"I'm bored lets do something fun."


"Like...I don't know, what do you do for fun?"

"Test on people."

"No really."

"I don't know, I don't have time for fun."

"Okay, half of the time you just sit here drinking coffee, you have PLENTY of time for fun." She said.

"I don't know, what do you think is fun?"

She smiled wide and reached for my hand, "C'mon, I'll show you." She dragged me toward the elevator taking me who knows where.

She took me out to the garden and she decided that to make this place less "drab" we had to plant lots of exotic flowers. We rushed over to the the nearest botany store and she snagged at least three shopping carts full of stuff.

It was expensive, but according to her, it was "toooooootally worth it."

When we finally got back I wanted nothing more than to sleep, but she forced me and 10 of my security guards to start planting, "this garden HAS to be done by the end of the day." She stated at least 40 times.

After I dismissed the security guards it was just me and her. We leaned over one area trying to plant the last of the seeds that we bought.

"You know the balsam flower is said to represent passionate love." She said, glancing up at me and carefully passing the "love" seeds over to me. And yes we did have that cheesy moment when our hands met and lingered there just a little too long.

I glanced back at her, "Does it really?" It was only now when I noticed how very close her face was to mine. I watched as a trickle of sweat dripped from her brow and me wanting suck up every ounce of this moment, gently brushed it off her as it reached her cheek.

She blushed slightly and turned away, "Oh dear, I probably look really attractive right now; frizzy hair, no make-up, and sweating like a pig."

"You have never looked more lovely." I smiled at her. Okay, that was a total lie, but I'm not ruining this moment. She elbowed me again, but it was playful this time.

"Shut up you liar." She smiled. She reached over and grabbed the last batch of seeds, she held it up in front of her face and said, "But I bet you also didn't know that the marigold represents pain and grief. So we have passionate love that is troubled by pain and grief. Oh how tragic!" She jokingly said as she dramatically placed her hand over her heart.

She tossed the marigold seeds off to the side. "What shall we do? Our love is destined for misery!" She continued the dramatic schtick.

What the hell, might as well play along. I looked over my shoulder to make sure no one could see us, I like her but I'm not about to embarrass myself with all this cheesy role play. The coast was clear. "Well, I think we should enjoy the passionate part while we still can!" I picked her up bridal style and started to walk back toward the building.

She laughed, "Okay Duncan, this is really weird now, we can stop."

"Shhhhh, my love, words aren't necessary." She smiled and rolled her eyes. "Off we go-whoa!" I tripped on one of the planting beds and we both were sent flying toward the ground.

We made a loud thud when we hit the ground and I landed in kind of a push up position with her face directly below mine. She was cracking up, "Real smooth."

I would have laughed too, but for me, the jokey mood ended. When I saw the way wisps of her hair were gracefully laid around her face and how the corner of her eyes wrinkled when she laughed, I couldn't hide that I was captivated.

I was completely taken with her. I brushed a piece of her hair away from her face and that is when she too noticed the mood change. She gazed up at me her large onyx eyes being fully absorbed by my teal ones.

"Ummm, Duncan?" Called a timid voice from afar. I didn't dare break the trance.

"Duncan, I hate to interrupt but it's important. " Called the voice again. I took these last moments to etch this moment in my head. The shadows cast on her face, the way her hair was messily spread on the ground. I blinked, capturing the moment for the last time and I looked up to see Cody in the doorway of the building.

He beckoned me over and walked into the building. I looked back down, but she was gone. I don't know how, but she was. I sighed heavily, got up and dusted myself off. I headed back into the building but when I got into the doorway I turned back and looked at the garden, a beautiful moment, a missed opportunity, and hopefully the last, because next time I see her, well, I'm not missing another opportunity.

So sorry that that was really cheesy but I can't really help it so please review and thanks for reading!