Title: The Adventures of Kristen Harrison
Author: MCMGM
Characters: Kristen Harrison, Jeff Buckley, Layne Staley, George Harrison, various throughout 1970-present.
Rating: M
Content: Language. Mild violence, drug use, strong sexual situations.
Disclaimer: I only own Kristen and all other fictional characters. Everyone else owns themselves.
A/N: Set in a UA. Other than some factual situations, NONE of this happened. Story is a spin off to "In Spite Of All The Danger".
"Are you ok, sis?"
"Yeah. Just thinking."
"Penny for your thoughts?"
Kristen Harrison turned from her brother, Dhani, and looked over the balcony where they stood. The was rather busy for that time of night in England.
"Just a lot. Dad, Layne, Jeff...how we got here."
"Dad was proud of you, he still is."
"I just miss him. Especially right now."
"I do too, Kris." Dhani said as he patted her on the back.
"I know you do. I'm sorry, I'm being a drag."
"Hey, don't sweat it. Tonight is a special night for all of us. It's your big unveiling."
Kristen looked up at him. The spitting image of the man they were there to celebrate. Of their departed father. Her chocolate brown eyes filled up with tears.
"Hey, hey. What's wrong?"
"I'm just afraid I'm going to screw up tonight. This is really huge, Dhani."
"You'll be fine," he said as said joined her on the railing. "You've practiced over and over. I know you, you'll make it through"
"I hope..."
"Come come now, straighten up. You're gonna ruin your make up and mum wouldn't stand for that." he said with his best smile.
"No, I suppose not."
"Seriously, you look beautiful, sis. You'll do fine."
"Thank you."
"Let's get over to soundcheck, shall we?"
Dhani lead Kristen out of the room and into an elevator. They walked out of their hotel and into a waiting limo. Kristen looked out the window, they were in the city of Westminster, on the way to the Royal Albert Hall. It was there that they would be preforming at a concert honoring their father's memory. And the first time Kristen would sing in front of an audience bigger than 4. She was nervous to say the least.
"Kristen?" Dhani tapped her on the shoulder. They had arrived while she was lost in her head.
They got out and followed the driver to the giant building.
"Are you ready?" Dhani asked.
"As much as I'll ever be." Kristen responded as the doors swung open.