GWEN HAS A POV? haha, okay i made a promise i would finish this story, and i'm keeping it! so...ENJOY!

Gwen's P.O.V

As i stand there looking love struck. someone jumps out of no where and smiles

"Hey Gwen" It was Bridgette again, no shock.

"Hey..." I smile goofy like, Of course Bridge notices my odd behavior

"Um, did i miss something?" she looked around and then turned back to me raising her eye brow while smiling. "Huh?" i was cut off.

"Yeah?" Well shesh, Bridge! can i finish my sentence? i thought.

" know Trent right? well when i skipped class...he," Bridgette's eyes went from relaxed to excited "Asked me to the dance, and i said yes" she then squealed, it reminded me of the 2 girls i can't possibly forget, Katie and Sadie you could call the twins but there really Bff's.

Ever since i told Bridge about Trent, it was prom time for her since prom was actually tonight. We got this cool dress that i actually didn't mind, it was black with blue little ruffles outside the medium sized dress with a little blue ribbon tied around my waist and a blue head band, The dress was strapless to. Not to trampish either!

We were getting ready, since our dates were picking us up. Bridgette looked really beautiful with her hair down and that long blue dress which sparkled a little bit. as i finished the last pieces with my hair i wondered how the dance would be since i've never went to one until now. Would i have an amazing time? Or will it be hell for me? Yet again, My friend takes me out of my thinking. I see her with a box, i was looking confused so she just smiled and rolled her eyes.

"I think this will suit you" she opened the box and there was sitting was black high heels like Courtney's, and black fingerless gloves. There where really cool. as i was putting them on i heard a honk outside, Bridge walked over to the window and waved.

"There here!" she grabbed my arm before i could even get up. We were staring at the door smiling. She tugged my arm "Uhh,I'm right here you know?" she giggled and said "Lets make this your best night ever! okay?" I smiled and nodded.

I walked outside, feeling a little uneasy because there...Trent was wearing a very attractive suit, It was light brown-ish with a black tie, and some shiny black shoes!

I smiled when he opened the limo, limo! and it's not a girly color! black, just the way i like it! He let me in first, and he then got in second while Bridgette and Geoff where in the front since she said me and Trent should get privacy.

I noticed him staring at me, so i decided to break the silence "Cool suit.." i mumbled he had to hear me, "I love your dress, Beautiful" he winked, while blushed and smiled, I noticed him scooting over to me.

I just smiled, "So Beautiful, Excited for prom?" he put his arm over my shoulder, "Uh...yeah, you?" he smiled "of course! I'm with beautiful, aren't i?" when i was bout to say something back, music started playing

Trent smiled, "My favorite song, 'She Will Be Loved'" Lyrics by lyrics Trent tapped his foot, "This song will remind me of you, from now on" i looked in his beautiful green eyes, as he looked in my black eyes

Tap on my window knock on my door

I want to make you feel beautiful

I know I tend to get insecure

It doesn't matter anymore...

We started moving in closer...

It's not always rainbows and butterflies

It's compromise that moves us along

My heart is full and my door's always open

You can come anytime you want...

Now even closer...

I don't mind spending everyday

Out on your corner in the pouring rain

Look for the girl with the broken smile

Ask her if she wants to stay awhile

And she will be loved

She will be loved

So close you could even taste our breathe...

She will Be Loved...

We were so close, until the limo stopped all of a sudden which made us fall with a loud thud!

"Were here, dudes and dudette's!" Geoff called out. "Great..." i moaned.

All four of us were walking into the gym, It was pretty amazing! The decorations were really cool, and kind of dark so i'm pretty sure you get my point. The thing that caught my eye was Noah and Katie. There were dancing with each other since it was a slow dance. Katie was gazing threw Noah's dark brown eyes, Noah must have said something romantic because Katie's face just turned light pink. Just by seconds They went into a deep and romantic kiss. I made a hurl noise, which made Trent turn to me "Are you okay?" i smiled weakly and nodded.

Time passed and i was having an Okay time, "Prom really does suck..." I mumbled, I guess Trent heard because after i mumbled it out, his smile went away and he got up from the chair. i didn't care, well not right now. I was kind of having a horrible time since Bridgette was all over Geoff, Izzy and Duncan were just...WOW! Courtney and Justin real all love struck, And WHY THE F*CK DO I KEEP LOOKING AT NOAH AND KATIE MAKING OUT!

Then, All of a sudden...I heard 'She Will Be Loved' and i see Trent coming up to me, I just HAD to smile. He took out his hand and i grabbed it while he was leading me to the dance floor, full of couples dancing with each other.

Beauty queen of only eighteen

She had some trouble with herself

He was always there to help her

She always belonged to someone else

I wrapped my arms around his neck, while he gently puts his hand on my hips.

I drove for miles and miles

And wound up at your door

I've had you so many times but somehow

I want more

We smile at each other, enjoying the moment.

I don't mind spending everyday (goes on

Out on your corner in the pouring rain

Look for the girl with the broken smile

Ask her if she wants to stay awhile

And she will be loved

She will be loved

We now stare at each other's eyes, Like i thought before, he has the most beautiful green eyes, She has the most beautiful Black eyes i've seen, and trust me! I;ve seen a lot of black pretty eyes... Trent thought.

Tap on my window knock on my door

I want to make you feel beautiful

I know I tend to get so insecure

It doesn't matter anymore

We see each other's lips, and close in...

t's not always rainbows and butterflies

It's compromise that moves us along, yeah

My heart is full and my door's always open

You can come anytime you want

We make sure we can now hear each other breathe and feel it on our skins...

I don't mind spending everyday

Out on your corner in the pouring rain

Look for the girl with the broken smile

Ask her if she wants to stay awhile

And she will be loved

And she will be loved

And she will be loved

And she will be loved (goes on

And then...

I know where you hide

Alone in your car

Know all of the things that make you who you are

I know that goodbye means nothing at all

Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls

We kiss...


"ICE CREAM! WHERE?" Owen yells as he pushes me and Trent out of the way.

He looks around the food table and notices no ice cream :(

As i rub my head i notice Heather waving with her arm wrapped around Alejandro, they smirked and walked away. I blew the hair out of my face and groaned.

Geoff and Bridgette just dropped off me at my house, Trent insisted to walk me to my front i agreed while doing so, since he said his house wasn't to far. The two blondes waved their goodbyes and headed off to go home.

When we reached the front of my house Trent Held my right hand and spoke "Hope you had a great time" I stared at my hand and looked up at him "Umm...yeah...I had a great time...Well...I should be-" Before i could even finish my sentence Trent gave a peck on my lips. I stared in shock and a love struck face, he smiled and whispered in my ear "Good night, Beautiful"

"Good night..." I whispered back while giving a kiss on his soft check.

It may have not been the most romantic kiss you could ever get, But it was perfect for me I thought while shutting the door.

Hope you like it Fckn!