The Shape of Things to Come a Battlestar Galactica/ Star Wars Crossover

Prologue – This is Not Our Fate

3613 ATC (40 BBY) Unknown Regions, Battlestar Galactica

"There must be some kind of way out of here" Kara whispered to herself

Destiny was a strange thing it sometimes seemed so unclear, but right at that moment Kara Thrace could feel some greater power guiding her destiny, it was clear.

1123, 6536, 5321

Coordinates not verified

Kara inserted the FTL key "Jump" she screamed to the ship and Galactica disappeared in a flash of light.

3613 ATC (40 BBY) Bakura System, Wild Space


Jump Complete

Galactica groaned from the stress of the jump, fighters were thrown from the flight decks as the sudden change in nearby gravity wells caused the ship to twist and shake. The vibration and the twisting began to slow as the ships engines came back online and corrected the ship's erratic flight path.

"XO sitrep, damage report." Admiral William Adama asked as the crew and soldiers aboard the ship were getting to their feet after the turbulent jump.

"Yes sir" said Colonel Saul Tigh. He surveyed the ship's damage control monitors "We're mostly here, engines, life support, lateral structural members are intact, gods damned lucky is what we are if we'd jumped out any closer to a gravity well it would have broke her back." Saul finished

"FTL drive is down, wherever we are we're going to be here for a while." said Adama

"Where have you taken us Kara?" President Laura Roslin asked quietly

So that's the first chapter not very long but I really don't feel like retelling all of "Daybreak Part II" as for the technobabble I'll try to stay away from it as much as possible but I needed a good reason to explain why Galactica survived what in the BSG 'verse was her last jump, and sudden changes in local gravity fields after a jump seems the most plausible explanation for why jumping caused the ship to be basically twisted around. And that's how Galactica ended up in the SW' verse

The Dates are listed as the SW galaxy's own dates ATC is years after the treaty of Coruscant for those who don't know because if characters in the story ever reference dates it will be ATC or BTC however I will put the dates in BBY or ABY in brackets behind it Next chapter picks up in 32 BBY during TPM

Please R&R it may encourage me to Post new Chapters sooner

Not bad for something that started as a plot bunny